
Bond Points and Bond Experience Farming

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Bond Point Introduction

  • As quests are completed, Servants form a closer relationship to the Master, represented by the Bond Level. Servants gain Bond Points depending on the quest that is completed. The only exception is Mash Kyrielight, whose Bond Level is tied to story progression.
  • Servants start at Bond Level 0, and max out currently at Bond Level 10. The amount of Bond experience required depends on the individual Servant. Masters can receive various rewards as bond levels increase.
    • For bond levels 1-5, additional Servant profile materials are unlocked at each level. Note some materials may also be locked by the Servant's Ascension level.
    • For bond levels 6-10, a reward of Saint Quartz or Golden Fruit can be obtained depending on the rarity of the Servant. A table detailing the rewards is below.
    • Bond levels 11-15 were first introduced with the release of Lostbelt 3, and require the use of 1x Lantern of Chaldea and QP to unlock 1 new level at a time, detailed in the table below. For all Servants of any rarity, reaching Bond 11 or higher will award x30 Saint Quartz Saint Quartz for each level, and the bond point requirements are the same.

Bond Point Rewards

Reward upon reaching Bond Level
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Bond CE
Bond CE
Bond CE
Bond CE
Bond CE
  • Upon reaching Bond Lv10 with a Servant, you will receive a Bond CE that is unique to the Servant, which is a 4★, 9 Cost CE that always comes Max Limit Broken at Lv80. Equipping the Bond CEs on the corresponding Servant will grant additional bonuses depending upon the CE.

Unlocking Bond Levels 11-15

Bond Level Required Items Bond Points Required to reach this level
11 Lantern of Chaldea x1
QP x10,000,000
12 Lantern of Chaldea x1
QP x12,000,000
13 Lantern of Chaldea x1
QP x14,000,000
14 Lantern of Chaldea x1
QP x16,000,000
15 Lantern of Chaldea x1
QP x18,000,000
Infographic: Unlocking Bond Lv11-15

Bond Point Bonus Craft Essences

  • Several Craft Essences can increase the number of Bond Points that you can earn from battles!
  • You can equip multiple Bond Bonus CEs and their effects will stack.
  • Note that all Bond EXP bonus Craft Essences were available for a limited time. If the CEs were not obtained from Da Vinci's Mana Prism shop in time, they will instead be available in the Rare Prism Shop a year after their initial release.
    • Heroic Portrait CEs were available during the 2M Downloads Campaign. For those that missed this promotion, the Heroic Portrait CEs can still be unlocked in the Rare Prism shop (3 Rare Prisms), although this is a pricey unlock except for collector purposes.
    • Chaldea Lunchtime was available from 10/1/2018 - 12/31/2018. It is an expensive 1000 Mana Prisms per copy (5000 Mana Prisms to MLB). For those who are low on Mana Prisms, it may not be worth buying out this CE at the cost of being unable to buy other items from the Mana Prism shop, such as Summon Tickets. For those that missed this promotion, the Chaldea Lunchtime CE will be made available in the Rare Prism shop for 1 Rare Prism, which unlocks the CE in the Mana Prism shop. After this you will need to spend 1000 Mana Prisms per copy as usual.
    • Chaldea Teatime was available during the 12M DL Campaign from 11/5/2020 - 1/31/2021. Like Chaldea Lunchtime, it cost 1000 Mana Prisms per copy (5000 Mana Prisms to MLB). Unlike Chaldea Lunchtime, this CE is more effective if using a Friend Support with the CE, and Chaldea Lunchtime on your own Servants is generally better. For those that missed this promotion, the Chaldea Teatime CE will be made available in the Rare Prism shop for 1 Rare Prism, which unlocks the CE in the Mana Prism shop. After this you will need to spend 1000 Mana Prisms per copy as usual.
CE Bonus Notes
Heroic Portrait: Mash KyrielightHeroic Portrait: Altria PendragonHeroic Portrait: Jeanne d'ArcHeroic Portrait: AlteraHeroic Portrait: ArjunaHeroic Portrait: ScathachHeroic Portrait: UshiwakamaruHeroic Portrait: Henry Jekyll & HydeHeroic Portrait: MephistophelesHeroic Portrait: Darius III
Heroic Portrait
Bond Points +50. Best for low Bond EXP quests (Bond EXP <= 500), such as Fuyuki X-A.
Chaldea Lunchtime
Chaldea Lunchtime
Bond Points +2%
(MLB: +10%).
Best for quests that have a higher base Bond Point drop rate (Bond EXP > 500).

Chaldea Teatime
Bond Points +1% (MLB: +5%).

Using Friend Support:
Bond Points +3%
(MLB: +15%).
Best from a Friend Support, for quests that have a higher base Bond Point drop rate (Bond EXP > 334).

Great Detective Foumes
Bond Points +1% (MLB: +5%).
QP +1% (MLB: +5%)
Although not optimal for bond points, also provides some QP bonus.

Chaldea Dinnertime
Bond Points +1% (MLB: +5%).
Master EXP +1% (MLB: +5%)
Although not optimal for bond points, also provides Master EXP.

Best Bond Point Farming Locations

  • Below are suggestions for some of the better farming locations and some of their pros and cons. In most cases, you want to do your bond point farming at the same time as your ascension material farming as it maximizes the value of your farming time.
  • Note the Max Bond/AP (maximum possible bond points per AP) listed for each quest is achieved by equipping your Servants with:
    • 1x Heroic Portrait (of any type)
    • 1x Chaldea Lunchtime (MLB preferred)
    • 1x Chaldea Teatime (MLB preferred)
    • 1x Best Support CE (from your Friend Support) as listed in the table
Location Best Support CE Max Bond/AP Description

Babylonia - Nippur
Knot of Heaven and Earth
52.83 Notable Drops:
Deadly Poisonous NeedleDragon's Reverse ScaleGem of LancerSecret Gem of Rider

Babylonia - Mt. Ebih
Temple of the Sacred Mountain
52.83 Notable Drops:
Seed of YggdrasilCursed Beast GallstoneMagic Gem of BerserkerSecret Gem of Berserker

Babylonia - Blood Fort
The Quickening Mountain
52.83 Notable Drops:
Seed of YggdrasilPrimordial LanugoGem of RiderMagic Gem of Rider

Camelot - Royal Castle
The Thousand Year Kingdom
52.83 Notable Drops:
Great Knight MedalMagic Gem of SaberVoid's Dust

Camelot - Great Temple
Castle of the Sun King
52.8 Notable Drops:
Scarab of WisdomFool's ChainGem of BerserkerSecret Gem of Caster

Shimosa - Arakawa Plains
Ancient Battlefield
52.83 Notable Drops:
Void's DustMagic Gem of SaberRefined MagatamaCursed Beast GallstoneSecret Gem of Berserker

Anastasia - Yaga Ryazan
Prison Ruins
52.83 Notable Drops:
Magic Gem of AssassinEternal IceClaw of ChaosSecret Gem of Berserker

Gotterdammerung - North Boundary
Limited Domain
52.83 Notable Drops:
Ring of GiantsVoid's DustMagic Gem of Berserker

Gotterdammerung - Forgotten Shrine
Armory of the Fallen Warriors
52.83 Notable Drops:
Aurora SteelSpirit RootSecret Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Rider

SIN - Xianyang
An Auspicious Opportunity
52.83 Notable Drops:
Ancient BellDawn CoreMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of AssassinVoid's Dust

SIN - Ba Men Cave
Underground Training Facility
52.83 Notable Drops:
Ancient BellMagic Gem of Assassin

Yuga Kurukshetra - Land of Eternity
The Great Dragon's Bed
52.83 Notable Drops:
Egg of TruthPhoenix FeatherVoid's DustSecret Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Caster

Yuga Kurukshetra - Eastern Flower Garden
52.83 Notable Drops:
Lamp of Evil-SealingPhoenix FeatherMagic Gem of Caster

Atlantis - Thanatos Island
Altar of Death
52.83 Notable Drops:
Shining Silver CrownMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Atlantis - Nemesis Island
Rough Seas of Divine Punishment
52.83 Notable Drops:
Glowing Star FragmentShining Silver CrownSecret Gem of RiderMagic Gem of Berserker

Olympus - Underground Structure
Secret Hangar
52.83 Notable Drops:
Divine Leyline SpiritronMagic Gem of Assassin

Olympus - Great Altar
Oracle's Altar
52.83 Notable Drops:
Divine Leyline SpiritronSerpent JewelMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of Assassin

Heian-kyo - Mt. Ooe
Oni's Habitat
52.83 Notable Drops:
Flaming Oni Lantern PlantEvil BoneSecret Gem of BerserkerGem of Berserker

Heian-kyo - Sanjou San-bou
Oni's Playground
52.83 Notable Drops:
Flaming Oni Lantern PlantBall of Rainbow ThreadSecret Gem of BerserkerMagic Gem of Lancer

Camelot - Hidden Village
Mirage of Dreams
51.6 The easiest and fastest Quest node to grind for Bond Points. A favorite among bond farmers.
Notable Drops
Chain of FoolsLamp of Evil-SealingMagic Gem of CasterGem of Assassin

Fuyuki - Unknown Coordinates X-A
The Residential Ruin
42.92 During 1/2 AP Free Quest, this quest becomes the best Bond/AP.
Notable Drops:
Evil BoneGem of Saber

Bond Point Table - All Free Quests

  • The table below lists the Bond Points awarded by the Free Quests from all seven Singularities (plus Fuyuki). Note it assumes you have Max Limit Broken Chaldea Lunchtime (5 copies combined into one). However, the ordering of the best Bond / AP remains the same if you have less than five copies of Chaldea Lunchtime.
  • Note the Max Bond/AP (maximum bond per AP) possible for each quest is achieved by equipping your Servants with:
    • 1x Heroic Portrait (of any type)
    • 1x Chaldea Lunchtime (MLB preferred)
    • 1x Chaldea Teatime (MLB preferred)
    • 1x Best Support CE (from your Friend Support) as listed in the table
Location AP Cost Best Support CE Bond / AP NotableDrops

Camelot - Royal Castle
The Thousand Year Kingdom
21 52.83 Great Knight MedalVoid's DustMagic Gem of Saber

Babylonia - Nippur
Knot of Heaven and Earth
21 52.83 Deadly Poisonous NeedleDragon's Reverse ScaleGem of LancerSecret Gem of Rider

