Prisma Codes is one of the easier events in FGO. The abundance of female Servants in the game, coupled with fairly manageable enemy compositions make it quite easy to farm. Furthermore, Chloe is one of the strongest welfare Servants in the game. Once unlocked, she can steamroll the rest of the event on her own thanks to her high bonus damage and extraordinary skill set. Once players max ascend her (a simple feat), this event becomes much more laid back and efficient.
That being said, planning out optimal teams beforehand will still save a lot of time spent on this event, considering there are also the missions to get through.
Quick Table
General Recommendations
Prisma Codes’s drop bonuses are entirely based on Craft Essences. All female Servants will deal bonus damage once equipped with one of the two Craft Essences available in the Event Shop (Kaleid Ruby and Kaleid Sapphire). The featured servants will also receive an additional damage boost. This means the priority for most players should be to get these Craft Essences as soon as possible by completing the event missions, as the damage increase is quite significant.
Thanks to these mechanics, almost all female Servants are usable for farming. However, not all Servants are made equal, and certain Servants will still perform remarkably better in specific nodes, some even in all of them.
General Recommendations
Servant | Bonus | Description |
![]() Zhuge Liang (El Melloi II) | You thought in a Magical Girls event full of radiant maidens, a grumpy old Lord of the Clock Tower would be spared from his buff bot responsibility? If anything, the bonus damage system makes Zhuge even more useful, thanks to how strong his buffs scale with additional sources of damage amplifiers. Do overwork him even if his Bond is maxed; his benefits vastly outweigh Bond point efficiency. | |
![]() Minamoto-no-Raikou | [Female] | Female Berserkers with AoE Noble Phantasm are the queens of this event because of how versatile they are for all the nodes. Unfortunately, most AoE Berserkers have trouble generating NP. Not only does Raikou generate NP far better than other AoE Berserkers, she is also extremely potent at killing bosses. She is easily a premium choice for any team in this event. |
![]() Chloe von Einzbern | [Female]![]() | Chloe is a strong Servant on her own, but in this event, she is genuinely the strongest Servant without a shadow of doubt. With both her innate event bonus damage and CE bonus damage, she can easily melt any enemies with her Noble Phantasm. Better yet, her convenient NP charge skill makes her the premier damage-dealer for every node but the Lancer heavy Kingdom of Dragons and Sea. Isn’t it sad, Emiyacchin? |
![]() Illyasviel von Einzbern | [Female]![]() | Illya is on this list for two reasons: her 100% bonus damage during the event and the complete lack of Rider bosses in the Free Quests. These two factors make this event a playground for her. |
![]() Euryale | [Female] | The legendary manslayer Euryale extends beyond Camelot to this event. She grants all players the wish of an easy time farming. With the gratuitous bonus from Kaleid Sapphire, Euryale can and will transform any males into event currencies on sight. |
![]() Queen Medb | [Female]![]() | Coming straight from Amagami SS into this magical land, this is one of the few events that Medb can take the spotlight. With her innate bonus damage during the event and her Noble Phantasm being effective against males, Medb is quite effective for all nodes even without the Event Craft Essence equipped. |
![]() Mash Kyrielight | [Female]![]() | Our kouhai also possesses a strong innate bonus damage during the event. Even though her damage output is still poor with the bonus, she is on this list because of her 0 Party Cost. Thanks to the recent upgrade after completing Camelot, she can support the team with offensive buffs while also fulfilling the invaluable niche of being the best CE holder for bonus drops. |
Land of Sweets
Perhaps the easiest node of the event thanks to most of the enemies being Berserkers and the two notable enemies being Caster. A strong female Rider with a Craft Essence equipped is often enough to clear this node without much difficulty.
