
MMM - Sorcerous Scripter Sad to Spill the Beans, Shamefully didn't Study Tsukihime, Slays the Spire instead (Summer 2024 Part 1)

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Article by GamepressRath
MMM Summer 2026 Ciel

The Modern Magus Magazine

Welcome one and all, to this year’s big ‘ol content bomb. Not only do we have a full blown Summer Event to look forward to, but also Nasu, being their usual mad lad self, just dropping a 4th Ordeal Call chapter out of nowhere to follow up on the event.

…I mean, I did think it was weird we weren’t getting a Mooncancer-focused Ordeal Call, but when the mushroom’s making the rules we could really shrug off any exceptions.

And as for the title, well, as of writing this I haven’t read a single line of the Tsukihime Remake. Not for lack of interest, I’m just the kind of gamer to hard focus on a single game before leaping to something else, and Slay the Spire to date has consumed 200 hours of my life, so my bad if I miss some references in Ciel’s kit that was only introduced in the remake.

But let’s get right into it.

Summer 2026 Ciel Pickup
NA Release Date: 08/2026

Mysterious Executor C.I.E.L.


Not sure what exactly is meant to be mysterious about our resident executioner, especially since there are numerous people and Servants at Chaldea that would probably know who she is, but perhaps it’s there just to add an air of mystique.

And more importantly, she joins with a Neko-Arc ascension, so we can officially tick that off as the biggest meme inclusion of this year.

Servant Data
Moon Cancer
Max HP 14,742
HP Rank
Max ATK 11,658
ATK Rank
Base Atk1,801Base HP2,162
Max Atk 11,658 Max HP 14,742
Grail Atk 12,761 Grail HP 16,150
Magic Resistance A

Increase your Debuff Resist by 20%.

Independent Action EX

Increase your Critical Strength by 12%.

Self-Regeneration A

Restore own HP by 500 each turn.

Executor (Bow) A

Apply Offensive Class Advantage vs [Saber] Class to self.


Joining as the 5th SSR Mooncancer in the roster, Ciel has shockingly little competition in spite of how old the class is. Her stats certainly shape up well, though, having the highest Attack in exchange for the 2nd lowest HP of the class, placing her ahead of Arcueid on both fronts, which I’m sure is just a happy coincidence. Nope, just ignore how peeved she is if she finds out Arc is in Chaldea.

While that’s great within the class itself, in the grander scheme of things it means her offence is about average for an SSR, with a very good HP stat. Her passives bolster her capabilities even further - Her high-ranking Magic Resistance and Independent Action provide notable boosts to her Debuff Resistance and Critical Damage output, and she also has two unique passives on top of that.

Self-regeneration provides Ciel with 500 HP healing every turn, referencing her very unique existence and well, vitality (I’m going off original Tsukihime here, I dunno if there’s anything more to it in the remake). In practice it can act as a refund for Black Grail’s demerit, which is a neat perk, if nothing too significant. Her other passive, Executor (Bow), is a hilarious answer to the flaw I’ve always ragged on some Extra-class Servants for - she gets Archer offensive class advantage, so she hits Sabers for 2x damage, but takes normal damage back from them.

NP Generation
Servant Skills
Noble Phantasm
So how is Ciel overall? Well on one hand, she’s the mysterious and knowledgeable sensei from the distant and wretched lands of France. Oshiete! Ciel-sensei!

With the tools at her disposal, it’s no wonder Ciel is functionally immortal in lore. With incredible self-healing capability, a near-indefinite state of Buff Removal Resistance and incredibly high Magic Resistance, as well as the other tools at her disposal - NP gauge drain, Guts removal, Sure Hit, Defense Pierce, the list goes on, it’s no wonder Ciel is tailored to tackle difficult content. Very few Servants can claim to have so many tools to bring to the game, and Ciel does so while still packing a respectable offensive profile.

Ciel’s offensive power isn’t even centralised on her NP. With her very powerful critical damage tools, as well as the rare capability to manipulate the command card deck, Ciel packs both the capability and payoff to build up a large critical damage turn and reap the benefits, getting theoretically as much as a +412% Critical damage boost on her cards fairly consistently. This is all to say she’s an offensive powerhouse, and that’s before even considering her access to two class advantages and effective damage bonus.

However, she also comes across as a jealous hag to the eternally-beautiful and brilliant Millenium Princess, and I’ll be frank, boss, I liked her route in the original Tsukihime the least:

While Ciel’s kit is basically overloaded with power in all the right places, there is one clear flaw I can see in it - star generation. While Ciel is hardly in as bad a situation as some, especially given the stargen support key Buster Supports can provide, her kit definitely doesn’t give her enough critical stars to enable the guaranteed Buster crits she wants on her damage turns, especially since she has a low star weight and no star focus buffs. As a result, you’ll really need to compensate for her with star generation CE’s and timely use of support Servant skills.