Babylonia - Mt. Ebih
Temple of the Sacred Mountain
21 52.83 Seed of YggdrasilCursed Beast GallstoneMagic Gem of BerserkerSecret Gem of Berserker

Babylonia - Blood Fort
The Quickening Mountain
21 52.83 Seed of YggdrasilPrimordial LanugoGem of RiderMagic Gem of Rider

Shinjuku - Shinjuku Gyoen
Demon's Garden
21 52.83 Gem of CasterMystic Spinal FluidHeart of the Foreign GodSecret Gem of Caster

Shinjuku - Shinjuku 2-Chome
Rainbow Town
21 52.83 Forbidden PageMagic Gem of CasterTearstone of BloodMagic Gem of ArcherGem of CasterSecret Gem of Archer

Agartha - Fissure of the Land
Valley of Diamond
21 52.83 Magic Gem of CasterSerpent JewelSecret Gem of Caster

Shimosa - Mountain Behind
Trembling in Fear
21 52.83 Gem of AssassinGhost LanternTsukumo MirrorSecret Gem of Assassin

Shimosa - Arakawa Plains
Ancient Battlefield
21 52.83 Void's DustMagic Gem of SaberRefined MagatamaCursed Beast GallstoneSecret Gem of Berserker

Salem - Empty Residence
Purity Domain
21 52.83 Stake of Wailing NightGem of BerserkerPhoenix FeatherMagic Gem of Caster

Salem - Refuge
Safe House
21 52.83 Seed of YggdrasilGem of RiderMagic Gem of CasterPhoenix Feather

Salem - Jailhouse
Witch Dungeon
21 52.83 Dragon FangGem of SaberLamp of Evil-SealingMagic Gem of Caster

Anastasia - Base of the Great Tree
Ruptured Frozen Earth
21 52.83 Void's DustDeadly Poisonous NeedleEternal IceMagic Gem of Assassin

Anastasia - Yaga Ryazan
Prison Ruins
21 52.83 Magic Gem of AssassinEternal IceClaw of ChaosSecret Gem of Berserker

Gotterdammerung - North Boundary
Limited Domain
21 52.83 Ring of GiantsVoid's DustMagic Gem of Berserker

Gotterdammerung - Forgotten Shrine
Armory of the Fallen Warriors
21 52.83 Aurora SteelSpirit RootSecret Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Rider

SIN - Xianyang
An Auspicious Opportunity
21 52.83 Ancient BellDawn CoreMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of AssassinVoid's Dust

SIN - Ba Men Cave
Underground Training Facility
21 52.83 Ancient BellMagic Gem of Assassin

Yuga Kurukshetra - Land of Eternity
The Great Dragon's Bed
21 52.83 Egg of TruthPhoenix FeatherVoid's DustSecret Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Caster

Yuga Kurukshetra - Eastern Flower Garden
21 52.83 Lamp of Evil-SealingPhoenix FeatherMagic Gem of Caster

Atlantis - Thanatos Island
Altar of Death
21 52.83 Shining Silver CrownMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Atlantis - Nemesis Island
Rough Seas of Divine Punishment
21 52.83 Glowing Star FragmentShining Silver CrownSecret Gem of RiderMagic Gem of Berserker

Olympus - Underground Structure
Secret Hangar
21 52.83 Divine Leyline SpiritronMagic Gem of Assassin

Olympus - Great Altar
Oracle's Altar
21 52.83 Divine Leyline SpiritronSerpent JewelMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of Assassin

Heian-kyo - Mt. Ooe
Oni's Habitat
21 52.83 Flaming Oni Lantern PlantEvil BoneSecret Gem of BerserkerGem of Berserker

Heian-kyo - Sanjou San-bou
Oni's Playground
21 52.83 Flaming Oni Lantern PlantBall of Rainbow ThreadSecret Gem of BerserkerMagic Gem of Lancer

Avalon - Lake Region
Forest of Boundary
21 52.83 Small Bell of AbsolutionVoid's DustMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Avalon - Coast of the End
The Ends of the Great Land
21 52.83 Small Bell of AbsolutionProof of HeroMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of BerserkerGem of Lancer

Avalon - Orkney
Capital of Rain
21 52.83 Great Knight MedalSmall Bell of AbsolutionMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Traum - Sirmium
Overnight Stronghold
21 52.83 Ceremonial Sword of TwilightMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Rider

Traum - Reinstatement Realm Base
City of Atonement
21 52.83 Ceremonial Sword of TwilightVoid's DustMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Rider

Traum - Gatefront Plains
Land of the Red Sky
21 52.83 Cursed Beast GallstoneAsh of RemembranceSecret Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Camelot - Great Temple
Castle of the Sun King
22 52.8 Fool's ChainScarab of WisdomGem of AssassinGem of BerserkerSecret Gem of Caster

Avalon - Oxford
Restaurant Street
22 52.8 Scale of FantasySmall Bell of AbsolutionMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Berserker

Avalon - Dover House
Dover House
22 52.8 Shell of ReminiscenceScale of FantasyMagic Gem of CasterGem of Saber

Traum - Distant Wilds
Unidentified Zone
22 52.8 Mysterious Divine WineHomunculus BabySecret Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of LancerGem of Lancer

Traum - Fort Jovianus
Outer Wall Repairs
22 52.8 Ash of RemembranceMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of Berserker

Heian-kyo - Raikou's Mansion
Ichijyo Residence
21 52.21 Tsukumo MirrorDragon FangSecret Gem of AssassinGem of Assassin

Heian-kyo - Gojou Bridge
Bridge of Encounters
21 52.21 Ball of Rainbow ThreadMagic Gem of Lancer

Camelot - Land of the Void
The Desolate World
22 51.61 Meteor HorseshoeGem of ArcherGem of RiderMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of AssassinSecret Gem of ArcherSecret Gem of Rider

Avalon - Edinburgh
Sweets Kitchen
22 51.61 Giant's RingProof of HeroMagic Gem of BerserkerGem of Lancer

Avalon - New Darlington
Carnage Theatre
22 51.61 Phoenix FeatherSmall Bell of AbsolutionMagic Gem of RiderGem of Berserker

Traum - Revenge Realm Base
Dazzling Crimson and Black Madness
22 51.61 Ash of RemembranceVoid's DustMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of Berserker

Traum - Reichenbach
The Falls of Failure
22 51.61 Ceremonial Sword of TwilightAsh of RemembranceMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Rider

Camelot - Hidden Village
Mirage of Dreams
21 51.6 Fool's ChainLamp of Evil-SealingGem of AssassinGem of BerserkerMagic Gem of Caster

Babylonia - Kutha
The Entrance to the Netherworld
21 51.6 Ghost LanternGem of AssassinMagic Gem of Assassin

Babylonia - Northern Wall
Site of the Demonic Beast Front
21 51.6 Deadly Poisonous NeedlePrimordial LanugoGem of LancerMagic Gem of Rider

Shinjuku - Party Venue
Killing Party
21 51.6 Void's DustMystic Spinal FluidEternal GearGem of ArcherMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Archer

Shinjuku - Tower - Top Floor
21 51.6 Magic Gem of AssassinEternal GearSpirit RootSecret Gem of Saber

Agartha - Subterranean River
Jungle Cruise
21 51.6 Gem of ArcherPhoenix FeatherSeed of YggdrasilMagic Gem of ArcherSecret Gem of Archer

Agartha - Dragon Imperial Palace
Underwater Building
21 51.6 Proof of HeroGem of RiderMysterious Divine WineSecret Gem of Archer

Agartha - El Dorado
Golden Village
21 51.6 Gem of SaberSeed of YggdrasilVoid's Dust

Shimosa - Toke Castle
Castle of Kifune
21 51.6 Void's DustRefined MagatamaMagic Gem of SaberMysterious Divine WineSecret Gem of Lancer

Shimosa - Mountain Behind
Nameless Sacred Mountain
21 51.6 Void's DustMagic Gem of SaberOctuplet CrystalsRefined MagatamaMagic Gem of Berserker

Salem - Grassland
Commons View
21 51.6 Stake of Wailing NightSeed of YggdrasilGem of BerserkerGem of Rider

Anastasia - Crushed Village
Mammoth Footprints
21 51.6 Eternal IceShell of ReminiscenceMagic Gem of BerserkerGem of Berserker

Anastasia - Strath Stronghold
Snowy Gorge Fortress
21 51.6 Void's DustMystic GunpowderGem of AssassinMysterious Divine WineSecret Gem of Assassin

Anastasia - Yaga Moscow
The Sleeping Capital
21 51.6 Eternal IceMagic Gem of Assassin

Gotterdammerung - Flaming Mansion
Misty Mountain
21 51.6 Ring of GiantsAurora SteelMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of Berserker

Gotterdammerung - Village 67
Clone Shelter
21 51.6 Aurora SteelPrimordial LanugoMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of Assassin

SIN - Shiquan Canyon
A Serene Landscape
21 51.6 Dawn CoreEternal GearGem of RiderMagic Gem of Archer

SIN - Daping Yu
Clear as Black and White
21 51.6 Ancient BellEternal GearGem of RiderMagic Gem of Assassin

Yuga Kurukshetra - God's Skyboulder Ruins
The Demon's Territory
21 51.6 Arrowhead of AtonementMagic Gem of BerserkerGem of Berserker

Yuga Kurukshetra - Southern Town
A Town to be Healed
21 51.6 Arrowhead of AtonementFool's ChainVoid's DustMagic Gem of BerserkerGem of Berserker

Atlantis - Eris Island
Combat Plains
21 51.6 Reactor Core of DawnShining Silver CrownVoid's DustMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Berserker

Olympus - Hanging Gardens
The Gods' Garden
21 51.6 Fragment of a Twinkling StarDivine Leyline SpiritronSecret Gem of RiderMagic Gem of Assassin

Olympus - Machina Corridor
Titans' Passage
21 51.6 Fragment of a Twinkling StarSerpent JewelSecret Gem of RiderMagic Gem of Caster

Heian-kyo - Inari Shrine
Fox's Cave
21 51.6 Egg of TruthEternal GearSecret Gem of LancerMagic Gem of SaberGem of Saber

Heian-kyo - Omiya Road
Hyakki Yakou
21 51.6 Flaming Oni Lantern PlantEvil BoneVoid's DustSecret Gem of BerserkerGem of Berserker

Avalon - Camelot
Castle of Absolve
21 51.6 Great Knight MedalScale of FantasyVoid's DustMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Caster

