Double Koyanskaya, Oberon, 50% Charge CE, and Plugsuit (Green Borders)
The double Koyanskaya, Oberon, and 50% charge CE is the most common setup. In 2024, the CE "Cranking" will be the best to slot in here. Currently, Aerial Drive is the best. CEs with NP damage and 50% Charge are preferable due to Oberon, but any will work. In almost every situation it is presumed Masters have Append skill 2 at max level for 20% extra starting charge.
All Servants highlighted green have a charge skill of at least 30% with a cooldown of 6 or less turns.
Sample Servant | Craft Essence | Max Append Skill 2 Required? | Method |
 |  | Yes, unless Servant has 50%+ charge. |
- Turn 1: You will begin with 70% charge. Use the DPS Servant's charge skill to hit 100% (or possibly 120%).
- Turn 2: Use both Koyanskayas on the field to boost the Servant's gauge to 100%.
- Turn 3: The DPS Servant's charge skill will come off cooldown. Recast it, swap in Oberon, and place all his skills on the DPS Servant for 100% gauge.
Double Koyanskaya, Oberon, 2x Overcharge CE, and Plugsuit (Red Borders)
Several Altria-style Servants have a NP gauge refund on their overcharge skill. By using this with a CE such as Duke of Flames or, in 2024, Rising Mud Rain, Servants can gain bonus damage with NP strength doubled by Oberon. All related Servants are presumed to have append skill 2 maxed.
Sample Servant | Craft Essence | Max Append Skill 2 Required? | Method |
 |  | Yes, unless Servant has 50%+ charge. | - Turn 1: You will begin at 20% charge. Cast the Servant's 30%+ charge and one of Vitch's 50% charges on the Servant.
- Turn 2: The Servant will refund at least 30%. Use the other Vitch's 50% charge and swap in Oberon to finish off the last 20%.
- Turn 3: The Servant's charge will be off cooldown. Use this charge and Oberon's 50% charge to finish.
Double Koyanskaya, Oberon, Kaleidoscope, and Plugsuit (Purple Borders)
Due to cooldowns, certain Servants with at least 30% charge skills cannot reset their charge skills or otherwise not gain enough charge. This will require a Kaleidoscope to compensate which significantly harms damage potential.
Sample Servant | Craft Essence | Max Append Skill 2 Required? | Method |
 |  | Yes, unless Kaleidoscope is MLB. | - Turn 1: You will begin with 100% guage to NP with.
- Turn 2: Use both Koyanskaya charges to charge to 100%.
- Turn 3: Swap in Oberon. Use the Servant's charge skill and Oberon's charges to reach 100%.
Double Koyanskaya, Kaleidoscope, and Atlas Mystic Code (Orange Borders)
Any Servant with an effective 50% charge on a 7-turn cooldown or less can loop using a Kaleidoscope and an Atlas Mystic code. Without using Oberon or a damaging CE, these comps are typically low damage. Compared to Arts compositions these do less damage, so should not be used unless refund is an issue. These can use a regular Kaleidoscope with append skill 2 maxed, or a MLB kaleidoscope.
Sample Servant | Craft Essence | Max Append Skill 2 Required? | Method |
 |  | Yes, unless Kaleidoscope is MLB. | - Turn 1: Cast the Noble Phantasm.
- Turn 2: Use the Servant's charge to get to 50%, and then Koyanskaya's charge to get to 100%.
- Turn 3: Use the other Koyanskaya's 50% charge. Use Atlas Mystic Code to get the Servant's charge off cooldown. Charge said Servant to 100%.
Special Cases (Blue Borders)
Some Servants have different methods of looping than standard.
Servant | Craft Essence | Max Append Skill 2 Required? | Method |
 |  | Unneeded | - Turn 1: Begin in Ascension 1 or 2 with Melusine. Cast skills 1 and 3 to receive 100% NP gauge.
- Turn 2-3: Run just like a Green Border
 |  | Unneeded | - A-Tier Setup, requires Oberon.
- Turn 1: Cast skill 3, and then apply both of Koyanskaya's charges to Cu. Cu will die at the end of the turn and resurrect with 80% NP.
- Turn 2: Swap in Oberon and give Cu Oberon's 20% charge. Recast skill 3.
- Turn 3: Use Oberon's 50% charge on Cu.
 |  | Required | - C-Tier Setup, no Oberon.
- Turn 1: Cast Cu's first and third skills, and then one Koyanskaya's charge. Cu will die at the end of the turn and resurrect with 80% NP.
- Turn 2: Cast the other Koyanskaya's 50% charge and recast skill 3.
- Turn 3: Recast skill 1.
 |  | Required | - Requires a third support with at least 10% charge on one skill, and 30% on the others such as Reines (used to demo), Castoria, or Waver.
- Turn 1: Use a Black Grail. Begin with Reines and Koyanskaya on the front line. Cast Oberon's skill 1 and 2 on himself and Reines's 10% charge to hit 100% charge.
- Turn 2: Cast Koyanskaya's skill 3 on Oberon and swap her out with the support Koyanskaya. Use her skill 3 to get to 100% charge.
- Turn 3: Oberon's skills will be off cooldown. Use them and Reine's remaining charge to max charge. Reines may be substituted with any Servant who has a 30% charge and another charge.
 |  | Required | - Requires a third support who can seperately cast 20% and 30% charges, such as Reines (used to demo), Castoria, or Waver.
- Turn 1: Begin with support Vitch and Reines on the front line. Use Reines to provide 30% charge to Koyanskaya and reach 100%.
- Turn 2: Vitch's NP refunds 10%. Use Reines to charge 20% and swap out with Oberon. Use Oberon to charge 20%, and one Vitch charge to refund to 50%.
- Turn 3: Use the remaining Vitch charge and Oberon's 50% charge to reach 100%

 |  | Unneeded | - Turn 1: Begin with a 50% charge CE with 2 Vitches and backline Oberon. Cast Vitch's charge on the Servant and NP.
- Turn 2: Cast the other Vitch's charge and swap in Oberon. Cast his 50% charge on the Servant for 100%.
- Turn 3: Cast Oberon's 20% charge and the Servant's 80% self charge for 100%.
 |  | Unneeded | - Turn 1: Start with a Black Grail, Double Koyanskaya, and an Atlas mystic code. Cast Circe's charge skill to get to full.
- Turn 2: Use both Koyanskaya Charges to get Circe to full.
- Turn 3: Use Atlas Mystic Code's cooldown reduction and use Circe's NP charge again.