ID | 1469 |
Cost | 9 |
Rarity | 4 |
Base HP | 0 |
Max HP | 0 |
Base ATK | 400 |
Max ATK | 1,500 |
Apply Sure Hit to self.
Increase Quick Card effectiveness by 5%.
Increase NP Gain by 5%.
Increase Pirate Tankard drops by 1.
[Summer 2023 Chaldea Summer Adventure only]
Limit Break
Apply Sure Hit to self.
Increase Quick Card effectiveness by 8%.
Increase NP Gain by 10%.
Increase Pirate Tankard drops by 2.
[Summer 2023 Chaldea Summer Adventure only]
Craft Essence Detail
Illustrator: Ban!
Somewhere in this world, there is a beach with sand the color of coral. For the two inhuman figures there, lying upon those sands only makes it seem even more like a dream. Perhaps this is no more than an illusion, destined to disappear in the summer mist...