Avalon - Londinium
Abandoned City of Hope
21 51.6 Scale of FantasyMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Caster

Avalon - Manchester
Dog Eat Dog
21 51.6 Scale of FantasyVoid's DustMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of Assassin

Traum - Tower of Xanten
Moonlight Cannon Amplifier
21 51.6 Ceremonial Sword of TwilightAsh of RemembranceMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Caster

Traum - Fort Azagouc
The Puppets' Hideout
21 51.6 Tsukumo MirrorEternal GearVoid's DustSecret Gem of AssassinGem of Rider

Traum - Lakeside Plain
Soft Reverberations
21 51.6 Seed of YggdrasilCeremonial Sword of TwilightMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of RiderGem of Rider

Heian-kyo - Heian Imperial Palace
Banquet of Matsubara
21 50.98 Tsukumo MirrorRefined MagatamaSecret Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Saber

Heian-kyo - Suzaku Avenue
21 50.98 Ball of Rainbow ThreadGhost LanternMagic Gem of LancerGem of Assassin

America - Washington
Special Administrative Region
20 50.93 Proof of HeroSpirit RootGem of SaberGem of ArcherGem of LancerSecret Gem of Saber

America - Chicago
Windy City
21 50.36 Eternal GearGem of Archer

Babylonia - Observatory
The Mother Sea
21 50.36 Shell of ReminiscenceGem of SaberMagic Gem of Saber

Babylonia - Field of Reeds
Prayer For A Good Harvest
21 50.36 Deadly Poisonous NeedleGem of Lancer

Shinjuku - Kabukicho
Nightless Castle
21 50.36 Magic Gem of AssassinEternal GearVoid's Dust

Shinjuku - Barrel Tower
Riffling Hole
21 50.36 Eternal GearMagic Gem of Assassin

Agartha - Fuyajo
Sleepless Town
21 50.36 Fool's ChainMagic Gem of AssassinVoid's Dust

Agartha - Jungle at the Foothills
Jungle Hiking
21 50.36 Dragon FangGem of RiderGem of ArcherSeed of YggdrasilPhoenix FeatherMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Rider

Shimosa - Castle Town
Ups and Down, Rise and Fall
21 50.36 Refined MagatamaMagic Gem of Saber

Shimosa - Battlefield
Traces of a Soldier's Dream
21 50.36 Evil BoneVoid's DustRefined MagatamaGem of SaberMagic Gem of Saber

Salem - Whateley Residence
Alchemic Field
21 50.36 Homunculus BabyGem of LancerMagic Gem of Lancer

Salem - Suburban Mansion
Seven Gables
21 50.36 Stake of Wailing NightFool's ChainGem of AssassinGem of Berserker

Anastasia - Yaga Vyazma
The Abandoned Village
21 50.36 Deadly Poisonous NeedleMystic GunpowderGem of AssassinGem of Lancer

Anastasia - Yaga Demensk
Frontier Village
21 50.36 Magic Gem of AssassinEternal IceWarhorse's Young HornMagic Gem of Lancer

Anastasia - Yaga Tula
A Church Numbed by Cold
21 50.36 Mystic GunpowderVoid's DustMagic Gem of AssassinEternal IceGem of Archer

Gotterdammerung - Castle of Snow and Ice
Ice Bridge
21 50.36 Aurora SteelMagic Gem of Rider

Gotterdammerung - Road to the End
Splendid Canyon
21 50.36 Ring of GiantsPrimordial LanugoMagic Gem of BerserkerMagic Gem of Assassin

SIN - Shanyang Hill
A Visit from a Distant Friend
21 50.36 Dawn CoreDeadly Poisonous NeedleGem of LancerMagic Gem of ArcherVoid's Dust

SIN - Prison Camp
A Pristine Sky
21 50.36 Ancient BellDawn CoreMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Assassin

Yuga Kurukshetra - Western Fault Line
Plaza of Prayer
21 50.36 Claw of ChaosArrowhead of AtonementMagic Gem of RiderGem of Berserker

Yuga Kurukshetra - Dival
Walled Village
21 50.36 Egg of TruthArrowhead of AtonementSecret Gem of LancerGem of Berserker

Atlantis - Astraea Island
Temple of Justice
21 50.36 Spirit RootShining Silver CrownVoid's DustSecret Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Saber

Atlantis - Thetis Island
Motherly Beach
21 50.36 Reactor Core of DawnSerpent JewelMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Caster

Olympus - Altartown
God's Domain
21 50.36 Fruit of EternitySerpent JewelMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Caster

Olympus - God Destroyer Alliance Base
Under Front
21 50.36 Reactor Core of DawnDivine Leyline SpiritronMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Assassin

Olympus - Grand Workshop
Blacksmith of Dawn
21 50.36 Mysterious Divine WineDivine Leyline SpiritronVoid's DustSecret Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Assassin

Heian-kyo - Noble Residence
21 50.36 Tsukumo MirrorForbidden PageSecret Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Caster

Heian-kyo - Suzakumon
Emperor Facing South
21 50.36 Flaming Oni Lantern PlantRefined MagatamaSecret Gem of BerserkerMagic Gem of Saber

Avalon - Gloucester
Faeries' Auction
21 50.36 Dragon's Reverse ScaleVoid's DustSmall Bell of AbsolutionGem of Berserker

Avalon - River of Tears
The Pool of Desires
21 50.36 Shell of ReminiscenceSmall Bell of AbsolutionMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Berserker

Avalon - Norwich
The Iron City, A Sea of Soot
21 50.36 Spirit RootScale of FantasySecret Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Saber

Traum - Twilight Forest
The Recluse's Way Out
21 50.36 Great Knight MedalAsh of RemembranceMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Traum - Defensive Mountains
Indomitable Fortress
21 50.36 Mysterious Divine WinePhoenix FeatherSecret Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Caster

Traum - Righteous Realm Base
Storied City
21 50.36 Phoenix FeatherCeremonial Sword of TwilightMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Babylonia - Fallen Babylon
The Lost Capital
20 50.28 Seed of YggdrasilGem of Rider

Babylonia - Northern Hill
Battlefield Overlook
20 50.28 Seed of YggdrasilBlack Beast GreaseGem of RiderMagic Gem of Rider

Babylonia - Black Cedar Forest
Den of Demonic Beasts
20 50.28 Seed of YggdrasilPrimordial LanugoGem of RiderMagic Gem of Rider

Babylonia - Plateau
The Traveler's Secret Path
20 50.28 Deadly Poisonous NeedleSeed of YggdrasilGem of LancerGem of Rider

Shinjuku - Yoyogi 2-Chome
Mishmash Buildings
20 50.28 Mystic Spinal FluidGem of Caster

Shinjuku - Route 20
20 50.28 Mystic Spinal FluidVoid's DustGem of ArcherMagic Gem of Archer

Agartha - Subterranean Plain
Glowing Moss Fields
20 50.28 Dragon FangGem of RiderClaw of ChaosSecret Gem of Berserker

Agartha - Campsite
Hunting Ground of Warriors
20 50.28 Gem of LancerWarhorse's Young HornSeed of YggdrasilMagic Gem of LancerPhoenix Feather

Agartha - Riverside Town
Banquet of Amazoness
20 50.28 Gem of SaberSeed of YggdrasilPhoenix FeatherMagic Gem of SaberSecret Gem of Saber

Shimosa - Farm
Rural Landscape
20 50.28 Seed of YggdrasilGem of AssassinGhost LanternGem of Lancer

Salem - Silent Forest
Lupus Territory
20 50.28 Seed of YggdrasilGem of Rider

Salem - Carter Residence
Crow's Nest
20 50.28 Stake of Wailing NightMagic Gem of AssassinHeart of the Foreign GodSecret Gem of Caster

Anastasia - Anchor Point
Rus Highlands
20 50.28 Deadly Poisonous NeedleGem of LancerWarhorse's Young HornMagic Gem of Lancer

Anastasia - Yaga Smolensk
City of Beasts
20 50.28 Mystic GunpowderGem of SaberGem of Assassin

Anastasia - Icy Cavern
Underground Freezer
20 50.28 Deadly Poisonous NeedleShell of ReminiscenceGem of LancerGem of Berserker

Salem - Gallows Hill
Execution Site
20 50.28 Stake of Wailing NightGem of BerserkerMagic Gem of Assassin

Gotterdammerung - Landing Point
A Tranquil Snowfield
20 50.28 Void's DustSeed of YggdrasilPrimordial LanugoGem of AssassinMagic Gem of Assassin

Gotterdammerung - Thin Ice Hill
20 50.28 Ring of GiantsSeed of YggdrasilGem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Gotterdammerung - Giant's Flower Garden
A Gap Betwixt Flame and Ice
20 50.28 Ring of GiantsMagic Gem of Berserker

SIN - Seeding Point
A Fine Day for Harvest
20 50.28 Deadly Poisonous NeedleEternal GearGem of LancerGem of Rider

SIN - Neighboring Village
Extreme Loneliness
20 50.28 Deadly Poisonous NeedleGem of LancerGiant's RingMagic Gem of Berserker

SIN - Icy Cave
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
20 50.28 Gem of AssassinMysterious Divine WineSecret Gem of AssassinSeed of Yggdrasil

Yuga Kurukshetra - Initiate Point
A Training Journey
20 50.28 Warhorse's Young HornArrowhead of AtonementMagic Gem of LancerGem of Berserker

Yuga Kurukshetra - Bichu
A Pious Town
20 50.28 Arrowhead of AtonementPhoenix FeatherVoid's DustMagic Gem of CasterGem of Berserker

London - Southwark
Borough Market
18 50.08 Homunculus BabyEvil BoneGem of LancerGem of ArcherMagic Gem of Lancer

Heian-kyo - Shichijou Ni-bou
West Shichijyo
21 49.74 Black Beast GreaseBall of Rainbow ThreadVoid's DustMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Assassin

Heian-kyo - Rokujou Street
Death Row Parade
21 49.74 Ball of Rainbow ThreadRefined MagatamaMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Lancer

Shimosa - Village
Desolate Village
21 49.12 Seed of YggdrasilVoid's DustRefined MagatamaGem of LancerMagic Gem of Saber

Shimosa - Hermitage
Thousand Arms, Thousand Eyes
21 49.12 Gem of AssassinRefined MagatamaGhost LanternMagic Gem of Saber

