ID | 808 |
Cost | 9 |
Rarity | 3 |
Base HP | 0 |
Max HP | 0 |
Base ATK | 0 |
Max ATK | 0 |
Experience fodder, gives 18,000 CE XP.
Limit Break
(Cannot be leveled up)
Craft Essence Detail
Illustrator: Keikenti
Ryouma: Man, I never imagined we would all be fighting together.
Izo: Don't get the wrong idea, idiot! I'm doing this under protest!
Oryou: Just shut up, raise your hands, and do the peace sign, or else I can't take the picture.
It was as if they were together in their homeland, back in the day.
Oryou: By the way, I made multiple copies of this, so go ahead and use these to level up your Craft Essences or something.