
MMM - Local Librarian of Legendary Leaders Lacks Lodestones for Levelling, Leading to Lunar Ladies Lacking Legitimacy as Lackies (Summer 2024 Part 2)

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Article by GamepressRath
MMM Summer 2026 BB Dubai

The Modern Magus Magazine

Or in other words, this bozo right here has been forced to farm Caster gem dailies in order to raise his BB Dubai without feeling like a dumbass.

But I doubt any of our dear readers care about my personal gripes, so instead let’s turn our gaze to the new content at hand. Boy, I’d love to talk about Ordeal Call 3, if I had AP to spend playing it instead of farming.

As you can tell, I hate having to farm basic materials in order to put my waifus in the support lineup with confidence.

Staying on the topic at hand, if the commercial’s anything to go by this story chapter will finally be the justification for having the bomb that Arcueid is in FGO, and perhaps some more juicy moon-related Nasu lore. The mushroom just can’t get away from Moon Cell, let me tell you.

BB Dubai
NA Release Date: 08/2026

BB (Dubai)


If the, well, planet-sized mammaries on her base form weren’t enough, BB’s absolutely-not-a-disguise-for-someone else form adds in actual planets to the equation with her Astronaut form. Voyager has a space-suit buddy which is certainly adorable.

And she also plays Basketball in this form…with planets. I get it’s a joke on the abbreviation of her name, but man is she the most ballin’ Servant of all time with how often she dunks across her forms.

Servant Data
Moon Cancer
Max HP 15,592
HP Rank
Max ATK 10,753
ATK Rank
Base Atk1,661Base HP2,286
Max Atk 10,753 Max HP 15,592
Grail Atk 11,771 Grail HP 17,082
Item Construction C

Increase debuff chance by 6%.

Magic Resistance EX

Increase your Debuff Resist by 25%.

Far Future Management A

Increase own Critical Rate Resist by 20%.
Increase own Critical Star Gather Rate by 20%.

Humanity Assessment (Attack) B

Increase own ATK against [Evil Alignment], [Special ATK vs Good], and [Non-Servant] enemies by 10%.

Humanity Assessment (Defense) B

Increase own DEF vs [Lawful Alignment] or [Special or Supereffective ATK vs Evil] or [Servant] enemies by 20%.

Core of the Goddess A

Apply Damage Plus (Total Card Damage +250).
Increase Debuff Resist for yourself by 25%.


As one of the few SSR Mooncancers in the game, BB Dubai has a limited pool of competition in both meanings of the word, but ultimately leans toward the more defensive side, with the second-lowest Attack and second-highest HP of the class, a reasonable stat spread with admittedly below-average Attack in the grand scheme of things.

The funniest part of BB’s forms generally being pretty weak in terms of stats is because Nasu decided to make her Strength, Endurance, and Agility in her SSR forms all C just for the “CCC” joke, even though it tanks her base stats due to how they lean on the lore Parameters. The lengths one mushroom can go for the memes.

She gets plenty of love in the passive front to compensate, however. Item Construction, Magic Resistance, and Core of the Goddess create a formidable combination of consistent debuffing, extremely good Debuff Resistance, and some bonus damage on every card, but she also packs an equal amount of unique passives.

Far Future Management increases BB’s Critical Resistance and Star Weight by 20%, providing a significant buffer against random crits at all times, as well as a miniscule boost to her star weight (it might attract an extra star or two to her own cards, on average). Meanwhile her pair of Humanity Assessment passives provide a minor boost to damage against Evil alignment and non-Servant foes, as well as those with anti-Good effectiveness in their toolset, and defensively provide a similar boost versus Lawful alignment and Servant foes, as well as those with anti-Evil effectiveness in their toolset.

Combined these unique passives make BB very robust against most CQ scenarios (getting a boost in bulk against Servants), as well as boosting her damage output in farming versus most enemies, so her otherwise-lacking offence is compensated for, on top of further improving her durability.

NP Generation
Servant Skills
Noble Phantasm

So how is BB Dubai on the whole? Well on one hand, she’s glimmering with glitz and glamour so vibrant it almost makes me forget the awful culture and human rights violations of the city she touts:

BB Dubai is an offensive house all around. Her farming capability is very on par for an Extra class Servant looking to act as a universal farmer, but she does so while also packing a variety of tools that are useful in difficult content, from her buff removal and strong effective damage to the ramping damage output her NP produces when pounding on the same targets over and over. Despite her seeming lack of offensive capability when looking at her base stats, it really isn’t the case in actuality.