Babylonia - Bog
Land Between Rivers
21 49.12 Deadly Poisonous NeedleSerpent JewelGem of LancerMagic Gem of Archer

Babylonia - Ur
Jaguar Park
21 49.12 Seed of YggdrasilClaw of ChaosMagic Gem of BerserkerMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Babylonia - Eridu
Land of Royal Authority
21 49.12 Dragon FangGem of RiderMagic Gem of Rider

Shinjuku - Shinjuku Station
Concrete Dungeon
21 49.12 Mystic Spinal FluidGem of ArcherMagic Gem of Archer

Shinjuku - Shinjuku 4-Chome
Hotel Street
21 49.12 Mystic Spinal FluidGem of CasterClaw of ChaosSecret Gem of Berserker

Agartha - Peach Blossom Village
Village of Dreams
21 49.12 Octuplet CrystalsGem of BerserkerMagic Gem of BerserkerSecret Gem of Berserker

Agartha - Ys
Capital of Immorality
21 49.12 Gem of RiderProof of HeroVoid's Dust

Agartha - Northern Cliff
Criminal Dumping Ground
21 49.12 Fool's ChainMagic Gem of AssassinBlack Beast Grease

Salem - Public Chapel
21 49.12 Phoenix FeatherMagic Gem of Caster

Salem - Wharf
Derby Wharf
21 49.12 Fool's ChainGem of AssassinPhoenix FeatherMagic Gem of Caster

Anastasia - Rebel Stronghold
Overlook Fortress
21 49.12 Mystic GunpowderGem of SaberWarhorse's Young HornMagic Gem of Lancer

Anastasia - Yaga Sychyovka
Village of Little Owls
21 49.12 Mystic GunpowderSeed of YggdrasilGem of ArcherMagic Gem of Berserker

Anastasia - Burned Village
Charred Ruins Sinking in the Snow
21 49.12 Mystic GunpowderShell of ReminiscenceGem of SaberGem of Berserker

Gotterdammerung - Village 23
Closed Shelter
21 49.12 Aurora SteelSeed of YggdrasilMagic Gem of Rider

Gotterdammerung - Hero's Lair
The Emperor's Bed
21 49.12 Ring of GiantsOctuplet CrystalsSecret Gem of BerserkerMagic Gem of Berserker

SIN - Akuta's Camp
Garden of Poppies
21 49.12 Eternal GearGem of RiderGiant's RingMagic Gem of BerserkerVoid's Dust

SIN - Jingyang Field
Nothing Shameful
21 49.12 Dawn CoreGiant's RingMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of BerserkerVoid's Dust

Yuga Kurukshetra - Secluded Cave
Grotto of Meditation
21 49.12 Black Beast GreaseArrowhead of AtonementMagic Gem of AssassinGem of Berserker

Yuga Kurukshetra - Northern Sacred Mountain
Summit of Enlightenment
21 49.12 Egg of TruthFool's ChainVoid's DustSecret Gem of LancerGem of Berserker

Atlantis - Sailing Point
Imaginary Sea
21 49.12 Glowing Star FragmentShell of ReminiscenceSecret Gem of RiderGem of Saber

Atlantis - Hestia Island
Bonfire Shore
21 49.12 Mysterious Divine WineShining Silver CrownSecret Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Atlantis - Hecate Island
Trident Field
21 49.12 Claw of ChaosShining Silver CrownMagic Gem of Berserker

Atlantis - Deimos Island
Terrifying Wasteland
21 49.12 Scarab of WisdomShining Silver CrownSecret Gem of CasterMagic Gem of Saber

Olympus - Gliding Point
Unknown Frontier
21 49.12 Claw of ChaosSerpent JewelMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of Berserker

Olympus - West Interstellar City
City That Desires a Great Shrine
21 49.12 Fruit of EternityReactor Core of DawnMagic Gem of Lancer

Olympus - South Interstellar City
City of Land and Fertility
21 49.12 Fruit of EternityDivine Leyline SpiritronMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Assassin

Olympus - East Interstellar City
City of Beauty and Love
21 49.12 Fruit of EternityOctuplet CrystalsSecret Gem of BerserkerMagic Gem of LancerGem of Berserker

Heian-kyo - Shichijou Shi-bou
Jijyu Ike-no-Ryou
21 49.12 Tsukumo MirrorBall of Rainbow ThreadSecret Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Lancer

Avalon - Mist Coast
The Sandy Beach of Forget-Me-Not
21 49.12 Small Bell of AbsolutionMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Avalon - Cornwall Village
Nameless Forest
21 49.12 Seed of YggdrasilScale of FantasyMagic Gem of SaberGem of Rider

Avalon - Salisbury
Twinkle Cathedral
21 49.12 Lamp of Evil-SealingGreat Knight MedalMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Caster

Traum - Interstice Town
Territory Creation
21 49.12 Ceremonial Sword of TwilightAsh of RemembranceMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Traum - Dawn Plains
Fools Part Ways
21 49.12 Refined MagatamaAsh of RemembranceMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Caster

Traum - Middle Woods
Never Shall the Three Realms Meet
21 49.12 Claw of ChaosCeremonial Sword of TwilightMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of Berserker

America - Charlotte
Gold Rush
20 48.98 Proof of HeroVoid's DustGem of ArcherGem of Caster

Camelot - Main Gate
The Gate of Consecration
20 48.98 Great Knight MedalMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Archer

Camelot - Holy City
The Ideal City
20 48.98 Proof of HeroOctuplet CrystalsSpirit RootGem of SaberGem of LancerSecret Gem of SaberSecret Gem of Berserker

Camelot - Fortress of the Round Table
The Raid Party of Knights
19 48.82 Proof of HeroGreat Knight MedalGem of SaberGem of LancerMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Lancer

Camelot - Mausoleum of the Evening Bell
The Angel of Death
19 48.82 Ghost LanternGem of AssassinMagic Gem of Assassin

London - Hyde Park
Crystal Palace Ruins
20 47.68 Evil BoneForbidden PageGem of LancerMagic Gem of CasterGem of CasterSecret Gem of Caster

Camelot - Atlas Institute
Cellar of Giants
20 47.68 Eternal GearForbidden PageGem of ArcherMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Caster

Camelot - Wastelands of Death
The Mad Banquet of Blood and Flesh
19 47.45 Fool's ChainGem of AssassinGem of Berserker

Camelot - East Village
The Withered Mountain Ridge
19 47.45 Dragon FangWarhorse's Young HornGem of RiderMagic Gem of Lancer

Okeanos - Bountiful Sea
Secret Route
18 47.19 Seed of YggdrasilPhoenix FeatherGem of LancerGem of SaberGem of ArcherMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Lancer

London - Clerkenwell
Soothing Well
18 47.19 Eternal GearEvil BoneGem of SaberGem of AssassinMagic Gem of AssassinSecret Gem of Assassin

America - Lubbock
Texas Ranger
18 47.19 Proof of HeroGem of SaberGem of ArcherSecret Gem of Assassin

America - Alexandria
Weeks Island
18 47.19 Tearstone of BloodProof of HeroGem of SaberGem of ArcherGem of LancerSecret Gem of Archer

America - Kearney
Great Plains
18 47.19 Proof of HeroWarhorse's Young HornGem of SaberGem of LancerSecret Gem of Lancer

Camelot - West Village
Traces of Cruelty
20 46.38 Void's DustGem of Assassin

Camelot - Sandstorm Desert
Garden of the Sphinx
19 46.08 Evil BoneScarab of WisdomGem of SaberGem of ArcherGem of LancerSecret Gem of Caster

Camelot - Dune of Dawn
The Incandescent Crest
19 46.08 Serpent JewelLamp of Evil-SealingGem of CasterMagic Gem of Caster

America - Montgomery
Heart of Dixie
18 45.75 Proof of HeroVoid's DustGem of Archer

Okeanos - Caldera Island
Unexplored Island
17 45.38 Seed of YggdrasilMeteor HorseshoeGem of SaberGem of Rider

America - Deming
New Chicago
17 45.38 Dragon FangGem of RiderMagic Gem of RiderSecret Gem of Rider

America - Dallas
Cowtown Colosseum
17 45.38 Proof of HeroGem of ArcherGem of Lancer

America - Alcatraz
The Rock
18 44.31 Proof of HeroVoid's DustGem of SaberGem of Lancer

America - Des Moines
Surveillance Fortress
18 44.31 Seed of YggdrasilVoid's DustClaw of ChaosGem of AssassinMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of BerserkerSecret Gem of Berserker

America - Black Hills
Sacred Mountains
17 43.85 Eternal GearGem of Archer

America - Riverton
Great Riverbed
17 43.85 Proof of HeroVoid's DustGem of SaberGem of ArcherGem of Lancer

America - Denver
Mile High City
17 43.85 Void's DustEternal GearGem of ArcherMagic Gem of Archer

Fuyuki - Unknown Coordinates X-A
The Residential Ruin
3 42.92 Evil BoneGem of Saber

Okeanos - Sunken Rock Seas
Ship Graveyard
17 42.32 Evil BoneSerpent JewelGem of ArcherGem of Caster

Okeanos - Archipelago
Hidden Island
16 41.72 Gem of SaberShell of ReminiscenceMagic Gem of Saber

Okeanos - Archipelago
Quiet Bay
15 41.03 Proof of HeroDragon FangVoid's DustGem of Saber

London - Old Street
Fog, Carriages and Gaslights
15 41.03 Eternal GearGem of Assassin

London - White Chapel
15 41.03 Eternal GearVoid's DustGem of AssassinMagic Gem of Assassin

London - City of London
Square Mile
15 41.03 Homunculus BabyGem of LancerMagic Gem of Lancer

Okeanos - Island of Wyverns
Dragon's Paradise
14 40.25 Dragon FangGem of RiderMagic Gem of Rider

London - Soho
Charming Downtown Area
16 40.09 Homunculus BabyVoid's DustEternal GearGem of LancerGem of AssassinMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of AssassinSecret Gem of Lancer

London - Westminster
Scotland Yard
16 40.09 Homunculus BabyVoid's DustGem of LancerMagic Gem of LancerSecret Gem of Lancer

London - Regent Park
Royal Family's Hunting Ground
16 40.09 Eternal GearForbidden PageGem of SaberGem of CasterMagic Gem of Saber

Fuyuki - Unknown Coordinates X-G
Blazing Forest
15 39.3 Evil BoneGem of LancerGem of SaberGem of Archer

