
Battle in New York 2024 - Revival 2021 Exhibition 7: Finale Eternal City

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Enemy Layout

Fatal Battle 1/1
Roman Soldier
Roman Soldier
Elite Soldier
Roman Soldier
Roman Soldier
Roman Soldier
Roman Giant
Roman Soldier
Roman Soldier
Elite Soldier
Roman Soldier
Roman Soldier
Roman Soldier
Roman Giant
(41 enemies total)
Roman Soldier
Elite Soldier
High Difficulty Version

Boss Statistics

Note: Battle ends when Romulus is defeated.
If Boudica is in Party
Battle Start This Isn't Rome!: [Roman] trait will not be applied when Boudica attacks Romulus.
All Enemies (except for Romulus)
Passive 1 Have a Heart of Rome: Increase own Critical Strength by 30%.
Passive 2 Working to expand Rome: Upon death, [Expansion of Rome] is delayed by 3 turns.
Elite Soldier
Overwhelming Tactics: Apply Target Focus an enemy (1 turn). *Applied on entry.
Roman Giant
Overwhelming Tactics: Apply Target Focus an enemy (1 turn). *Applied on entry.
[Rome Expansion] cooldown decreases each turn based on number of [Roman] trait enemies and allies on the field.
Rome expanded just a bit!: (1 Roman on field) Decrease [Rome Expansion] turn count by 1.
Rome expanded a bit!: (2 Romans on field) Decrease [Rome Expansion] turn count by 2.
Rome expanded!: (3 Romans on field) Decrease [Rome Expansion] turn count by 3.
Rome expanded a lot!: (4 Romans on field) Decrease [Rome Expansion] turn count by 4.
Rome expanded quite a bit!: (5 Romans on field) Decrease [Rome Expansion] turn count by 5.
Rome expanded enormously!: (6 Romans on field) Decrease [Rome Expansion] turn count by 6.
Romulus3 HP
Class Lancer
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 3 per turn
Humanoid, Servant, Male, King, Roman, Chaotic Balanced
Note Will preferentially target non-Roman trait enemies.
Passive Distinguished Divine Ancestor: Multiple effects:
-Increase Damage Resist against [Roman] trait by 90%.
-When attacked, apply [Roman] trait to the enemy (2 turns, stackable, debuff).
-Each turn, advance turn count for all [Rome Expansion] by the total number of [Roman] trait enemies and allies on the field.
Battle Start 1 Rome was not built in a day: Apply all four [Rome Expansion] buffs to self.
Rome Expansions (Turn Count reduced each turn by total number of [Roman]s on the field)
Expansion 1 First Rome Expansion: After 10 turns [Unremovable], increase HP Recovery for all allies (including backline mobs) by 200%.
Expansion 2 Second Rome Expansion: After 20 turns [Unremovable], increase Critical Rate for all allies (including backline mobs) by 30%.
Expansion 3 Third Rome Expansion: After 35 turns [Unremovable], increase ATK for all allies (including backline mobs) by 100%.
Expansion 4 Fourth Rome Expansion: After 70 turns [Unremovable], increase Damage Resist by 100% and apply Ignore Invincible to all allies (including backline).
Battle Start 2 Divine Ancestor's Protection: Apply Special Resist to all enemies: when [Roman], increase NP Damage Resist by 75%. [Unremovable]
Special Skill 1 Blessing of Rome: Restore 30,000 HP to all allies. Restore 3,000 HP to all [Roman] enemies.
Special Skill 2 Wisdom of Rome: Increase NP Gauge for all allies by 1. Increase NP Gauge by 50% for all [Roman] enemies. Increase NP Strength for all [Roman] allies and enemies by 50% (1 time, 3 turns).
Special Skill 3 Military Force of Rome: Increase ATK for all [Roman] enemies and allies by 50% (3 times, 3 turns).
Break "Feel the romance!": Increase NP Overcharge Level by 2 for all [Roman] enemies (5 turns). Decrease NP Gauge for all enemies by 50%. Apply Damage Cut by 50,000 to self (10 times) [Unremovable].
Break "Feel Rome!": Increase Crit Star Drop Rate by 30%, NP Gain by 30%, and Quick/Arts/Buster effectiveness by 30% for all [Roman] enemies (5 turns). Apply Invincible to self (10 times) [Unremovable].
Skill 1 Natural Body C: Increase own Attack Debuff Resist (3 turns). Recovers own HP.
Skill 2 Imperial Privilege EX: 60% Chance to increase own ATK (3 turns). 60% Chance to increase own DEF (3 turns). Restore own HP.
Skill 3 Septem Colles A: Apply Guts to an ally (1 time, 1 turn). (Revives with 1000 HP) Increase Buster Card effectiveness for an ally (1 turn).
NP Magna Voluisse Magnum: Deal heavy damage to all enemies. Increase ATK for all allies (3 turns).