While she might not be the Anniversary Servant this year by technicality, it’s pretty clear that, much like Proto Merlin before her, this Summer form of Ciel aims to be a formidable force in the game, and she largely accomplishes it. With a skill that might as well say “immunity to bullshit”, incredible durability and a very high damage ceiling, she’s set up for success from the start.

The thing that, at the very least, makes me appreciate her design a lot, is that she has some very unique gameplay dynamics that most powerful Servants don’t. The way she explicitly encourages using her regular cards in chains for the bonus effects, and her command card shuffle to enable it, explicitly plays contrary to the more typical strategy in difficult content where you’re only using the damage dealer’s NP most of the time, and regular cards are reserved for getting Castoria’s NP gauge back online, or whatever other support you’re running with. It’s a very neat change of pace, and the payoff feels strong enough to be worth the inconvenience against conventional strategy.

And it’s still peeving me a little that she just gets to essentially be both an Archer and Mooncancer in one. She doesn’t even carry the normal burden of Extra classes not having a “real” common class advantage, so I can’t rag on her for that. She’s basically two Servant roles in one if you want to approach it that way, without the flaws Pretenders or Alter Egos come with.

Rath™ Seal of Approval, with a recommendation.

Dobrynya Nikitich (Lancer)


If you told me at FGO’s conception that the Servant who would, by Youtube’s metrics, be the lewdest in FGO was friggen Dobrynya Nikitich in a swimsuit, I’d dismiss it as yet another dumb fake leak.

Man, time travellers must have it rough.

Servant Data
Max HP 11,360
HP Rank
Max ATK 9,726
ATK Rank
Base Atk1,621Base HP1,817
Max Atk 9,726 Max HP 11,360
Grail Atk 11,776 Grail HP 13,774
Magic Resistance B

Increase your Debuff Resist by 17.5%.

Riding B

Increase your Quick Card effectiveness by 8%.


As an SR Lancer, Dobrynya has a fair bit of competition, coming in with the 4th-highest attack of her class and rarity, and the tied 3rd-lowest HP. While that makes her a little weaker than typical for stat totals, being so offensively-focused is a great boon for her, especially with the Lancer class’s 1.05x attack modifier making those points even more effective for her damage output.

In terms of passive, Dobrynya’s lineup is very modest and typical. With both Magic Resistance and Riding at decent ranks, she packs a good passive resistance to debuffs and a minor boost to her singular Quick card, ultimately not particularly impactful effects.

NP Generation
Servant Skills
Noble Phantasm

So how is Dobrynya’s new, waterproofed form? Well on the one hand, she’s got the heart of a dragon, and that’s not just the one in her mount:

Dobrynya has a fair few points to her favour. While her peak damage output is somewhat dependent on her effective damage bonuses and terrain benefits, the odds of getting one of them in a given quest is fairly high, and even if her damage isn’t up to par, she has more refund tools than most Servants of her rarity, so she can compensate for damage quality with simple quantity. Her useful NP effects and solid critical damage engine means she can also contribute through other means when thrown at a boss, for all it’s worth.

However, this one dragonslayer has a nemesis, and one that might be hard to surpass - the Dragon of Echigo, of course:

As is often the case for gacha SR Servants, their greatest competition is from Welfares who fill a similar role with better NP damage and availability. In this case, it’s Nagao Kagetora, also a ST Arts Lancer, and one that packs a relatively-recently upgraded gauge charger, similar levels of damage steroids, critical damage output, and even superior NP refund. While Dobrynya’s overall kit and utility arguably surpasses Kagetora, her damage output is sorely outclassed, even when hitting both her anti-Dragon and anti-Earth effectiveness.

Sort of related to the prior point, but still a downside on its own merits, Dobrynya also has essentially no defensive tools outside of a conditional, weak defence buff, meaning she’s very vulnerable to dying out of nowhere without proper team support, whereas competitors may at least have a 1-turn panic button to safeguard from death.

It’s strange - even with a number of tools that SR Servants would kill for, it feels rough to compare Dobrynya to one of the very accessible welfares that every player can access in modern FGO. She’s decently powerful on paper, but little of that directly converts into effective power, especially when the vast majority of FGO players have access to a NP5 Kagetora if they put their mind to it, a comparison that Dobrynya only stops losing once she gets NP2 or higher.

But even then, is investing all those materials into a slightly better Kagetora, a Servant filling an already-limited niche, worth it? As fun as it will be to make Youtube-kun flush together with her, I don’t really see the appeal in it.

Perhaps the most sad thing is if her NP’s effective damage bonus was instead tied to the NP damage itself, and 50% at baseline, it’d probably be enough to make her worthwhile due to her inherent effective damage modifiers on NP’s pan out for damage calculations. But no, sadly, her capabilities are both too narrow and too weak to truly make her worth using for gameplay’s sake, so she’s a case of “feel free to use her if she’s your favourite”.

Xu Fu (Avenger)


Man, the Chainsaw Man collab is really looking good right now.

