
GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku - Challenge Guide: Overwhelming Good Fortune Battle: Upright-Floating Tea Stalk

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Enemy Layout

Fatal Battle 1/1
Standing Tea Stalk

Requirements: The Main Quest line for the Event, along with the final Extra Quest must be completed before this quest can be attempted.

Boss Statistics

Iyo1 HP
Class Ruler
NP Bar
NP Type
3 Actions per turn
Servant, Humanoid, Female, Heaven or Earth, King, Hominidae, Spiritron Dress User, Weak to Enuma Elish, Wild Beast, Earth Attribute, Lawful Evil
Notes - Acts 3 times per turn.
Battle Start I'm pretty amazing now!: Apply multiple effects to self [All Unremovable]:
- Add [Lucky] trait stack to self [Unremovable] when attacking or when receiving attacks.
- Increase own DEF by 75%.
- Increase own NP Damage Resist by 50%.
- Increase own Crit Damage Resist by 50%.
- Increase own Quick Resist by 75%.
- Increase own Arts Resist by 75%.
- Increase own Buster Resist by 75%.
- Restore 5,000 HP for all allies each turn.
- Clear debuffs for all allies each turn.
Special 1 When total [Lucky] stacks reach or exceed 7, remove 7 [Lucky] stacks from self and summon an additional Standing Tea Stalk to the field.
Special 2 Iyo's Luck Exceeded the Limits and Exploded.: When there are 5 Standing Tea Stalks on the field, remove all "I'm pretty amazing now!" buffs from self (1 turn) and remove all [Lucky] stacks from Iyo. Remove all Standing Tea Stalk enemies from the field.
* After each time this activates, the number of Standing Tea Stalks required to activate this again will decrease each time to 4, 3, and finally 2.
Break "I might have gotten a bit too carried away...": Remove all "I'm pretty amazing now!" buffs and all [Lucky] stacks from self. Remove all Standing Tea Stalks from the field. Apply the following effects:
- Apply buff to self (3 turns) [Unremovable]: Steal 1 defensive buff from enemy when attacking.
- Apply buff to self (3 turns) [Unremovable]: Steal 1 offensive buff from enemy when receiving attacks.
Skill 1 Kidou (Ruin) B: Increase own Arts Card effectiveness (3 turns). Apply Special ATK [Divine] to self (3 turns). Inflict Curse on all enemies (5 turns, 1000 dmg/turn).
Skill 2 Oracle of Darkness B: Increase own NP Gauge by 1. Increase own Arts Card Critical Rate by 20% (1 turn). Increase own Arts Card Critical Strength (1 turn).
Skill 3 Priestess of the End C: Increase ATK for all allies (3 turns). Increase Critical Strength for all [Wild Beast] allies (3 turns). Increase own Critical Rate by 10% (2 turns).
NP Yoiyami-Kageru Tsuki no Mitama: Increase own NP Strength by 10% (3 turns) [Activates first]. Deal damage to all enemies. Inflict Curse Damage Up by 100% on all enemies (3 turns). Inflict Curse on all enemies (3 turns).
Standing Tea Stalk
Green HP
Class Ruler
NP Bar
NP Type
Cannot act
Fae, Super Giant, Giant, Earth Attribute
Notes - Cannot act.
-Attacking these enemies do not generate NP gauge.
- Max 6 enemies on screen at once.
On Entry The Tea Stalk Stood Up!: Inflict Stun on self [Unremovable]. Increase own Damage Resist by 100% [Unremovable].


  • Masters must face off against Iyo, empowered by having lucky standing stalks in her tea! She is a Ruler Class Servant with two HP bars (999k & 66k HP).
  • Standing Tea Stalks are represented by a Green Man enemy mob. One starts on the field, and more can be summoned.
    • Up to 6 enemies can be on field at once, which means up to 5 Standing Tea Stalks can be summoned.
    • These mobs cannot take any actions and have 100% damage resist, and notably do not generate any NP when attacked. Combat wise these can be mostly ignored.
    • Iyo will act 3 times per turn since the Tea Stalks cannot act.
  • Iyo has massive damage mitigation buffs when the battle starts, and is extremely difficult to deal damage to initially.
  • Iyo gains a Lucky trait stack every time she attacks or gets attacked.
  • Upon reaching 7 Lucky Stacks, Iyo summons another Standing Tea Stalk to the field and removes 7 Lucky Stacks from herself.
    • Since Iyo attacks 3 times per turn, and Masters can land up to 4 attacks each turn (with a Brave Chain), Masters can add up to one Standing Tea Stalk on the field each turn.
  • Upon reaching 5 Standing Tea Stalks on the field, Iyo's luck will overload and all of her damage reduction buffs will disappear for 1 turn. This gives Masters a window of opportunity to attack!
    • For this to occur a second time, this requires only 4 Standing Tea Stalks.
    • For the third time, this requires 3 Standing Tea Stalks.
    • For the remaining times, this requires 2 Standing Tea Stalks.
  • On Break, Iyo loses all of her Lucky stacks and damage mitigation buffs. In their place, she receives some unremovable buffs that last three turns that allow her to steal defensive buffs when attacking and steal offensive buffs when taking attacks. Her HP total will also drop tremendously, making her much easier to finish off.

Team Recommendations

  • Single Target Avenger Damage Dealers - Since there is only really one Ruler Class target to deal with in this encounter, Avengers are the best choice. Alternatively, any Servants with trait bonus damage are also viable.
    • Semi-Solo Servant clears are possible, as shown with Heracles in the sample video links below.
  • Taunt Support Servants are helpful since a portion of the battle will likely involve stalling out the boss until the party can spawn enough Standing Tea Stalk enemies on the field to remove her buffs.
  • Evade or Invincibility Support also can be helpful during the stalling phase of the battle for similar reasons, to ensure the party can survive long enough until the damage window opportunity arises.
    • However, Masters will want to keep in mind that after break, Iyo can steal defensive buffs with attacks! Masters can either opt to not have defensive buffs active on the turn they plan to break her HP bar, or to stun Iyo when breaking her so she is unable to act.
  • Damage / NP Gauge Support is helpful as always to enhance the primary damage dealer's damage to be as high as possible during the boss's turn of vulnerability.
  • Ignore DEF Support from either a Servant or CE are excellent to have on the damage dealer for faster clear setups. This can help the damage dealer overcome the boss's 75% DEF buff passive.

Quick Servant Suggestions

- Recommended
ST Avenger DPS
Ignore DEF DPS
Trait Bonus DPS

Ignore DEF Support
Ignore DEF CE
Taunt Support
Defensive Support
Offensive Support
Last Man / Solo Servant
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Twitter: @NorseFTX

Content Director at GamePress. Passionate about fighting games, virtual/augmented reality technology, neuroengineering, and video games in general. Classical Piano Performance, Sprite Art, and Under Night In-Birth enthusiast.