  • Welcome to the final Exhibition match of Battle in New York 2021! Romulus greets the party, backed by an army of Romans, keen on building his eternal Rome and eager to welcome your party to join by conferring [Roman] trait to your party. Accepting his invitation is ill-advised, however.
  • Defeat Romulus to complete the encounter. The additional Roman soldiers do not have to be defeated.
  • Romulus will preferentially attack non-Roman Trait enemies with his normal attacks. His NP is AoE, however, and will ignore this.
  • Roman Trait gets applied when attacking Romulus, which will last for 2 turns and counts as a debuff (so it can be cleared). Being Roman has both pros and cons:
    • The Good:
      • Romans have NP Damage Resist increased by 90%, which protects your party members from taking too much damage from Romulus or other enemies' NPs so long as they have the trait.
      • Romans gain beneficial effects from Romulus's special skills, including a 3,000 HP heal, a 50% NP Charge + NP Damage buff, or a 50% ATK buff, depending on the skill(s) he uses.
    • The Bad:
      • Romans deal 90% less damage to Romulus: Once the Roman trait is applied, so long as it is active, the Servant will deal much less damage to the boss. This frequently means only the first hit by a Servant will deal full damage, which applies the Roman trait, and any subsequent attacks have reduced damage. This battle emphasizes Burst damage as a result. Note it is possible to cleanse the [Roman] trait debuff.
      • Rome Expansions proceed more quickly the more Romans there are on the field. The turn count for all four Rome expansions decreases by the total number of [Roman] trait enemies on the field. All enemies count as [Roman], plus any Servants on your side that may have gained the [Roman] trait. This can become problematic, particularly if the Fourth Expansion is allowed to reach completion.
  • Four Rome Expansion begin their timers at battle start. The turn counter for all 4 expansions will go down by the # of Romans on the field each turn. The battle becomes nigh-impossible if the fourth expansion completes.
    • Expansion 1 (10 turns): An HP Recovery buff +200% to all enemies. For the most part this one will occur and is relatively harmless.
    • Expansion 2 (20 turns): A Crit Rate +30% buff to all enemies. Things start to become riskier at this point.
    • Expansion 3 (35 turns): An ATK +100% buff to all enemies. Expect to start taking more damage at this point.
    • Expansion 4 (70 turns): A 100% Damage Resist buff and Ignore Invincible permanently on all enemies. At this point it becomes extremely difficult to damage Romulus, and is likely nearly impossible to win.
  • Romulus has three special skills that he uses randomly, which apply beneficial effects to Roman trait allies or enemies on the field:
    • Heal 30,000 to enemy side, 3,000 HP to [Roman] party members.
    • NP Gauge +1 to enemy side, NP Gauge +50% and NP Damage +50% (1 time, 3 turns) to [Roman] party members.
    • ATK +50% for all [Roman]s on field.
  • On First Break, he will Decrease NP Gauge by 50% for all [Roman] party members, which unfortunately probably will include the DPS that you used to break his first HP Bar. He also does helpfully increase NP Overcharge level for [Roman]s, but he will apply a hefty 50,000 damage cut that lasts for 10 hits and is unremovable.
  • On Second Break, he gains 10-hits of Invincibility as a last ditch effort to stall for his Rome Expansions, which can only be removed by hitting him 10 times. At the same time, he will also helpfully provide a small Star Drop, NP Gain, and Quick/Arts/Buster buff to all [Roman] party members that lasts 5 turns.

Team Recommendations

  • Burst Damage is ideal for this encounter, given attacking him will apply [Roman] trait to the attacker, and Romans have 90% reduced damage against Romulus, so any attacks past the first hit will suffer a 90% damage reduction.
  • ST Saber DPS is the best choice for this encounter. Almost any strong ST Saber can fit the bill, including the recent Summer Welfare Servant, Hokusai Saber. The video links below provide several examples of clears with different DPS options (including Bedivere, who can reach an impressive +90% Buster Bonus on his NP by himself with max Overcharge). Some Sabers, such as Musashi, can also get around the Invincibility after 2nd Break using her Ignore Invincible skill. Beni-Enma is also decent given her anti-Chaotic bonus damage. Remember NOT to bring a Roman as your primary DPS, however, since they will always have the 90% damage reduction due to their trait. This means some otherwise strong ST Saber candidates such as Nero Bride and Caesar are probably off the table. They can still be used as support if desired, but ideally not as the primary DPS.
  • Damage Support of the Card Color matching your selected DPS will be essential to maximizing the burst hit against Romulus, given the first attack of the turn from a given Servant (while they are non-Roman) matters most.
  • AoE Evade/Invincibility Support will be helpful to protect the party against Romulus's AoE NP. Alternatively, applying [Roman] trait to the whole party for the 75% NP Damage reduction can mitigate the damage a bit with the help of additional defensive buffs or NP damage debuffs, although that has the demerit of forcing the DPS to wait 2 turns for the trait to expire before they can do damage (or requiring a debuff clear to get rid of the trait before it expires naturally). Romulus will more than likely get his NP off at least once, due to his 10-hit invincibility that comes from his 2nd break effect.
  • Debuff Clear Support can come in handy to remove the Roman trait on demand so the DPS can deal their burst hit at a more convenient time, since the trait counts as a debuff.
  • Ignore Invincibility Support from Sherlock Holmes can also come in handy if he's available in the roster, so that the party does not have to wait for the Invincibility after 2nd break to be consumed before launching an attack.

Quick Servant Suggestions

- Recommended
Non-Roman ST DPS
DPS Sabers with Debuff Clear
Offensive Support
Defensive Support
Debuff Clear Support
Ignore Invincibility Support
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Twitter: @NorseFTX

Content Director at GamePress. Passionate about fighting games, virtual/augmented reality technology, neuroengineering, and video games in general. Classical Piano Performance, Sprite Art, and Under Night In-Birth enthusiast.