
Greatest Ocean

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ID 1309
Cost 9
Base HP 0
Max HP 0
Base ATK 400
Max ATK 1,500


Increase own Arts Card effectiveness by 3%.
Increase own NP Strength by 5%.
Increase own NP Overcharge Level by 1 (1 time).

Increase Imaginary Uni drops by 1.
[Imaginary Scramble Nautilus Event Only]

Limit Break

Increase own Arts Card effectiveness by 5%.
Increase own NP Strength by 10%.
Increase own NP Overcharge Level by 1 (1 time).

Increase Imaginary Uni drops by 2.
[Imaginary Scramble Nautilus Event Only]

Craft Essence Detail

Illustrator: Eiri Iwamoto

Knowledge, experience, courage, initiative, and a little bit of luck.

With all these men in place, it should be a cakewalk to find treasure. What's more crucial is what to do with the treasure afterwards.

"As per our written contract, the diver who found the treasure gets first dibs."
"But the captain's order is absolute, don't you think!?"
"Well I am a pirate who loves the word 'monopolize' you know?"

Now, now. Shouldn't you all behave yourself more like the gentlemen of the sea?