Septem - Germania
The Dark Forest
15 39.3 Evil BoneClaw of ChaosGem of SaberGem of LancerMagic Gem of BerserkerGem of Archer

Okeanos - Stormy Seas
Wandering Ghost Ship
15 39.3 Ghost LanternGem of Assassin

Septem - Britannia
Misty Forest
9 38.58 Seed of YggdrasilGem of LancerGem of SaberGem of Assassin

Okeanos - Two-Current Sea
Sea of Freedom
14 38.39 Proof of HeroOctuplet CrystalsGem of BerserkerGem of ArcherMagic Gem of Berserker

Okeanos - King's Abode Island
Cursed Pirates
13 37.35 Proof of HeroVoid's DustGem of ArcherGem of Berserker

Okeanos - Mapped Island
Minotaur's Maze
13 37.35 Dragon FangVoid's DustGem of SaberGem of Archer

Fuyuki - Unknown Coordinates X-E
Church of Wandering Corpses
5 37.25 Evil BoneGem of SaberGem of LancerRider PieceVoid's Dust

Okeanos - Pirate Ship
Band of Corsairs
12 36.6 Proof of HeroGem of ArcherGem of Saber

Orleans - Jura
Primeval Forest
7 36.46 Gem of SaberGem of LancerGem of RiderRider PieceGem of AssassinVoid's DustDragon FangSeed of YggdrasilRider Monument

Orleans - Lyon
Town of the Dead
7 36.46 Gem of SaberProof of HeroAssassin PieceGem of LancerVoid's Dust

Orleans - Marseille
Facing the Mediterranean Sea
7 36.46 Proof of HeroGem of LancerGem of Saber

Orleans - Thiers
Town of Blades
7 36.46 Gem of RiderDragon FangVoid's DustBerserker Piece

Orleans - Bordeaux
A Toast with Wine
7 36.46 Gem of LancerGem of AssassinSeed of YggdrasilGem of Saber

Septem - Gaul
Smoldering Warzone
9 36.03 Proof of HeroVoid's DustOctuplet CrystalsGem of BerserkerGem of LancerGem of Saber

Septem - Shaped Isle
Cave of the Goddess
9 36.03 Evil BoneVoid's DustGem of ArcherGem of Lancer

Orleans - Paris
City of Art
13 35.56 Evil BoneVoid's DustDragon FangGem of ArcherGem of RiderMagic Gem of RiderSaber PieceArcher PieceLancer Piece

Okeanos - Pirate Island
Pirate Hideout
13 35.56 Proof of HeroVoid's DustGem of ArcherGem of Berserker

Fuyuki - Unknown Coordinates X-B
Ground Zero
4 35.06 Gem of LancerGem of SaberEvil Bone

Fuyuki - Unknown Coordinates X-C
Giant Bridge
4 35.06 Gem of SaberEvil BoneGem of Lancer

Fuyuki - Unknown Coordinates X-F
Burnt-Down Schoolhouse
6 34.88 Evil BoneGem of ArcherGem of SaberVoid's DustAssassin PieceRider Piece

Orleans - Orleans
Fateful Fortress
8 34.78 Evil BoneGem of RiderCaster PieceDragon FangGem of LancerMagic Gem of RiderVoid's Dust

Septem - Alliance Capital
Rome's Horizon
10 34.73 Proof of HeroVoid's DustOctuplet CrystalsGem of ArcherGem of BerserkerGem of Saber

Septem - Appia Road
Queen of the Street
9 33.47 Proof of HeroVoid's DustGem of SaberGem of ArcherGem of Lancer

Septem - Rome
Rome Was Not Built In A Day
9 33.47 Proof of HeroGem of SaberGem of Lancer

Septem - Mt. Etna
Exciting Land
9 33.47 Ghost LanternGem of Assassin

Septem - Florence
City of Flower
9 33.47 Proof of HeroGem of ArcherGem of LancerGem of Saber

Septem - Mediolanum
Middle of the Plain
9 33.47 Proof of HeroGem of LancerGem of Saber

Septem - Massilia
An Ancient Harbor
9 33.47 Proof of HeroVoid's DustGem of LancerGem of Saber

Fuyuki - Mobile Coordinate No.0
Massive Cavern
7 33.18 Gem of AssassinDragon FangVoid's DustSaber PieceGem of ArcherGem of SaberSaber Monument

Orleans - Domremy
Jeanne's Birthplace
7 33.18 Proof of HeroGem of SaberGem of Lancer

Orleans - Vaucouleurs
First Fortress
7 33.18 Gem of RiderDragon FangGem of SaberEvil Bone

Orleans - La Charite
Loire Ridge
7 33.18 Gem of RiderGem of LancerDragon FangProof of HeroMagic Gem of Rider

Fuyuki - Unknown Coordinates X-D
Blood Soaken Port
5 32.65 Gem of SaberGem of ArcherEvil Bone
Location AP Cost Best Support CE Bond / AP NotableDrops

Camelot - Royal Castle
The Thousand Year Kingdom
21 47.01 Great Knight MedalVoid's DustMagic Gem of Saber

Babylonia - Nippur
Knot of Heaven and Earth
21 47.01 Deadly Poisonous NeedleDragon's Reverse ScaleGem of LancerSecret Gem of Rider

Babylonia - Mt. Ebih
Temple of the Sacred Mountain
21 47.01 Seed of YggdrasilCursed Beast GallstoneMagic Gem of BerserkerSecret Gem of Berserker

Babylonia - Blood Fort
The Quickening Mountain
21 47.01 Seed of YggdrasilPrimordial LanugoGem of RiderMagic Gem of Rider

Shinjuku - Shinjuku Gyoen
Demon's Garden
21 47.01 Gem of CasterMystic Spinal FluidHeart of the Foreign GodSecret Gem of Caster

Shinjuku - Shinjuku 2-Chome
Rainbow Town
21 47.01 Forbidden PageMagic Gem of CasterTearstone of BloodMagic Gem of ArcherGem of CasterSecret Gem of Archer

Agartha - Fissure of the Land
Valley of Diamond
21 47.01 Magic Gem of CasterSerpent JewelSecret Gem of Caster

Shimosa - Mountain Behind
Trembling in Fear
21 47.01 Gem of AssassinGhost LanternTsukumo MirrorSecret Gem of Assassin

Shimosa - Arakawa Plains
Ancient Battlefield
21 47.01 Void's DustMagic Gem of SaberRefined MagatamaCursed Beast GallstoneSecret Gem of Berserker

Salem - Empty Residence
Purity Domain
21 47.01 Stake of Wailing NightGem of BerserkerPhoenix FeatherMagic Gem of Caster

Salem - Refuge
Safe House
21 47.01 Seed of YggdrasilGem of RiderMagic Gem of CasterPhoenix Feather

Salem - Jailhouse
Witch Dungeon
21 47.01 Dragon FangGem of SaberLamp of Evil-SealingMagic Gem of Caster

Anastasia - Base of the Great Tree
Ruptured Frozen Earth
21 47.01 Void's DustDeadly Poisonous NeedleEternal IceMagic Gem of Assassin

Anastasia - Yaga Ryazan
Prison Ruins
21 47.01 Magic Gem of AssassinEternal IceClaw of ChaosSecret Gem of Berserker

Gotterdammerung - North Boundary
Limited Domain
21 47.01 Ring of GiantsVoid's DustMagic Gem of Berserker

Gotterdammerung - Forgotten Shrine
Armory of the Fallen Warriors
21 47.01 Aurora SteelSpirit RootSecret Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Rider

SIN - Xianyang
An Auspicious Opportunity
21 47.01 Ancient BellDawn CoreMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of AssassinVoid's Dust

SIN - Ba Men Cave
Underground Training Facility
21 47.01 Ancient BellMagic Gem of Assassin

Yuga Kurukshetra - Land of Eternity
The Great Dragon's Bed
21 47.01 Egg of TruthPhoenix FeatherVoid's DustSecret Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Caster

Yuga Kurukshetra - Eastern Flower Garden
21 47.01 Lamp of Evil-SealingPhoenix FeatherMagic Gem of Caster

Atlantis - Thanatos Island
Altar of Death
21 47.01 Shining Silver CrownMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Atlantis - Nemesis Island
Rough Seas of Divine Punishment
21 47.01 Glowing Star FragmentShining Silver CrownSecret Gem of RiderMagic Gem of Berserker

Olympus - Underground Structure
Secret Hangar
21 47.01 Divine Leyline SpiritronMagic Gem of Assassin

Olympus - Great Altar
Oracle's Altar
21 47.01 Divine Leyline SpiritronSerpent JewelMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of Assassin

Heian-kyo - Mt. Ooe
Oni's Habitat
21 47.01 Flaming Oni Lantern PlantEvil BoneSecret Gem of BerserkerGem of Berserker

Heian-kyo - Sanjou San-bou
Oni's Playground
21 47.01 Flaming Oni Lantern PlantBall of Rainbow ThreadSecret Gem of BerserkerMagic Gem of Lancer

Avalon - Lake Region
Forest of Boundary
21 47.01 Small Bell of AbsolutionVoid's DustMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Avalon - Coast of the End
The Ends of the Great Land
21 47.01 Small Bell of AbsolutionProof of HeroMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of BerserkerGem of Lancer

Avalon - Orkney
Capital of Rain
21 47.01 Great Knight MedalSmall Bell of AbsolutionMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Traum - Sirmium
Overnight Stronghold
21 47.01 Ceremonial Sword of TwilightMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Rider

Traum - Reinstatement Realm Base
City of Atonement
21 47.01 Ceremonial Sword of TwilightVoid's DustMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Rider

Traum - Gatefront Plains
Land of the Red Sky
21 47.01 Cursed Beast GallstoneAsh of RemembranceSecret Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Camelot - Great Temple
Castle of the Sun King
22 46.97 Fool's ChainScarab of WisdomGem of AssassinGem of BerserkerSecret Gem of Caster

Avalon - Oxford
Restaurant Street
22 46.97 Scale of FantasySmall Bell of AbsolutionMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Berserker

Avalon - Dover House
Dover House
22 46.97 Shell of ReminiscenceScale of FantasyMagic Gem of CasterGem of Saber

Traum - Distant Wilds
Unidentified Zone
22 46.97 Mysterious Divine WineHomunculus BabySecret Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of LancerGem of Lancer

Traum - Fort Jovianus
Outer Wall Repairs
22 46.97 Ash of RemembranceMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of Berserker

