ID | 562 |
Cost | 12 |
Rarity | 5 |
Base HP | 0 |
Max HP | 0 |
Base ATK | 500 |
Max ATK | 2,000 |
Increase Buster and Quick Card effectiveness by 8%.
Gain 3 Critical Stars each turn.
Increase entire party's damage by 50%.
[GUDAGUDA Meiji Restoration Only]
Limit Break
Increase Buster and Quick Card effectiveness by 10%.
Gain 4 Critical Stars each turn.
Increase entire party's damage by 100%.
[GUDAGUDA Meiji Restoration Only]
Craft Essence Detail
Illustrator: Showichi Furumi
A tumultuous age brought forth by the arrival of black ships.A pack of wolves ran through the Capital as it was slowly covered with dark, ominous clouds.
While the pale moon looks on, the men wearing striped haori blow through the city once more like a bloody wind.
"First Unit Captain, Okita, will slice them up!"
"Good! Start off with ten!
And quit coughing up yer own blood, Okita!"