Her supportive tools are nothing to snuff at. Between her variety of potent team buffs, especially for Mooncancer or Living Human allies, and her Attack debuff skill combined with her supportive NP essentially putting two powerful defensive tools in her kit, she boasts a fearsome combo of both offence and defence that she can either reap as a damage dealer or devoted support. Even the smallest things like her powerful stargen buff and high hitcounts means she even has star generation cornered for the team regardless of how you use her.

However, she’s also still radiating a sus aura, one that might lead me to put her space-suit to the test and eject her off the Moon…wait, she wasn’t an impostor?

Like most of the cases for good Servants in a niche Extra class, BB Dubai won’t be netting class advantage most of the time, even if Avengers are arguably the most common Extra class to find wandering in the wild. Her damage output is high enough that it’s not much of an issue, but it will make it harder to compete with similarly strong Servants in more applicable classes.

If it weren’t clear from everything thus far, BB Dubai is pretty spectacular. If she merely came packaged as a selfish damage dealer with the same numbers she’d be very good, if a bit plain, but her capabilities to pivot to a supportive role, whether mid-quest or in the teambuilding stage, really diversifies her capabilities and distinguishes her from other options.

Even if she’s not good enough to go toe-to-toe with the very best supports in the game, she does look very favourable compared to say, Tamamo or even Reines in many aspects, so she’s by no means out of the competition. I can see situations where I would take her to support Muramasa or Tezcatlipoca over Proto-Merlin or Tamamo when I want more offensive power and her utility tools, and being able to pull that as double duty on top of her more plain farming capabilities is one hell of a draw.

It helps that BB Dubai also packs tools that are typically rare in strong Servants - skill-based buff removal and forms of team defensive cooldowns that bypass Invincible Pierce or Buff Removal. Having a very generally applicable Servant that can act as a support with those tools instead of having to bust out someone like Tristan for that purpose is convenient, and might make her a mainstay in more difficult fights in the future should her tools be in higher demand.

Surprisingly, the fact half of her supportive tools are limited to a small roster isn’t that big of deal, since so many of them are strong individually and match well with her buffs, something that can’t be said for Servants who buff say, Shinsengumi or Demonic allies. Living Humans are generally very strong, if not at least dependable, and of the Mooncancers in the game, only Jinako and Summer BB are more situational, but still solid Servants.

So unsurprisingly, a damage dealer who can pivot to support on a whim, while still meeting all benchmarks for a strong performance on both sides is very good, go figure. I don’t even have to throw my BB-loving bias into the mix here. Rath™ Seal of Approval, with a recommendation.



While she might be named by her true name this time round, I’m still gonna call her Tlaloc, simply because it’s shorter and easier to spell.

But with that said…man, with the combined power of mecha, cities, and bunny girls, she’s actually managed to become a horny leviathan to rival Kiara. I fear for the future of Fujimaru Ritsuka’s virginity when this lady comes on so hard no matter the circumstance.

Servant Data
Moon Cancer
Max HP 12,718
HP Rank
Max ATK 8,971
ATK Rank
Base Atk1,495Base HP2,034
Max Atk 8,971 Max HP 12,718
Grail Atk 10,862 Grail HP 15,421
Territory Creation EX

Increase your Arts Card effectiveness by 12%.

Divinity E

Apply Damage Plus for yourself (Total Card Damage +100).

Waterside Activities A+

Increase own Critical Strength by 20% when on [near water] battlefield.

Lunar Capital B

Increase own Quick Card effectiveness by 5%.
Increase own Arts Card effectiveness by 5%.
Increase own Critical Strength by 5%.
Apply Damage Cut by 200 to all allies while on the field.


It’s funny how with all the prior Mooncancer Servant’s reviews I said there’s a small Mooncancer pool, and even with 3 new additions in rapid succession it’s still a very small roster of Servants.

Case in point, Tlaloc’s summer form is the second SR Mooncancer in the game, after the OG BB, so naturally there’s not much in the way of competition. Regardless, Tlaloc takes a much more offensive spread compared to BB, having an attack stat close to the average for a 4* Servant, alongside a pretty high HP stat relative to her offensive might, so a solid base stat total.

As for passives, Tlaloc packs 4 with actual benefits. Territory Creation and Divinity are like how you remember them, providing Tlaloc with a notable boost to her Arts card as well as a small damage boost on every card, while her two unique passives are a bit more significant.

