ID | 761 |
Cost | 3 |
Rarity | 4 |
Base HP | 0 |
Max HP | 0 |
Base ATK | 0 |
Max ATK | 0 |
(Comes at max level)
Limit Break
Valentine's Chocolate from Mash Kyrielight, obtained during Valentine's 2020.
Increase Fer Flavor drops by 1.
[Valentine's Event 2020 Only]
Increase Fer Flavor drops by 1.
[Valentine's Event 2020 Only]
Craft Essence Detail
Illustrator: Akita Inu
Valentine's gift from Mash.A white chocolate cake with a liberal helping of almonds and strawberries.
Its glorious look and fluffy sponge cake shows much improvement over her previous attempt.
"I-I haven't cut it up yet...b-because I wanted Senpai, who has always treated me so well, to be the first one to eat it...!"