ID | 931 |
Cost | 12 |
Rarity | 5 |
Base HP | 0 |
Max HP | 0 |
Base ATK | 500 |
Max ATK | 2,000 |
Increase Arts Card effectiveness by 10%.
Increase NP Gain by 10%.
Increase NP Strength by 15%.
Increase Bounty of the Sparrow drops by 1.
[New Year 2021 Sparrow's Inn Event Only]
Limit Break
Increase Arts Card effectiveness by 15%.
Increase NP Gain by 15%.
Increase NP Strength by 20%.
Increase Bounty of the Sparrow drops by 2.
[New Year 2021 Sparrow's Inn Event Only]
Craft Essence Detail
Illustrator: LAM
The feathered shuttlecock flies and makes a soft tapping noise as it is struck. The more synchronized the volley, the longer the sound continues.
And even if you miss, don't worry. The more markings on your face, the more smiles all around!