High Recommendation
Servant | Bonus | Description |
![]() Francis Drake | [Female] | Pioneer of the Stars makes Drake the best farming Rider in the game. A boosted Golden Wild Hunt is often more than enough to evaporate the last wave without trouble. |
![]() Altria Pendragon (Santa Alter) | [Female] | While Santa-san does not have the luxury of an Instant NP charge like Francis Drake, under normal circumstances her Noble Phantasm wins outright in terms of damage output. For most free to play players, Santa Alter is the perfect solution to one shot the last wave. |
![]() Mordred (Rider) | [Female] | Mordred is the Servant most likely able to do two Noble Phantasms in a row, making her a strong candidate for fast clears. This is especially so for players who have her at a high Noble Phantasm level or for those who can provide her with NP charge, or Arts performance and NP gain buffs. |
Mid Recommendation
Servant | Bonus | Description |
![]() Ushiwakamaru | [Female] | As the savior of free to play players, Ushi is capable of one-shotting either the Ifreeta or Mephistopheles with one buffed Noble Phantasm. Her supportive skillset is also quite useful, but she will require further assistance to 100% her NP bar. |
![]() Anne Bonny & Mary Read | [Female] | Similar to Ushiwakamaru, the pirate duo can melt Caster enemies with ease thanks to their powerful Noble Phantasm. However, their NP generation is equally as bad and they don’t provide much else aside from their Noble Phantasm and decent normal attacks. |
![]() Saint Martha ![]() Marie Antoinette ![]() Medusa | [Female] | These Riders are viable AoE options for the node. They all have respectable NP generation by one method or another, and while they most likely won’t ever be as effective as Santa Alter or Francis Drake, they will do a good job most of the time. |
![]() Sakata Kintoki (Rider) | Kintoki can hard carry this node for any Free to Play players. In fact, even without the female CE bonus, his damage output is so good that players with stronger selection of Servants should still consider him in their team. |
Low Recommendation
Servant | Bonus | Description |
![]() Astolfo | [Female] | Astolfo’s NP gain and skill set leave much to be desired, but for this node alone he is a fairly useful Servant. His Noble Phantasm is quite strong in terms of damage, but if he holds the Event Craft Essences, he will need extra help to fill his NP bar. |
![]() Tamamo-no-Mae (Lancer) | [Female] | Tamamo is a very effective anti-male Servant. While she won’t be too effective against the Ifreeta, her damage, NP gain and skill set are more than enough to take a spot in any team without strong Rider options for this node. |
Land of Dragons and Sea
This node is mainly for players who want to farm the two monster materials at the same time. In general, it is not highly recommended to farm this node as nodes with mixed drops tend to be less efficient (due to having to split CE slots for drop bonus CEs for the different event currencies). Furthermore, this node has a more troublesome enemy composition than other nodes, especially for players who lack a solid single target damage Caster. Beyond Illya von Einzbern (who is mentioned in the overall recommendations), here are some Servants that can tackle this node well.
High Recommendation
Servant | Bonus | Description |
![]() Xuanzang Sanzang | [Female] | Sanzang is the most reliable single target damage Caster in the game. While she is behind Illya in terms of burst, especially during this event, charging her NP bar is much easier and reliable, making her a prime candidate to handle the Dragon in the second wave. |
![]() Medea | [Female] | What do you mean she is too old for this event? Do you have a death wish? Medea’s claim to fame is her ability to instantly pop her Noble Phantasm with Rapid Words of Divine. Despite her Noble Phantasm not being that powerful in terms of damage output, her low Party Cost, high availability, and reliability make her a very solid choice for Free to Play players. |
![]() Altria Pendragon (Alter) ![]() Ryougi Shiki (Saber) ![]() Altera ![]() Mordred ![]() Altria Pendragon | [Female] | Due to the abundance of Lancer enemies in this node and Erik Bloodaxe being a Berserker, having an AoE Saber will make the last node quite easy. |
Mid Recommendation
Servant | Bonus | Description |
![]() Okita Souji ![]() Nero Claudius (Bride) | [Female] | These two Sabers both have strong NP generation and single target Noble Phantasms, allowing them to kill Erik Bloodaxe with the Event Craft Essence. While their class advantage means they won’t have much trouble against the Lancer Wyverns, they are fairly lackluster against the Assassin Dragon. |
![]() Ibaraki-Douji | [Female] | Berserkers are often the go-to choice for nodes with multiple classes, and this one is no different. Ibaraki-Douji is a strong alternative for players without a good single target Caster, with the ability to handle those pesky wyverns fairly well too. |
![]() Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) | [Female] | With her absurdly high attack, Eric Bloodaxe is but a trivial task for the corrupted saint. Her neutral damage also makes her quite relevant even when against the Dragon or Wyvern, especially if supplied with Critical Stars. |
Low Recommendation
Servant | Bonus | Description |
![]() Tamamo-no-Mae (Lancer) | [Female] | A good alternative for killing Erik as he takes extra damage from her Noble Phantasm. |
![]() Altria Pendragon (Lily) | [Female] | This event is one of the rare occasions where Lily is salvageable by the event’s bonus damage. Thanks to her welfare status, many players have her at NP level 5, which should be enough to clear the last wave without much problems. |
Land of Dead Bookshelves
A very nice node to farm thanks to the mono-class enemy composition and excellent drops. Any strong female Riders equipped with Event Craft Essences, particularly AoE Riders, should not have much trouble clearing this node, but the Guts spamming from mobs can still make it tedious.
