ID | 794 |
Cost | 5 |
Rarity | 3 |
Base HP | 160 |
Max HP | 800 |
Base ATK | 100 |
Max ATK | 500 |
Increase Quick Card effectiveness by 3%
Increase NP Gain by 5%
Increase Plush Hippo drops by 1.
[Apocrypha / Inheritance of Glory only]
Limit Break
Increase Quick Card effectiveness by 5%
Increase NP Gain by 10%
Increase Plush Hippo drops by 2.
[Apocrypha / Inheritance of Glory only]
Craft Essence Detail
Illustrator: LAM
I don't know where I'm meant to be going, but for now, I'll keep pressing forward.
I'm gonna ride Hippogriff as far as this freedom takes me...anywhere!