Heian-kyo - Raikou's Mansion
Ichijyo Residence
21 46.46 Tsukumo MirrorDragon FangSecret Gem of AssassinGem of Assassin

Heian-kyo - Gojou Bridge
Bridge of Encounters
21 46.46 Ball of Rainbow ThreadMagic Gem of Lancer

Camelot - Land of the Void
The Desolate World
22 45.92 Meteor HorseshoeGem of ArcherGem of RiderMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of AssassinSecret Gem of ArcherSecret Gem of Rider

Camelot - Hidden Village
Mirage of Dreams
21 45.92 Fool's ChainLamp of Evil-SealingGem of AssassinGem of BerserkerMagic Gem of Caster

Babylonia - Kutha
The Entrance to the Netherworld
21 45.92 Ghost LanternGem of AssassinMagic Gem of Assassin

Babylonia - Northern Wall
Site of the Demonic Beast Front
21 45.92 Deadly Poisonous NeedlePrimordial LanugoGem of LancerMagic Gem of Rider

Shinjuku - Party Venue
Killing Party
21 45.92 Void's DustMystic Spinal FluidEternal GearGem of ArcherMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Archer

Shinjuku - Tower - Top Floor
21 45.92 Magic Gem of AssassinEternal GearSpirit RootSecret Gem of Saber

Agartha - Subterranean River
Jungle Cruise
21 45.92 Gem of ArcherPhoenix FeatherSeed of YggdrasilMagic Gem of ArcherSecret Gem of Archer

Agartha - Dragon Imperial Palace
Underwater Building
21 45.92 Proof of HeroGem of RiderMysterious Divine WineSecret Gem of Archer

Agartha - El Dorado
Golden Village
21 45.92 Gem of SaberSeed of YggdrasilVoid's Dust

Shimosa - Toke Castle
Castle of Kifune
21 45.92 Void's DustRefined MagatamaMagic Gem of SaberMysterious Divine WineSecret Gem of Lancer

Shimosa - Mountain Behind
Nameless Sacred Mountain
21 45.92 Void's DustMagic Gem of SaberOctuplet CrystalsRefined MagatamaMagic Gem of Berserker

Salem - Grassland
Commons View
21 45.92 Stake of Wailing NightSeed of YggdrasilGem of BerserkerGem of Rider

Anastasia - Crushed Village
Mammoth Footprints
21 45.92 Eternal IceShell of ReminiscenceMagic Gem of BerserkerGem of Berserker

Anastasia - Strath Stronghold
Snowy Gorge Fortress
21 45.92 Void's DustMystic GunpowderGem of AssassinMysterious Divine WineSecret Gem of Assassin

Anastasia - Yaga Moscow
The Sleeping Capital
21 45.92 Eternal IceMagic Gem of Assassin

Gotterdammerung - Flaming Mansion
Misty Mountain
21 45.92 Ring of GiantsAurora SteelMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of Berserker

Gotterdammerung - Village 67
Clone Shelter
21 45.92 Aurora SteelPrimordial LanugoMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of Assassin

SIN - Shiquan Canyon
A Serene Landscape
21 45.92 Dawn CoreEternal GearGem of RiderMagic Gem of Archer

SIN - Daping Yu
Clear as Black and White
21 45.92 Ancient BellEternal GearGem of RiderMagic Gem of Assassin

Yuga Kurukshetra - God's Skyboulder Ruins
The Demon's Territory
21 45.92 Arrowhead of AtonementMagic Gem of BerserkerGem of Berserker

Yuga Kurukshetra - Southern Town
A Town to be Healed
21 45.92 Arrowhead of AtonementFool's ChainVoid's DustMagic Gem of BerserkerGem of Berserker

Atlantis - Eris Island
Combat Plains
21 45.92 Reactor Core of DawnShining Silver CrownVoid's DustMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Berserker

Olympus - Hanging Gardens
The Gods' Garden
21 45.92 Fragment of a Twinkling StarDivine Leyline SpiritronSecret Gem of RiderMagic Gem of Assassin

Olympus - Machina Corridor
Titans' Passage
21 45.92 Fragment of a Twinkling StarSerpent JewelSecret Gem of RiderMagic Gem of Caster

Heian-kyo - Inari Shrine
Fox's Cave
21 45.92 Egg of TruthEternal GearSecret Gem of LancerMagic Gem of SaberGem of Saber

Heian-kyo - Omiya Road
Hyakki Yakou
21 45.92 Flaming Oni Lantern PlantEvil BoneVoid's DustSecret Gem of BerserkerGem of Berserker

Avalon - Camelot
Castle of Absolve
21 45.92 Great Knight MedalScale of FantasyVoid's DustMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Caster

Avalon - Londinium
Abandoned City of Hope
21 45.92 Scale of FantasyMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Caster

Avalon - Manchester
Dog Eat Dog
21 45.92 Scale of FantasyVoid's DustMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of Assassin

Avalon - Edinburgh
Sweets Kitchen
22 45.92 Giant's RingProof of HeroMagic Gem of BerserkerGem of Lancer

Avalon - New Darlington
Carnage Theatre
22 45.92 Phoenix FeatherSmall Bell of AbsolutionMagic Gem of RiderGem of Berserker

Traum - Tower of Xanten
Moonlight Cannon Amplifier
21 45.92 Ceremonial Sword of TwilightAsh of RemembranceMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Caster

Traum - Fort Azagouc
The Puppets' Hideout
21 45.92 Tsukumo MirrorEternal GearVoid's DustSecret Gem of AssassinGem of Rider

Traum - Lakeside Plain
Soft Reverberations
21 45.92 Seed of YggdrasilCeremonial Sword of TwilightMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of RiderGem of Rider

Traum - Revenge Realm Base
Dazzling Crimson and Black Madness
22 45.92 Ash of RemembranceVoid's DustMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of Berserker

Traum - Reichenbach
The Falls of Failure
22 45.92 Ceremonial Sword of TwilightAsh of RemembranceMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Rider

Heian-kyo - Heian Imperial Palace
Banquet of Matsubara
21 45.37 Tsukumo MirrorRefined MagatamaSecret Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Saber

Heian-kyo - Suzaku Avenue
21 45.37 Ball of Rainbow ThreadGhost LanternMagic Gem of LancerGem of Assassin

Special Administrative Region
20 45.34 Proof of HeroSpirit RootGem of SaberGem of ArcherGem of LancerSecret Gem of Saber

Windy City
21 44.82 Eternal GearGem of Archer

Babylonia - Observatory
The Mother Sea
21 44.82 Shell of ReminiscenceGem of SaberMagic Gem of Saber

Babylonia - Field of Reeds
Prayer For A Good Harvest
21 44.82 Deadly Poisonous NeedleGem of Lancer

Shinjuku - Kabukicho
Nightless Castle
21 44.82 Magic Gem of AssassinEternal GearVoid's Dust

Shinjuku - Barrel Tower
Riffling Hole
21 44.82 Eternal GearMagic Gem of Assassin

Agartha - Fuyajo
Sleepless Town
21 44.82 Fool's ChainMagic Gem of AssassinVoid's Dust

Agartha - Jungle at the Foothills
Jungle Hiking
21 44.82 Dragon FangGem of RiderGem of ArcherSeed of YggdrasilPhoenix FeatherMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Rider

Shimosa - Castle Town
Ups and Down, Rise and Fall
21 44.82 Refined MagatamaMagic Gem of Saber

Shimosa - Battlefield
Traces of a Soldier's Dream
21 44.82 Evil BoneVoid's DustRefined MagatamaGem of SaberMagic Gem of Saber

Salem - Whateley Residence
Alchemic Field
21 44.82 Homunculus BabyGem of LancerMagic Gem of Lancer

Salem - Suburban Mansion
Seven Gables
21 44.82 Stake of Wailing NightFool's ChainGem of AssassinGem of Berserker

Anastasia - Yaga Vyazma
The Abandoned Village
21 44.82 Deadly Poisonous NeedleMystic GunpowderGem of AssassinGem of Lancer

Anastasia - Yaga Demensk
Frontier Village
21 44.82 Magic Gem of AssassinEternal IceWarhorse's Young HornMagic Gem of Lancer

Anastasia - Yaga Tula
A Church Numbed by Cold
21 44.82 Mystic GunpowderVoid's DustMagic Gem of AssassinEternal IceGem of Archer

Gotterdammerung - Castle of Snow and Ice
Ice Bridge
21 44.82 Aurora SteelMagic Gem of Rider

Gotterdammerung - Road to the End
Splendid Canyon
21 44.82 Ring of GiantsPrimordial LanugoMagic Gem of BerserkerMagic Gem of Assassin

SIN - Shanyang Hill
A Visit from a Distant Friend
21 44.82 Dawn CoreDeadly Poisonous NeedleGem of LancerMagic Gem of ArcherVoid's Dust

SIN - Prison Camp
A Pristine Sky
21 44.82 Ancient BellDawn CoreMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Assassin

Yuga Kurukshetra - Western Fault Line
Plaza of Prayer
21 44.82 Claw of ChaosArrowhead of AtonementMagic Gem of RiderGem of Berserker

Yuga Kurukshetra - Dival
Walled Village
21 44.82 Egg of TruthArrowhead of AtonementSecret Gem of LancerGem of Berserker

Atlantis - Astraea Island
Temple of Justice
21 44.82 Spirit RootShining Silver CrownVoid's DustSecret Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Saber

Atlantis - Thetis Island
Motherly Beach
21 44.82 Reactor Core of DawnSerpent JewelMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Caster

Olympus - Altartown
God's Domain
21 44.82 Fruit of EternitySerpent JewelMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Caster

Olympus - God Destroyer Alliance Base
Under Front
21 44.82 Reactor Core of DawnDivine Leyline SpiritronMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Assassin

Olympus - Grand Workshop
Blacksmith of Dawn
21 44.82 Mysterious Divine WineDivine Leyline SpiritronVoid's DustSecret Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Assassin

Heian-kyo - Noble Residence
21 44.82 Tsukumo MirrorForbidden PageSecret Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Caster

Heian-kyo - Suzakumon
Emperor Facing South
21 44.82 Flaming Oni Lantern PlantRefined MagatamaSecret Gem of BerserkerMagic Gem of Saber

Avalon - Gloucester
Faeries' Auction
21 44.82 Dragon's Reverse ScaleVoid's DustSmall Bell of AbsolutionGem of Berserker