High Recommendation
Servant | Bonus | Description |
![]() Francis Drake | [Female] | As this node consists of three waves all with three enemies each, Drake is easily the best possible candidate thanks to her ability to cycle more than one Noble Phantasm per match without problems. |
![]() Altria Pendragon (Santa Alter) | [Female] | Santa will struggle to get off more than one Noble Phantasm, but she is certainly capable of grinding the last wave to dust with her firepower. |
![]() Mordred (Rider) | [Female] | Mordred’s ability to spam her AoE Noble Phantasm is unmatched. She is well capable of surfing through the node with her trusty Prydwen without problem when boosted with some additional art supports. |
Mid Recommendation
Servant | Bonus | Description |
![]() Ushiwakamaru ![]() Anne Bonny & Mary Read | [Female] | While AoE Riders are more well-suited for this node, these single target Riders can still find a place in many teams thanks to their strong burst. As long as they have their Noble Phantasm ready, one-shotting the Archdemon or Paracelsus is trivial. |
![]() Saint Martha ![]() Marie Antoinette ![]() Medusa | [Female] | Alternatives for teams lacking more powerful AoE Riders. Of these, Medusa is the best candidate thanks to her high availability. Of these, Saint Martha has the best at generating NP with her normal attack, while Medusa has the advantage of an instant NP charge skill provided she has it unlocked. |
![]() Sakata Kintoki (Rider) | Brotoki will hardly need any form of bonus damage to blow Paracelsus to smithereens thanks to his absurd damage and NP generation rate. |
Low Recommendation
Servant | Bonus | Description |
![]() Astolfo | [Female] | Unless the team has a way to of fill Astolfo’s NP bar in time, he is hardly worth the trouble. Nonetheless, his Noble Phantasm is quite hard-hitting and can do the job for players without many options. |
![]() Frankenstein ![]() Tamamo Cat | [Female] | These Berserkers are quite similar to Astolfo in that their NP generation rate is quite slow due to their lack of Arts cards and low hit counts. Furthermore, they are frail as they lack the benefit of a class advantage against Casters. However, their Noble Phantasms are strong and can warrant a spot for players who have limited alternatives. |
![]() Iskandar ![]() Alexander | While they do not have any bonus damage from Event Craft Essences, their Noble Phantasms are still strong enough to heavily dent any of the three waves. Do consider bringing them along if no Female Riders are available. |
Land of Snow and Honey
This is another mono-class node that should not give most players trouble as a max ascended Chloe or Euryale have no problems in clearing it out. However, for players who are not as ready to level Chloe during the event, there is still a good selection of strong Archers that can be called upon.
