ID | 1530 |
Cost | 5 |
Rarity | 3 |
Base HP | 0 |
Max HP | 0 |
Base ATK | 200 |
Max ATK | 1,000 |
Increase Buster Card effectiveness by 3%.
Increase HP Recovery Amount by 5%.
Increase Cacao Chip drops by 1.
[Valentine's 2024 Only]
Limit Break
Increase Buster Card effectiveness by 5%.
Increase HP Recovery Amount by 10%.
Increase Cacao Chip drops by 2.
[Valentine's 2024 Only]
Craft Essence Detail
Illustrator: Yoshimoto
There are many different varieties of chocolate, but for goddesses from South America, nothing beats xocolatl. Whenever you get back from a trip in the freezing cold, we want to warm you up with a cup of hot xocolatl and a big smile!