Avalon - River of Tears
The Pool of Desires
21 44.82 Shell of ReminiscenceSmall Bell of AbsolutionMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Berserker

Avalon - Norwich
The Iron City, A Sea of Soot
21 44.82 Spirit RootScale of FantasySecret Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Saber

Traum - Twilight Forest
The Recluse's Way Out
21 44.82 Great Knight MedalAsh of RemembranceMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Traum - Defensive Mountains
Indomitable Fortress
21 44.82 Mysterious Divine WinePhoenix FeatherSecret Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Caster

Traum - Righteous Realm Base
Storied City
21 44.82 Phoenix FeatherCeremonial Sword of TwilightMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Babylonia - Fallen Babylon
The Lost Capital
20 44.76 Seed of YggdrasilGem of Rider

Babylonia - Northern Hill
Battlefield Overlook
20 44.76 Seed of YggdrasilBlack Beast GreaseGem of RiderMagic Gem of Rider

Babylonia - Black Cedar Forest
Den of Demonic Beasts
20 44.76 Seed of YggdrasilPrimordial LanugoGem of RiderMagic Gem of Rider

Babylonia - Plateau
The Traveler's Secret Path
20 44.76 Deadly Poisonous NeedleSeed of YggdrasilGem of LancerGem of Rider

Shinjuku - Yoyogi 2-Chome
Mishmash Buildings
20 44.76 Mystic Spinal FluidGem of Caster

Shinjuku - Route 20
20 44.76 Mystic Spinal FluidVoid's DustGem of ArcherMagic Gem of Archer

Agartha - Subterranean Plain
Glowing Moss Fields
20 44.76 Dragon FangGem of RiderClaw of ChaosSecret Gem of Berserker

Agartha - Campsite
Hunting Ground of Warriors
20 44.76 Gem of LancerWarhorse's Young HornSeed of YggdrasilMagic Gem of LancerPhoenix Feather

Agartha - Riverside Town
Banquet of Amazoness
20 44.76 Gem of SaberSeed of YggdrasilPhoenix FeatherMagic Gem of SaberSecret Gem of Saber

Shimosa - Farm
Rural Landscape
20 44.76 Seed of YggdrasilGem of AssassinGhost LanternGem of Lancer

Salem - Silent Forest
Lupus Territory
20 44.76 Seed of YggdrasilGem of Rider

Salem - Carter Residence
Crow's Nest
20 44.76 Stake of Wailing NightMagic Gem of AssassinHeart of the Foreign GodSecret Gem of Caster

Anastasia - Anchor Point
Rus Highlands
20 44.76 Deadly Poisonous NeedleGem of LancerWarhorse's Young HornMagic Gem of Lancer

Anastasia - Yaga Smolensk
City of Beasts
20 44.76 Mystic GunpowderGem of SaberGem of Assassin

Anastasia - Icy Cavern
Underground Freezer
20 44.76 Deadly Poisonous NeedleShell of ReminiscenceGem of LancerGem of Berserker

Salem - Gallows Hill
Execution Site
20 44.76 Stake of Wailing NightGem of BerserkerMagic Gem of Assassin

Gotterdammerung - Landing Point
A Tranquil Snowfield
20 44.76 Void's DustSeed of YggdrasilPrimordial LanugoGem of AssassinMagic Gem of Assassin

Gotterdammerung - Thin Ice Hill
20 44.76 Ring of GiantsSeed of YggdrasilGem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Gotterdammerung - Giant's Flower Garden
A Gap Betwixt Flame and Ice
20 44.76 Ring of GiantsMagic Gem of Berserker

SIN - Seeding Point
A Fine Day for Harvest
20 44.76 Deadly Poisonous NeedleEternal GearGem of LancerGem of Rider

SIN - Neighboring Village
Extreme Loneliness
20 44.76 Deadly Poisonous NeedleGem of LancerGiant's RingMagic Gem of Berserker

SIN - Icy Cave
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
20 44.76 Gem of AssassinMysterious Divine WineSecret Gem of AssassinSeed of Yggdrasil

Yuga Kurukshetra - Initiate Point
A Training Journey
20 44.76 Warhorse's Young HornArrowhead of AtonementMagic Gem of LancerGem of Berserker

Yuga Kurukshetra - Bichu
A Pious Town
20 44.76 Arrowhead of AtonementPhoenix FeatherVoid's DustMagic Gem of CasterGem of Berserker

Borough Market
18 44.63 Homunculus BabyEvil BoneGem of LancerGem of ArcherMagic Gem of Lancer

Heian-kyo - Shichijou Ni-bou
West Shichijyo
21 44.27 Black Beast GreaseBall of Rainbow ThreadVoid's DustMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Assassin

Heian-kyo - Rokujou Street
Death Row Parade
21 44.27 Ball of Rainbow ThreadRefined MagatamaMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Lancer

Shimosa - Village
Desolate Village
21 43.73 Seed of YggdrasilVoid's DustRefined MagatamaGem of LancerMagic Gem of Saber

Shimosa - Hermitage
Thousand Arms, Thousand Eyes
21 43.73 Gem of AssassinRefined MagatamaGhost LanternMagic Gem of Saber

Babylonia - Bog
Land Between Rivers
21 43.73 Deadly Poisonous NeedleSerpent JewelGem of LancerMagic Gem of Archer

Babylonia - Ur
Jaguar Park
21 43.73 Seed of YggdrasilClaw of ChaosMagic Gem of BerserkerMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Babylonia - Eridu
Land of Royal Authority
21 43.73 Dragon FangGem of RiderMagic Gem of Rider

Shinjuku - Shinjuku Station
Concrete Dungeon
21 43.73 Mystic Spinal FluidGem of ArcherMagic Gem of Archer

Shinjuku - Shinjuku 4-Chome
Hotel Street
21 43.73 Mystic Spinal FluidGem of CasterClaw of ChaosSecret Gem of Berserker

Agartha - Peach Blossom Village
Village of Dreams
21 43.73 Octuplet CrystalsGem of BerserkerMagic Gem of BerserkerSecret Gem of Berserker

Agartha - Ys
Capital of Immorality
21 43.73 Gem of RiderProof of HeroVoid's Dust

Agartha - Northern Cliff
Criminal Dumping Ground
21 43.73 Fool's ChainMagic Gem of AssassinBlack Beast Grease

Salem - Public Chapel
21 43.73 Phoenix FeatherMagic Gem of Caster

Salem - Wharf
Derby Wharf
21 43.73 Fool's ChainGem of AssassinPhoenix FeatherMagic Gem of Caster

Anastasia - Rebel Stronghold
Overlook Fortress
21 43.73 Mystic GunpowderGem of SaberWarhorse's Young HornMagic Gem of Lancer

Anastasia - Yaga Sychyovka
Village of Little Owls
21 43.73 Mystic GunpowderSeed of YggdrasilGem of ArcherMagic Gem of Berserker

Anastasia - Burned Village
Charred Ruins Sinking in the Snow
21 43.73 Mystic GunpowderShell of ReminiscenceGem of SaberGem of Berserker

Gotterdammerung - Village 23
Closed Shelter
21 43.73 Aurora SteelSeed of YggdrasilMagic Gem of Rider

Gotterdammerung - Hero's Lair
The Emperor's Bed
21 43.73 Ring of GiantsOctuplet CrystalsSecret Gem of BerserkerMagic Gem of Berserker

SIN - Akuta's Camp
Garden of Poppies
21 43.73 Eternal GearGem of RiderGiant's RingMagic Gem of BerserkerVoid's Dust

SIN - Jingyang Field
Nothing Shameful
21 43.73 Dawn CoreGiant's RingMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of BerserkerVoid's Dust

Yuga Kurukshetra - Secluded Cave
Grotto of Meditation
21 43.73 Black Beast GreaseArrowhead of AtonementMagic Gem of AssassinGem of Berserker

Yuga Kurukshetra - Northern Sacred Mountain
Summit of Enlightenment
21 43.73 Egg of TruthFool's ChainVoid's DustSecret Gem of LancerGem of Berserker

Atlantis - Sailing Point
Imaginary Sea
21 43.73 Glowing Star FragmentShell of ReminiscenceSecret Gem of RiderGem of Saber

Atlantis - Hestia Island
Bonfire Shore
21 43.73 Mysterious Divine WineShining Silver CrownSecret Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Atlantis - Hecate Island
Trident Field
21 43.73 Claw of ChaosShining Silver CrownMagic Gem of Berserker

Atlantis - Deimos Island
Terrifying Wasteland
21 43.73 Scarab of WisdomShining Silver CrownSecret Gem of CasterMagic Gem of Saber

Olympus - Gliding Point
Unknown Frontier
21 43.73 Claw of ChaosSerpent JewelMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of Berserker

Olympus - West Interstellar City
City That Desires a Great Shrine
21 43.73 Fruit of EternityReactor Core of DawnMagic Gem of Lancer

Olympus - South Interstellar City
City of Land and Fertility
21 43.73 Fruit of EternityDivine Leyline SpiritronMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Assassin

Olympus - East Interstellar City
City of Beauty and Love
21 43.73 Fruit of EternityOctuplet CrystalsSecret Gem of BerserkerMagic Gem of LancerGem of Berserker

Heian-kyo - Shichijou Shi-bou
Jijyu Ike-no-Ryou
21 43.73 Tsukumo MirrorBall of Rainbow ThreadSecret Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Lancer

Avalon - Mist Coast
The Sandy Beach of Forget-Me-Not
21 43.73 Small Bell of AbsolutionMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Avalon - Cornwall Village
Nameless Forest
21 43.73 Seed of YggdrasilScale of FantasyMagic Gem of SaberGem of Rider

Avalon - Salisbury
Twinkle Cathedral
21 43.73 Lamp of Evil-SealingGreat Knight MedalMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Caster

Traum - Interstice Town
Territory Creation
21 43.73 Ceremonial Sword of TwilightAsh of RemembranceMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker

Traum - Dawn Plains
Fools Part Ways
21 43.73 Refined MagatamaAsh of RemembranceMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Caster

Traum - Middle Woods
Never Shall the Three Realms Meet
21 43.73 Claw of ChaosCeremonial Sword of TwilightMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of Berserker

Gold Rush
20 43.61 Proof of HeroVoid's DustGem of ArcherGem of Caster

Camelot - Main Gate
The Gate of Consecration
20 43.61 Great Knight MedalMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of Archer