Waterside Activities, besides being a sexual innuendo in Japanese, provides a pretty major critical damage boost to Tlaloc on Near Water fields, while Lunar Capital, besides being a hellish stage in Touhou Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, provides Tlaloc a 5% buff in her Quick cards, Arts cards, and Critical Damage, as well as a 200 damage cut to the whole team if she’s in the frontline.

These passives are obviously pretty great, boosting the team’s durability slightly just for bringing her, on top of providing notable boosts to two card types and her critical damage.

NP Generation
Servant Skills
Noble Phantasm

So how is Tlaloc’s Mooncancer form in practice? On one hand, she’s by far the sexiest city I’ve ever seen fit into a Bunny suit, but then again, she’s the only one:

Tlaloc has a lot of supportive tools built into her kit. With access to a team gauge charge and her taunt skill, she’s capable of aiding the team both offensively and defensively, while still playing into her goal of dishing out damage via the taunt’s NP Strength Up buffs. Add in the chance of buffing Bunny Servant allies even further and she has plenty of utility to bring to the table.

In drawn-out fights versus the right kind of enemies, Tlaloc can hit pretty hard. Between the NP Strength Up buffs from her taunt, the ramping damage provided from her NP’s defence debuff, and her NP’s effective damage, she has plenty of opportunity to dish out some heavy damage to some of the game’s most difficult fights. While that doesn’t apply to farming content sadly, the niche is still worth keeping in mind.

However, she’s ultimately going to be left high and dry, and I don’t mean after she gets out of the ocean. I’m still failing to see how any of, well, that works with a mecha-city-girl:

Outside of difficult content, Tlaloc’s damage output is frankly pretty lacking, compounded by the narrow class advantage Mooncancer has. Even if she’s capable of farming on paper, those two combined mean she’s not really worth using for that purpose, which in turn really limits her effectiveness. Even if her damage output was slightly better, though, she’d still be sorely outclassed by welfares or Servants with class advantage, so ultimately getting Tlaloc farming is a losing battle.

Man this is a hard one to assess. Tlaloc’s Mooncancer form may be lacking in some key aspects that are usually a given for one with her kit. Typically AOE NP Extra class Servants are capable of dependable farming, even if it’s lacking on the damage front, but Tlaloc struggles to manage even that, but equally, it’s not as if she doesn’t shine in the right circumstances.

Throw her in a fight with a giant, HP sponge boss that spawns additional enemies and she will absolutely crush even without class advantage, and equally she has enough supportive tools that she’s not truly a dead weight even if her offence is lacking. She might be focusing on a narrow type of fight, but said fight is fairly common in the grander scheme of things, and she packs enough tools to actually live in such a drawn out fight that the payoff will be seen.

So essentially, she’s got some interesting and useful supportive effects, a strong performance when tackling her specialty, but she’s deceptively not that great at farming, even if it’s possible. While I don’t ever expect her to blow away the competition, she puts enough on the plate that I consider her usable, if for a narrow specialty. Rath™ Seal of Approval.

Mysterious Heroine XX (Alter)


Okay, I have a high tolerance for BS but this is the point where I have to ask, how do all these qualifiers even stack up? Since this is the… *checks notes* Servantverse Space Summer Alter version of Artoria? Even then I don’t know what part of her is a modifier of what. As in, is she the “XX” version of MHXA, or the Alter version of MHXX? I’m pretty sure it’s the latter, but that’s the problem when you stack up so many alternate forms on one person.

Doesn’t mean it isn’t hilarious, but boy if they make a Santa version of her I might go insane.

Servant Data
Max HP 12,171
HP Rank
Max ATK 9,603
ATK Rank
Base Atk1,600Base HP1,947
Max Atk 9,603 Max HP 12,171
Grail Atk 11,627 Grail HP 14,757
Entity of the Outer Realm D

Gain 2 Critical Stars per turn.
Increase your Debuff Resist by 4%.

Madness Enhancement C

Increase your Buster Card effectiveness by 6%.

Magic Resistance B

Increase your Debuff Resist by 17.5%.

Altereactor A+

Increase your Debuff Resist by 21%.


As an SR Foreigner, MHXXA has 3 other Servants to compare herself to in the same rarity and class, 2 of which are just alternate forms of herself. Brilliant, I tell you.

With the second-highest Attack in that selection, and the second-lowest HP, she’s solidly built offensively, albeit not as much as MHXX’s original form. Her overall base stat total is pretty damn high, with only statistical champions like Rama or Roland among the 4* lineup actually having a similar level of good offence and HP.

