
[High Difficulty] Overwhelming Good Fortune Battle: Upright-Floating Tea Stalk

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 1098
QP 11,280
Quest EXP 45,828
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

Clear the final post-Epilogue Extra Quest: GUDAGUDA Perfect Day for Tea Ceremony to unlock this quest.

Up to 6 enemies can be on field at once.

Enemy Details

Part 1
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl

Iyo the Lucky Girl☆
* Acts 3 times per turn. Standing Tea Stalks do not act.

Battle Start: "I'm pretty amazing now!": Apply multiple effects to self [All Unremovable]:
- Add [Lucky] trait stack to self [Unremovable] when attacking or when receiving attacks.
- Increase own DEF by 75%.
- Increase own NP Damage Resist by 50%.
- Increase own Crit Damage Resist by 50%.
- Increase own Quick Resist by 75%.
- Increase own Arts Resist by 75%.
- Increase own Buster Resist by 75%.
- Restore 5,000 HP for all allies each turn.
- Clear debuffs for all allies each turn.

Special 1: When total [Lucky] stacks reach or exceed 7, remove 7 [Lucky] stacks from self and summon an additional Standing Tea Stalk to the field.
Special 2: Iyo's Luck Exceeded the Limits and Exploded.: When there are 5 Standing Tea Stalks on the field, remove all "I'm pretty amazing now!" buffs from self (1 turn) and remove all [Lucky] stacks from Iyo. Remove all Standing Tea Stalk enemies from the field. After each time this activates, the number of Standing Tea Stalks required to activate this again will decrease each time to 4, 3, and finally 2.

999,999 90

Sobbing Iyo

Break Effect: "I might have gotten a bit too carried away...": Remove all "I'm pretty amazing now!" buffs and all [Lucky] stacks from self. Remove all Standing Tea Stalks from the field. Apply the following effects:
- Apply buff to self (3 turns) [Unremovable]: Steal 1 defensive buff from enemy when attacking.
- Apply buff to self (3 turns) [Unremovable]: Steal 1 offensive buff from enemy when receiving attacks.

66,666 90
Green Man - Gold Ruler

Standing Tea Stalk
* One starts summoned to the field at battle start.
* More are summonable by Iyo.
* Note attacking these enemies does not generate NP gauge.

On Entry: The Tea Stalk Stood Up!: Inflict Stun on self [Unremovable]. Increase own Damage Resist by 100% [Unremovable].

88,888 88

Quest Drops

Quest Reward