I always like it when the Servants in the game have a very defined (and not one-note) relationship with FGO’s protagonist, and Xu Fu’s is particularly amusing to me, simply due to how their history with their prior Summer Event played out.

But seriously though, who let her get that chainsaw?

Servant Data
Max HP 11,000
HP Rank
Max ATK 9,686
ATK Rank
Base Atk1,614Base HP1,760
Max Atk 9,686 Max HP 11,000
Grail Atk 11,728 Grail HP 13,337
Avenger (Pretense) B+

Decrease Debuff Resist for all allies except self by 9% [Demerit].
Increase own NP Gain when taking damage by 19%.

Oblivion Correction EX

Increase your Critical Strength by 12%.

High Servant -

No Effect

Weak Constitution (Yu Mei-ren) EX

Decrease own ATK against [Yu Mei-ren] enemies by 20%. [Demerit]


With the lowest Attack stat and highest HP of any SR Avenger, Xu Fu manages to hit a level of durability that’s actually kind of average despite the flaws of the Avenger class, and in exchange has…still a pretty high attack stat, especially with the class’s 1.1x Attack modifier in play.

Boy, this class is dumb.

Speaking of which, it seems Lasengle realised the Avenger class skills are really dumb to give to everyone, as while Xu Fu packs the Avenger skill for the increased defensive NP gain and Oblivion Correction for the notable critical damage boost, she lacks Self-Restoration (Magical Energy), instead having a useless High Servant skill (literally to tell you she’s no longer an Alter Ego…why?) and, as you might expect, a negative passive reducing her damage output when attacking Paisen.

Perfect skills for comedic value, but in practice she just nabs solid critical damage and the increased defensive NP gain, which isn’t too bad.

NP Generation
Servant Skills
Noble Phantasm

So how does Xu Fu shape up in the end? Well on the one hand, she’s the perfect Servant to pair with Yu Meiren, the image of devotion, and I am absolutely not being intimidated by her chainsaw at this very moment:

Honestly Xu Fu’s focus is pretty straightforward, but that’s not a bad thing. She has very strong gauge charge, even stronger damage output, and knows to focus on it. With the right setup she’s among the stronger ST NP damage dealers in the game, and especially for an SR Servant. That does come with the right targets and setup in order to pull off, but she’s very effectively designed to utilise Koyanskaya and Oberon to their full potential for that purpose.

While more of a footnote, her second skill has potential value for supportive deployment even on its own - I don’t think there’s any SR or lower that offers as much as 40% gauge charge to the team from a single skill with no setup or conditions, and the Overcharge effect is the icing on the cake. While I don’t think she’ll be dethroning other lesser Support options without any team offensive buffs, that extra gauge charge she edges out over similar options may come up for some team setups. Ones where point cost matters, at least.

However, and I can only say this because she left the room, I’m frankly terrified out of my mind, and have decided that pursuing the hot millenia-old vampire widower isn’t worth death by chainsaw:

I lied, being one-note is still sort of a bad thing. Without any defensive tools at her disposal or any real utility outside of straight damage, Xu Fu needs to ensure her damage output is worth those costs, and frankly, most of the time it isn’t. It doesn’t help that the cool gimmick of her kit, as weak as it is already, is dysfunctional entirely in practice. The instant you have any option that can fill a similar class matchup that deals similar or better damage with bonus utility, Xu Fu becomes entirely redundant, and with the Avenger class lacking a common class advantage, that situation will be reality rather often.

It feels bad to say this for two SR’s in a row, but man, I don’t really think Xu Fu cuts it gameplay-wise. She has the damage peaks necessary to potentially eke out value as a damage dealer, but that damage output is only accomplished through one hoop too many, with absolutely zero bonus frills attached. Need Invincible Pierce? She’s out. Need some defensive options? Not viable. You have a Servant with a similar role, lower damage output, but class advantage? I know you don’t believe it, but boom, Xu Fu loses her value.

Part of me wants to blame the Instant Death focus in her kit for it, but that feels like kicking a puppy when it’s already down, given the whole Instant Death mechanic doesn’t work as her kit seems to intend. I can already imagine a poor Lasengle programmer designing the Instant Death before the damage, then getting directed to a note passed around the team to avoid putting Instant Death before damage since the player base was complaining about it, without realising the nuance to Xu Fu’s kit.

Full credit to her, being able to 3-turn loop at all is rare for a lower-rarity ST Servant, but such capabilities aren’t in demand often, and even when they are, there are probably a lot of better options for the given circumstance, high-difficulty quest or farming. Using the most direct parallel I can think of, Avenger Erice manages smoother NP looping due to being an Arts Servant, similar gauge charge capabilities, and more consistently high damage, as her effective damage bonuses are versus all Servants, and based on Curse, which she can apply with her own skill kit. And she actually has utility skills and defensive options on top of that.

By comparison, Xu Fu is sadly the definition of a glass cannon, and one who doesn’t hit hard consistently enough to be worth it. Nobody else can rock a chainsaw like her, that’s for certain.

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