ID | 1272 |
Cost | 5 |
Rarity | 3 |
Base HP | 300 |
Max HP | 1,500 |
Base ATK | 0 |
Max ATK | 0 |
Restore 50 HP per turn.
Apply Damage Cut by 100.
Available for a limited time during the 5th Anniversary Celebration.
Limit Break
Restore 100 HP per turn.
Apply Damage Cut by 200.
Available for a limited time during the 5th Anniversary Celebration.
Craft Essence Detail
Illustrator: Makitoshi
To accentuate the main character, someone equally worthy needs to play the part of supporting player.
Just as a baby's breath adorns a bouquet of beautiful roses...
Just as numerous glow sticks illuminate an idol on stage...
And just as a mound of mashed potatoes smothered in gravy goes very well with a giant steak.
So a great lead must have a great supporting role to accompany them.