
Valentine's 2023 - Walkthrough

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  • Valentine's hits Chaldea once again with the Valentine's 2023 event! This event features both an Event Shop and Event Point Ladder.
  • There are three event currencies (God ArrowGod HarpGod Feather), whose rates are boosted by event CEs (Heart of CookingBitter JewelDear Friend).
  • An Event Point is also available for farming (God Love Point) has its rates boosted by the Event Shop CE (White Garden), and maxes out at 3,000,000 points.
  • A special 'daily' quest, Bitter Shadow Challenge Quests, drop a high number of God Love Point points, but feature special rules and are only available for a limited time.
  • Main Quests will unlock on a daily basis, and clearing Main Quests will also make new Free Quests available each day. Quests will unlock following the below schedule:
Date Quests Available
2/13/2023 00:00 - 2/26/2023 19:59 PST Act 1 - 2
2/13/2023 20:00 - 2/26/2023 19:59 PST Act 3
2/14/2023 20:00 - 2/26/2023 19:59 PST Act 4
2/15/2023 20:00 - 2/26/2023 19:59 PST Act 5
2/16/2023 20:00 - 2/26/2023 19:59 PST Act 6
2/17/2023 20:00 - 2/26/2023 19:59 PST Act 7
2/18/2023 20:00 - 2/26/2023 19:59 PST Act 8 - Finale

General Tips

  • Event Bonus Servants gain a damage boost and bonus Bond EXP during event quests! In addition, giving Super Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry) / Super Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry) to a Servant of choice also boosts their damage / bond EXP!
  • Event Bonus CEs will grant various bonuses. Gacha CEs providing drop bonus for shop currencies (God ArrowGod HarpGod Feather); the Event Shop CE provides a boost to the event point currency (God Love Point)!
  • Generally, avoid MLBing White Garden too early, since 4 copies provide +120% total bonus, while 1 MLB only provides +60%.
Walkthrough TL;DR

The below is a summary of the general flow of the event. In general, purchase and equip the Event Shop CE ASAP, since the CE boosts event points received from Free Quests/Bitter Shadow challenges. The detailed walkthrough provides information about drops and CE suggestions for each quest.

The overall flow is Main Quests > Free Quests > Bitter Shadow Challenge Quests > repeat, with time gates between individual Main Quest chapters.

Walkthrough (Each day):

1) Complete Main Quests available for the day.

* After Act 1, give a Super Lock-On Chocolate to two Servants you plan to use during the Event a good amount. This gives them a damage and bonus Bond EXP boost during the event.

2) Run Free Quests to gather Event Points / Currency.

3) Purchase the Event Shop CE and equip it ASAP for more point drops.

4) Clear the Bitter Shadow Challenge for the day to gain high amounts of Event Points and QP.

5) Repeat above; the final Main Quest unlocks on ~Day 7.

Walkthrough - Day 1

Quick Navigation
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
# Quest Notes Enemies

Act 1-1
(5 AP)
A single wave of six Shadow Servants with varying Class (Ruler, Avenger, Lancer, Rider x2, Assassin), all with relatively low HP (7-10k HP).
A field effect will stun all enemies for a turn at the start of battle.

Drops 6 stacks bronze currency.
Story: ~6min read
Bonus CEs:
Dear Friend
God Feather

Act 1-2
(5 AP)
Party Restriction: Mandatory 3x NPC Supports only
Support Caren starts with 100% NP Gauge.
The wave of enemies is essentially identical to the last encounter, with the exception of slightly higher health (8-11k HP).

Drops 6 stacks bronze currency.

Receive Super Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry) Super Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry)! These can be given to one Servant of choice each. Give it to someone you plan to use a lot, since it will boost their Damage +50% and Bond EXP +30%.
Story: Pre-battle ~2min read
Post-battle ~2min read

Bonus CEs:
Dear Friend
God Feather

Act 2
(0 AP)
Story only.
Receive a copy of Dear Friend! Equip for nodes that drop God Feather.

Also receive a God Cartridge.
These are consumables that act as a 4th Mystic Code skill. It inflicts a single target 1-turn debuff to all types of defense (Card, DEF, NP Damage). They should be saved for challenging quests, such as the Bitter Shadow Challenges or for any other time you encounter trouble. More of these can be obtained from the Event Point ladder, and an unlimited amount is available from the Event Shop.