Camelot - Holy City
The Ideal City
20 43.61 Proof of HeroOctuplet CrystalsSpirit RootGem of SaberGem of LancerSecret Gem of SaberSecret Gem of Berserker

Camelot - Fortress of the Round Table
The Raid Party of Knights
19 43.49 Proof of HeroGreat Knight MedalGem of SaberGem of LancerMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Lancer

Camelot - Mausoleum of the Evening Bell
The Angel of Death
19 43.49 Ghost LanternGem of AssassinMagic Gem of Assassin

Hyde Park
Crystal Palace Ruins
20 42.46 Evil BoneForbidden PageGem of LancerMagic Gem of CasterGem of CasterSecret Gem of Caster

Camelot - Atlas Institute
Cellar of Giants
20 42.46 Eternal GearForbidden PageGem of ArcherMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Caster

Camelot - Wastelands of Death
The Mad Banquet of Blood and Flesh
19 42.28 Fool's ChainGem of AssassinGem of Berserker

Camelot - East Village
The Withered Mountain Ridge
19 42.28 Dragon FangWarhorse's Young HornGem of RiderMagic Gem of Lancer

Bountiful Sea
Secret Route
18 42.07 Seed of YggdrasilPhoenix FeatherGem of LancerGem of SaberGem of ArcherMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Lancer

Soothing Well
18 42.07 Eternal GearEvil BoneGem of SaberGem of AssassinMagic Gem of AssassinSecret Gem of Assassin

Texas Ranger
18 42.07 Proof of HeroGem of SaberGem of ArcherSecret Gem of Assassin

Weeks Island
18 42.07 Tearstone of BloodProof of HeroGem of SaberGem of ArcherGem of LancerSecret Gem of Archer

Great Plains
18 42.07 Proof of HeroWarhorse's Young HornGem of SaberGem of LancerSecret Gem of Lancer

Unknown Coordinates X-A
The Residential Ruin
3 41.67 Evil BoneGem of Saber

Camelot - West Village
Traces of Cruelty
20 41.31 Void's DustGem of Assassin

Camelot - Sandstorm Desert
Garden of the Sphinx
19 41.07 Evil BoneScarab of WisdomGem of SaberGem of ArcherGem of LancerSecret Gem of Caster

Camelot - Dune of Dawn
The Incandescent Crest
19 41.07 Serpent JewelLamp of Evil-SealingGem of CasterMagic Gem of Caster

Heart of Dixie
18 40.79 Proof of HeroVoid's DustGem of Archer

Caldera Island
Unexplored Island
17 40.49 Seed of YggdrasilMeteor HorseshoeGem of SaberGem of Rider

New Chicago
17 40.49 Dragon FangGem of RiderMagic Gem of RiderSecret Gem of Rider

Cowtown Colosseum
17 40.49 Proof of HeroGem of ArcherGem of Lancer

The Rock
18 39.51 Proof of HeroVoid's DustGem of SaberGem of Lancer

Des Moines
Surveillance Fortress
18 39.51 Seed of YggdrasilVoid's DustClaw of ChaosGem of AssassinMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of BerserkerSecret Gem of Berserker

Black Hills
Sacred Mountains
17 39.13 Eternal GearGem of Archer

Great Riverbed
17 39.13 Proof of HeroVoid's DustGem of SaberGem of ArcherGem of Lancer

Mile High City
17 39.13 Void's DustEternal GearGem of ArcherMagic Gem of Archer

Sunken Rock Seas
Ship Graveyard
17 37.78 Evil BoneSerpent JewelGem of ArcherGem of Caster

Hidden Island
16 37.27 Gem of SaberShell of ReminiscenceMagic Gem of Saber

Quiet Bay
15 36.68 Proof of HeroDragon FangVoid's DustGem of Saber

Old Street
Fog, Carriages and Gaslights
15 36.68 Eternal GearGem of Assassin

White Chapel
15 36.68 Eternal GearVoid's DustGem of AssassinMagic Gem of Assassin

City of London
Square Mile
15 36.68 Homunculus BabyGem of LancerMagic Gem of Lancer

Island of Wyverns
Dragon's Paradise
14 36.02 Dragon FangGem of RiderMagic Gem of Rider

Charming Downtown Area
16 35.83 Homunculus BabyVoid's DustEternal GearGem of LancerGem of AssassinMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of AssassinSecret Gem of Lancer

Scotland Yard
16 35.83 Homunculus BabyVoid's DustGem of LancerMagic Gem of LancerSecret Gem of Lancer

Regent Park
Royal Family's Hunting Ground
16 35.83 Eternal GearForbidden PageGem of SaberGem of CasterMagic Gem of Saber

Unknown Coordinates X-G
Blazing Forest
15 35.15 Evil BoneGem of LancerGem of SaberGem of Archer

The Dark Forest
15 35.15 Evil BoneClaw of ChaosGem of SaberGem of LancerMagic Gem of BerserkerGem of Archer

Stormy Seas
Wandering Ghost Ship
15 35.15 Ghost LanternGem of Assassin

Misty Forest
9 35 Seed of YggdrasilGem of LancerGem of SaberGem of Assassin

Unknown Coordinates X-E
Church of Wandering Corpses
5 35 Evil BoneGem of SaberGem of LancerRider PieceVoid's Dust

Two-Current Sea
Sea of Freedom
14 34.38 Proof of HeroOctuplet CrystalsGem of BerserkerGem of ArcherMagic Gem of Berserker

Unknown Coordinates X-B
Ground Zero
4 33.75 Gem of LancerGem of SaberEvil Bone

Unknown Coordinates X-C
Giant Bridge
4 33.75 Gem of SaberEvil BoneGem of Lancer

Primeval Forest
7 33.57 Gem of SaberGem of LancerGem of RiderRider PieceGem of AssassinVoid's DustDragon FangSeed of YggdrasilRider Monument

Town of the Dead
7 33.57 Gem of SaberProof of HeroAssassin PieceGem of LancerVoid's Dust

Facing the Mediterranean Sea
7 33.57 Proof of HeroGem of LancerGem of Saber

Town of Blades
7 33.57 Gem of RiderDragon FangVoid's DustBerserker Piece

A Toast with Wine
7 33.57 Gem of LancerGem of AssassinSeed of YggdrasilGem of Saber

King's Abode Island
Cursed Pirates
13 33.48 Proof of HeroVoid's DustGem of ArcherGem of Berserker

Mapped Island
Minotaur's Maze
13 33.48 Dragon FangVoid's DustGem of SaberGem of Archer

Pirate Ship
Band of Corsairs
12 32.92 Proof of HeroGem of ArcherGem of Saber

Smoldering Warzone
9 32.78 Proof of HeroVoid's DustOctuplet CrystalsGem of BerserkerGem of LancerGem of Saber

Shaped Isle
Cave of the Goddess
9 32.78 Evil BoneVoid's DustGem of ArcherGem of Lancer

Unknown Coordinates X-F
Burnt-Down Schoolhouse
6 32.5 Evil BoneGem of ArcherGem of SaberVoid's DustAssassin PieceRider Piece

City of Art
13 31.92 Evil BoneVoid's DustDragon FangGem of ArcherGem of RiderMagic Gem of RiderSaber PieceArcher PieceLancer Piece

Pirate Island
Pirate Hideout
13 31.92 Proof of HeroVoid's DustGem of ArcherGem of Berserker

Fateful Fortress
8 31.88 Evil BoneGem of RiderCaster PieceDragon FangGem of LancerMagic Gem of RiderVoid's Dust

Alliance Capital
Rome's Horizon
10 31.5 Proof of HeroVoid's DustOctuplet CrystalsGem of ArcherGem of BerserkerGem of Saber

Unknown Coordinates X-D
Blood Soaken Port
5 31 Gem of SaberGem of ArcherEvil Bone

Mobile Coordinate No.0
Massive Cavern
7 30.71 Gem of AssassinDragon FangVoid's DustSaber PieceGem of ArcherGem of SaberSaber Monument

Jeanne's Birthplace
7 30.71 Proof of HeroGem of SaberGem of Lancer

First Fortress
7 30.71 Gem of RiderDragon FangGem of SaberEvil Bone

La Charite
Loire Ridge
7 30.71 Gem of RiderGem of LancerDragon FangProof of HeroMagic Gem of Rider

Appia Road
Queen of the Street
9 30.56 Proof of HeroVoid's DustGem of SaberGem of ArcherGem of Lancer

Rome Was Not Built In A Day
9 30.56 Proof of HeroGem of SaberGem of Lancer

Mt. Etna
Exciting Land
9 30.56 Ghost LanternGem of Assassin

City of Flower
9 30.56 Proof of HeroGem of ArcherGem of LancerGem of Saber

Middle of the Plain
9 30.56 Proof of HeroGem of LancerGem of Saber

An Ancient Harbor
9 30.56 Proof of HeroVoid's DustGem of LancerGem of Saber
Location AP Cost Best Support CE Bond / AP NotableDrops

Camelot - Great Temple
Castle of the Sun King
22 46.64 Fool's ChainScarab of WisdomGem of AssassinGem of BerserkerSecret Gem of Caster

Avalon - Oxford
Restaurant Street
22 46.64 Scale of FantasySmall Bell of AbsolutionMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Berserker

Avalon - Dover House
Dover House
22 46.64 Shell of ReminiscenceScale of FantasyMagic Gem of CasterGem of Saber

Traum - Distant Wilds
Unidentified Zone
22 46.64 Mysterious Divine WineHomunculus BabySecret Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of LancerGem of Lancer

Traum - Fort Jovianus
Outer Wall Repairs
22 46.64 Ash of RemembranceMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of Berserker

Camelot - Royal Castle
The Thousand Year Kingdom
21 46.57 Great Knight MedalVoid's DustMagic Gem of Saber

Babylonia - Nippur
Knot of Heaven and Earth
21 46.57 Deadly Poisonous NeedleDragon's Reverse ScaleGem of LancerSecret Gem of Rider

Babylonia - Mt. Ebih
Temple of the Sacred Mountain
21 46.57 Seed of YggdrasilCursed Beast GallstoneMagic Gem of BerserkerSecret Gem of Berserker

Babylonia - Blood Fort
The Quickening Mountain
21 46.57 Seed of YggdrasilPrimordial LanugoGem of RiderMagic Gem of Rider

Shinjuku - Shinjuku Gyoen
Demon's Garden
21 46.57