High Recommendation
Servant | Bonus | Description |
![]() Oda Nobunaga | [Female] | Archer: check. Bonus damage against enemies with Riding: check. AoE Noble Phantasm: check. By the time Brock can even draw out his drill (or sword), his spirit should already be in Valhalla. |
![]() Altria Pendragon (Archer) | [Female] | Thanks to her fantastic NP spam potential, Archer Altria is a great primary damage dealer for this node. With proper support, she can use Excalibur Viviane on both the Spriggan and Fergus within a very short timeframe. |
Mid Recommendation
Servant | Bonus | Description |
![]() Atalante | [Female] | The Huntress is a decent alternative to Nobunaga for AoE duty. Her low NP generation and attack can hurt clear speed, but as far as secondary options go, Atalante is quite adequate. |
![]() Anne Bonny & Mary Read (Archer) | [Female] | The pirate duo has a hard time building up their NP bar, but their NP damage potential is not to be counted out. As the Spriggan loves to do critical damage, these girls can take advantage of that and lower their HP bar, effectively boosting up their inevitable burst against Brock. |
![]() Gilgamesh | Despite not having any bonus, Gilgamesh is amazing for this node. Thanks to his Critical Damage potential, he can easily take on the Spriggan. Additionally, Enuma Elish deals bonus damage against Servants like Fergus. With enough buffs, Gil can clean up the last wave in one fell swoop. | |
![]() Arash | For players whose strategies involve utilizing the backline, Arash is invaluable for this node. Stella can easily kill the first wave or heavily wound the last wave, making way for a teammate from the backline to clean up the fight. |
Low Recommendation
Servant | Bonus | Description |
![]() Orion | Orion is inferior to Euryale for this event due to counting as male. Nonetheless, they are still a decent secondary damage dealer for players who don’t have Euryale or need a solid filler damage dealer. | |
![]() Robin Hood ![]() David | Both are solid Free to Play Archer options. Robin Hood can obliterate the Spriggan or Fergus provided he is buffed. David offers utility to teams that already have enough damage output, with a decent single target Noble Phantasm to boot. | |
![]() Emiya ![]() Arjuna ![]() Nikola Tesla | Players who sorely lack AoE Archer alternatives can turn to these heroes. Of these, Tesla is the best thanks to his ability to charge half his NP bar instantly, while his Noble Phantasm also has a bonus damage modifier against Fergus. |
Land of Primal Star and Crystal
Finally, we arrived at the most troublesome node of the event. Soul Eaters are one of those enemies that no one wants to fight repeatedly, even if Illya or Sanzang are available. Furthermore, Tesla is a dangerous gentleman with two NP charging abilities and the ability to pierce through evade/invulnerability. Combined with a short three-charge NP gauge, not being able to kill him on sight can lead to costly runs.
High Recommendation
Servant | Bonus | Description |
![]() Brynhild ![]() Tamamo-no-Mae (Lancer) | [Female] | For players possessing either of these Lancers, rest assured that they can kill Tesla without a problem. Being a male with Brynhild’s Beloved Trait, Tesla would be lucky to survive a Noble Phantasm from either Bryn or Tamashark. Their NP generation rates are also good enough that most players should not have any problems prepping their NP bar prior to the final wave. |
![]() Xuanzang Sanzang ![]() Medea | [Female] | Aside from the obvious Illya, having a single target Caster who can kill the Soul Eater will make the run much more smooth. Both Sanzang and Medea are also capable of charging their NP bar incredibly fast thanks to their respective High Speed skills. |
Mid Recommendation
Servant | Bonus | Description |
![]() Scathach ![]() Kiyohime (Lancer) | [Female] | While not having any trait bonus against Nikola Tesla, these Lancers should have more than enough firepower to kill Tesla with an NP Brave Chain, or at least heavily wound him so their teammates can finish him off. |
![]() Altria Pendragon (Lancer Alter) | [Female] | Capable of both softening the enemies with her Noble Phantasm and delivering painful Critical Hits, Lancer Alter is a very good choice to handle the last wave. However her NP generation rate is not particularly fast, and players might struggle to prep her before the final wave. |
![]() Sakata Kintoki | With Animal Dialogue and a powerful single target Noble Phantasm, Kintoki is a good candidate to handle the Soul Eater. He will also provide strong raw damage output which is always useful against the mobs and Tesla himself. However, his vulnerability can be a major problem for teams unable to protect him. | |
![]() Saint Martha (Ruler) | [Female] | Saint Martha’s bonus damage against Demonic enemies is very useful against the Soul Eater, as is her strong resistance against all the enemies in this node. Her damage output, however, may prove lacking against Tesla or anything without the Demonic / Divine / Undead trait even when equipped with the Event Craft Essence. |
Low Recommendation
Servant | Bonus | Description |
![]() Elisabeth Bathory ![]() Altria Pendragon (Lancer) | [Female] | Both are decent AoE alternatives who can weaken the last wave with their Noble Phantasm. While Altria has much faster NP generation rate thanks to her skills, Liz provides more offensive support to the team and can be the difference between one-rounding Tesla or not. |
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