ID | 698 |
Cost | 5 |
Rarity | 3 |
Base HP | 300 |
Max HP | 1,500 |
Base ATK | 0 |
Max ATK | 0 |
Apply Evade (1 time).
Gain 1 Critical Star each turn.
Increase Hollow Candle drops by 1.
[Christmas 2019 Only]
Limit Break
Apply Evade (1 time).
Gain 2 Critical Stars each turn.
Increase Hollow Candle drops by 2.
[Christmas 2019 Only]
Craft Essence Detail
Illustrator: Bsuke
When you think of winter, you think of snow.
When you think of snow, you think of snowmen.
When you think of snowmen... GIRLS LOVE THEM!
And thus the gentleman has the ultimate revelation.
"Oh, I get it.
I just have to become a snowman!"
The snow man will explode in 10...9...