ID | 403 |
Cost | 9 |
Rarity | 4 |
Base HP | 100 |
Max HP | 100 |
Base ATK | 100 |
Max ATK | 100 |
When equipped on Ishtar,
Increases party's Buster Card effectiveness by 20%,
Decrease party's Debuff Resist by 20% [Demerit] while she is on the field.
Limit Break
When equipped on Ishtar,
Increases party's Buster Card effectiveness by 20%,
Decrease party's Debuff Resist by 20% [Demerit] while she is on the field.
Craft Essence Detail
Illustrator: ---
"Fear her, praise her, respect her, and worship her!
That goddess is the mistress of heaven, and the avatar of beauty.
In her hand is a beautiful seven-headed mace.
As its wicked appearance suggests, this merciless weapon will defeat all her foes wherever she wields it.
And it's said this goddess has held this terrible weapon since she was born. What the hell?
Oh, symbol of the sun's rays that spear the night!
Oh, goddess of the morning star, guide the dawn to us.
It was said that the goddess disliked being protected, and preferred to lead the charge and gain more glory than anyone. Why?
Yet, her kind heart extended to more than just the battlefield.
This whimsical goddess defeated monsters who brought upon floods, and used her Authority over fertility to bring irrigation and prosperity to many cities.
She may have many problems and many aspects, but in the end, she brings joy and blessings to humanity.
Hooray for Inanna.
By the way, they say that Inanna had another weapon of destruction to equal the mace's power."
"Wait, isn't this supposed to be a hymn of praise for me!?
Why are there bits where your true feelings towards me show up!?"