

Chatty Detective Robin
Misaki School
Crystal of Wisdom
Smooth Sailing
Day Off Master
Greedy Dice
Leave it to Saika
Thunder-Wielding Pegasus
Sweet Flower
Capsule Saber Dragon
Companion During a Predicament
Evenly Matched
In the Pacific Rim
Holy Night Leader's Reindeer Hat
Drive Nobbu
Very Important Gift
Further Beyond Fuji
Dominator Cap
Your Adventure
Still Mid Trip
Servant of the Sister Saint
Imaginary Number Compass
Snow Baby Comrade
Azure Spiritron's Command Seal
In Sickness And In Health
Over the Waves
That's a Light in the Corner
Bee Shelved
Gimmick Master
Service Games
Holy Paper Bag
Innovator Ear
Always Burn
Evening Dew and Neverending Discussion
Illuminating the Veil of Darkness
For Your Letters
Sleeping Elisa
I Believe Only In My God
Curse of the Bunny Person
Shifuso kun
Heel Princess
Muscle Bullet
Iyo the Second Queen!
Swords to Plowshares
Nobbu Tea
Fruit of the Earth
Goodnight, Viy
Hello, Arctic!
Jiangshi Attack
Necoco Necocolight
Daikokuten & Anning Appear
Cavall II
Valiant Warriors on the Plains
Unwithering Flower
Big Blue Ox
Pleasure Hunt
Touring the Land
Colonel Automaton
Secret Company, Assassin
Buddy Ring [Silver]
Chaldea Express
Ultimate Harmony
Chaldea Delinquents
Power Shot
Buddy Ring [Gold]
Hot Xocolatl
The Jaguar Warrior
Maximum Overdrive
Mysterious Ranmaru X Lands!
Slumbering City
Homurabara Academy Student Council President
Enma-tei's Appren-chirps
Wish Come True
Nothing Can Escape These Eyes
Matching Teddy Bear
Bestial Talisman
On the Colorful Seaside Corner
Pirates of the Jungle
Mysterious Mask
Gof Special
The Have-Not
The Fierce and the Invincible
Camelot Lesson
Hao Chi?
Elegant Phantom Thief Hat
∞ Dream
Chaldea Eleven
Supreme Place of Learning
Splat Gun
The Aconite Witch's Command Seal
Dear Friend
Mini Ushiwaka
One Who Shoulders the Mother Goddess
Taking a Seat
The Valiant
Tragic Dragonkin Who Knew Naught of Love
Freeze Frame
God's Tongue
Mini Nobu
Color Me True
Golden Field
Mini Cu
Class Under the Blue Sky
The Crimson Fairy's Command Seal
Crest of the Titan's Pit
Horror Concierge
Filler Flowers
The Pale Blue Elysian's Command Spell
Himeji Bat
The One Bearing Fortune
Angel's Bed
The Bearded Scarlet Gentleman's Command Seal
Your Faithful Sheep
Crest of the Stone Bird
The Inexperienced Fantasy's Command Seal
The Crimson-Hearted Liege's Command Seal
Faint Black Delusion's Command Seal
Dove Report
The Disillusioned Blossom's Command Seal
Demonic Beast of the Forest
The Dark Disciple's Command Seal
Love Hunter
White Vessel's Command Seal
Red Gem Lady's Command Seal
Crest of Humanity
Lucky Beast
Mixed Juice
Sunday Dinner
Oni Tea Ceremony
El-Melloi's Classroom
Firefighter's Spirit
Memory of Qualia
Burning Broadcast Seat
Writer's High
All-Night Fever
Vampire Masquerade Ball
Angel's Breath
Under the Knife
Trojan Bar
The Golden Tree's Lineage
Mysterious Substance γ
Light of Wisdom
God's Deal
Daddy's Letter Show
Sengoku Freestyle
Bishamonten Appears!
Midnight Fever
A Modest Pig
Fang-Sharp Shadow Blade
GUDAGUDA Tosa Alliance
We Are Friends
Away We Go!
Noble Piece
With My Family
Team Phoenix
Cultural and Martial Arts (Simultaneously)
Ashigara Brothers
From Uruk
Nostalgic Form
The Men After the Rain
Welcome, Our Customer
Witches' Kitchen
Happiness is Like a Warm Puppy
Snow Pirates
From Wonderland
Trace of a Dream
Day After
The Beauty at the Window
Sakura's Special Bento
Soul Eater
Divine Construct
Muscle Cavalier
Counting Sheep
Summer Enma-tei
Chaldea Beach Volleyball
Sugar Vacation
Starlight Festival
Phantasmal Species
Atlas Institute
Marugoshi Shinji
Ruined Church
The Cage
The Flower of High Society
GUDAGUDA Recruitment
La Siesta
Quatre Feuilles
Collection of Mysterious Masks
Potion of Youth
Reality Marble
Arrogance of a Victor
Blissful Time
Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Seeker of Miracles
Saint's Invitation
Hydra Dagger
Inverted Moon of the Heavens
Count Romani Archaman's Hospitality
Mata Hari's Tavern
Howl at the Moon
Magical Ruby
Zunga Zunga!
Shaved Ice (Void's Dust Flavor)
Fire Flower
Shiny Goddess
Battle of Camlann
Jeweled Sword Zelretch
Extremely Spicy Mapo Tofu
Bygone Dream
Ath nGabla
Bronze-Link Manipulator
Hidden Sword: Pheasant Reversal
All Three Together
Parted Sea
Reciting the Subscription List
Crest Worms
Self Geas Scroll
Beast of Billows
Prince of Slayer
Salon de Marie
Lugh's Halo
Stuffed Lion
Motored Cuirassier
Storch Ritter
Elixir of Love
Mana Gauge
Ryudoji Temple
Repeat Magic
Kuji Kanesada
Valentine Dojo of Tears
Mysterious Substance β
Law of the Jungle
Peacefulness of 2018
Clock Tower
Lightning Reindeer
Demon Boar
Trick or Treat
Anchors Aweigh
Mooncell Automaton
Sorcery Ore
Dragon's Meridian
Spell Tome
Rin's Pendant
The Crimson Black Keys
The Verdant Black Keys
The Azure Black Keys
False Attendant's Writings
Azoth Blade