
Rabbit's Reviews #279: Ashiya Douman (5* Alter Ego)

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Rabbit's Reviews Limbo
NA Release Date: 11/21/2022

It seems FGO JP is finally hitting the point where long-running Lostbelt enemies will start to be added as summonable Servants. First on the docket is the oldest of those long-running antagonists, Ashiya Douman, also known as Caster of Limbo, of Shimousa fame. He’s a cool Servant! Limbo has two primary “value propositions,” so to speak, and while neither is amazing or top-class, both are strong enough for him to be a worthwhile pull if you like the guy. Limbo has decent persistent steroids with very good “stretch” on his crits, coupled with a huge battery that enables him to tri-loop easily with an MLB Kaleid or pretty much any third support who has NP charge, including Asclepius and Jinako. His other value proposition lies in the fact that he brings massive offensive buffs to Chaotic Evil Servants, to the point that his three-turn buffs nearly match Merlin’s Burst turn buffs in damage ampage, and with his Bond CE he surpasses Merlin handily (at least offensively and in a relatively short window). Limbo’s lack of targeted batteries or strong survival tools hinder his supportive value, but for certain Servants and team comps he can be highly valuable, especially if you have an MLB Kaleid to offset his lack of batteries or a Poster Girl to get him off the field quickly.

Servant Data
Alter Ego
Chaotic Evil
Max HP 13,266
HP Rank
Max ATK 12,252
ATK Rank
Base Atk1,893Base HP1,945
Max Atk 12,252 Max HP 13,266
Grail Atk 13,412 Grail HP 14,533
Territory Creation B

Increase your Arts Card effectiveness by 8%.

Item Construction A

Increase your Debuff Chance Rate by 10%.

Magic Resistance A

Increase your Debuff Resist by 20%.

Core of Darkness B

Apply Damage Plus for yourself (Total Card Damage +225).
Increase own Instant Death Success Rate by 20%.

High Servant A

No effect.

Hedonism EX

Increase amount of NP Gained when attacked by 20%.

Card Hits 4 3 3 5 5
Per Hit 0.70% 0.70% 0.70% 0.70% 0.70%
NP per Hit (%) 0.70%
NP when Attacked (%) 4%
Star Absorption 100
Star Generation per Hit 9.7%
Material Requirements
Servant Skills
Noble Phantasm
Usage Tips
Grail Potential

Limbo is a strong Servant, but not a necessary or uniquely powerful one. He has solid farming potential, but he does need native Skadi and one of a handful of third supports to do it, and he’s limited to cavalry classes as well. Battery loopers are generally more reliable for 90+ nodes, at least, but those nodes also tend to favor unorthodox teams in general, and if you have a deep bench already you can probably handle the various 90+ nodes that pop up with or without access to Limbo. As a support, he brings a ton of offensive firepower but very little in the way of defense, and he’s hampered by the long cooldowns on his skills. Ultimately, if you like him or get lucky on his banner, you can use him in ways that will make him feel strong, but he’s probably not a Servant to actively target if gameplay is the only draw.

Rabbit's Arbitrary Ratings

Overall: 8/10
Single-Target DPS: 7/10
AoE DPS: 7/10
Survivability: 8/10
Offensive Utility: 8/10
Defensive Utility: 3/10
Farming Usefulness: 8/10
Heat: 10/10

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