To complement her base stats are an assortment of passives, though they’re pretty easy to go over. Entity of the Outer Realm, Madness Enhancement, and Magic Resistance provide her a passive amount of critical stars, a small boost to her primary card type, and some bonus Debuff Resistance. Even better, her more unique passive, Altereactor, provides even more passive Debuff Resistance, making her very durable when it comes to debuffs, shrugging them off almost half the time.

NP Generation
Servant Skills
Noble Phantasm

So how is MHXXA overall? Well looking at things one way, she’s the most fearsome of all Sith lords across the Servantverse, Darth Confectious, and you shall respect her name:

MHXXA has some very respectable offensive capabilities. With her multiple fairly common effective damage boosts, and focus on Buster critical damage, she’s going to frequently put out high-damage NPBB chains with crits all over, capable of melting Berserkers, Pretenders, and Rulers all equally, a pretty broad range of enemy classes. She does so while packing a decent utility tool in gauge drain, and a solid defensive cooldown, so she isn’t just all damage, either.

However, she’s also the true epitome of what the Fate franchise gets ridiculed, the latest in the series of absurd variants on the franchise mascot, and no amount of laser scythes or chuunibyou syndrome can fix that:

While she has some potentially high damage peaks when hitting her effective damage bonuses, outside of those circumstances, MHXXA’s offence is a bit lacking, not having as high boosts to her damage output or especially critical damage compared to similar Buster Gorillas. She sets up Buster crits consistently, but the damage output isn’t really that spectacular, and similarly her NP damage is more or less average, but with the drawback of not being as spammable as Arts/Quick NP’s, even with its refund effect.

Lastly but pretty importantly, MHXXA’s skill cooldowns are unjustly long. Having a base cooldown of 9 turns on two of her skills is very inconvenient, as it limits how much value she gains off of Koyanskaya’s supportive skills, and just generally reduces her effectiveness in drawn-out fights, something her skills are otherwise supposed to encourage. Just by comparison, Kukulkan has a similar focus in her kit, and similar buff numbers, but she has a +50% Critical Damage buff and her skills are 1 turn shorter across the board. That’s comparing an SR to an SSR of course, but if you downscaled Kukulkan to SR stats, she’d still really outclass MHXXA in the same niche overall.

MHXXA is one of those sad instances in my book where a Servant technically did nothing wrong in terms of what they’re designed to do - specific card-focused crit Servants with ST NP’s can be spectacular, taking Astraea as an example, but ultimately where MHXXA fails to keep up with the power of competitors is both in her lower critical damage capabilities, as well as her insufficient capability for NP looping.
If her numbers were just a bit stronger across the board, and her skill cooldowns more reasonable, a ST farming setup would be largely feasible for her, and the damage output would be high enough to be in contention despite the limited class advantage options she has at her disposal. Honestly the issue with convenience is her biggest sin - needing a level 10 Append Skill just to do looping is a big ask.

But with that many gripes, I’ll still point out this is largely just besmirching the annoyances built into her kit. Her strike zone for high damage output is pretty broad with how common Good and Lawful alignment are, and even though she doesn’t hit as hard as I would like, that doesn’t mean she won’t demolish a difficult fight when she’s got the buffs of Merlin or Koyanskaya behind her. Ultimately she still is very well-rounded, and can clearly cut out a portfolio of the Servant roster to obliterate when you need her, which makes her a reasonable pick when a morally-upstanding Servant needs to be put down for the sake of story progression or a challenge quest.

So yeah, she’s workable, but she just annoys me in how her skills were designed. Rath™ Seal of Approval.


With how this Summer Event has been designed, I’m distinctly unsure whether I can call this MMM the end. After all, there’s nearly a month left on the main event’s duration, partially to let the players clear Ordeal Call III then get back to farming on the event, and we’ve got no welfare in sight.

Obviously, there’s the chance we’ll get no welfare at all, but I’m still really banking for the chance to get a Kishinami Hakuno welfare, both to give their VA’s a decent job after the trainwreck of Last Encore, and for the possible shitstorm it can cause for all the obsessive players who have to consolidate that the canonical target of affection for Servants like Nero, BB, and Tamamo is just waltzing around in Chaldea as their own entity separate from the player.

But that’s off in the future, and this Magus is writing in the here and now. That’s all the gachas done, so I’m giving myself a pat on the back then leaping off the Burj Khalifa. Later!

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