Story: ~8min read

Free: Novice
(30 AP)
Run at least once.
Note that the Event Shop CE White Garden boosts drops for God Love Point Points (+30-60% if MLB) and should be purchased & equipped ASAP. Until then, equipping any Valentine's CE will provide a smaller +10% Point boost.
Bonus CEs:
Dear FriendBitter JewelWhite Garden
God FeatherGod Love Point
God Harp

Free: Intermediate
(35 AP)
Run at least once.
Bonus CEs:
Bitter JewelHeart of CookingWhite Garden
God HarpGod Love Point
God Arrow

Free: Advanced
(40 AP)
Run at least once. Extra AP can be spent on this node, since it's the best AP return available on the first day.

Also check out the Bitter Shadow Challenge Quest section. Remember to do them before they expire!
Bonus CEs:
Heart of CookingDear FriendWhite Garden
God ArrowGod Love Point
God Feather
Time Gate This is the first time gate; the next section unlocks on ~Day 2.
Avoid using AP fruit for now, since better free quests will unlock later. Extra AP can be spent on the Advanced difficulty, since that's the best available option for now.

Walkthrough - Day 2 (2/13/2023 20:00 PST)

Quick Navigation
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
# Quest Notes Enemies

Act 3
(5 AP)
A lone Lancer (118k HP) who starts with an unremovable DEF buff.

Drops 1 stack bronze currency.
Story: Pre-battle ~7min read
Post-battle ~1min read

Bonus CEs:
Dear Friend
God Feather

Free: First Love
(40 AP)
Run at least once.
Bonus CEs:
Heart of CookingBitter JewelDear FriendWhite Garden
God ArrowGod HarpGod FeatherGod Love Point
Time Gate This is the second time gate; the next section unlocks on ~Day 3.
Avoid using AP fruit for now, since better free quests will unlock later. Extra AP can be spent on the latest Free Quest in the meantime.

Walkthrough - Day 3 (2/14/2023 20:00 PST)

Quick Navigation
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
# Quest Notes Enemies

Act 4
(5 AP)
Party Restriction: Mandatory NPC Support
An Assassin Servant (148k HP). They start with a passive that grants them a stacking ATK buff every turn.

Drops 1 stack silver currency.
Story: Pre-battle ~6min read
Post-battle ~3min read

Bonus CEs:
Bitter Jewel
God Harp

Free: Pure Love
(40 AP)
Run at least once.
This is the best bronze currency farming location.
Bonus CEs:
Dear FriendBitter JewelWhite Garden
God FeatherGod Love Point
God Harp
Time Gate This is the third time gate; the next section unlocks on ~Day 4.
The latest Free Quest is a pretty decent Bronze currency farming location, so Masters can feel free to start spending fruit and farming now if they wish.

Walkthrough - Day 4 (2/15/2023 20:00 PST)

Quick Navigation
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
# Quest Notes Enemies

Act 5
(5 AP)
Party Restriction: Mandatory NPC SOLO
A Ruler Servant (37k HP). The NPC Support Servant will gain 100% NP Gauge every turn, so use their NP freely.

Drops 1 stack silver currency.
Story: Pre-battle ~7min read
Post-battle ~2min read

Bonus CEs:
Bitter Jewel
God Harp

Free: Sweet Love
(40 AP)
Run at least once.
This is the best silver currency farming location.
Bonus CEs:
Bitter JewelHeart of CookingWhite Garden
God HarpGod Love Point
God Arrow
Time Gate This is the fourth time gate; the next section unlocks on ~Day 5.
Masters now have access to both the bronze and silver single-currency farming location with the latest two quests, and can farm as desired until the next time gate unlocks.

Walkthrough - Day 5 (2/16/2023 20:00 PST)

Quick Navigation
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
# Quest Notes Enemies

Act 6
(5 AP)
An Archer Servant (199k HP), who prioritizes male targets.
At battle start, they give themselves an unremovable 1-time Guts (10k HP revival).

Drops 1 stack gold currency.
Story: Pre-battle ~7min read
Post-battle ~1min read

Bonus CEs:
Heart of Cooking
God Arrow

Free: Passionate Love
(40 AP)
Run at least once.
This is the best gold currency farming location.
Bonus CEs:
Heart of CookingDear FriendWhite Garden
God ArrowGod Love Point
God Feather
Time Gate This is the fifth time gate; the next section unlocks on ~Day 6.
Masters now have access to all single-currency farming locations, and can farm as desired until the next time gate unlocks.

Walkthrough - Day 6 (2/17/2023 20:00 PST)

Quick Navigation
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
# Quest Notes Enemies

Act 7
(5 AP)
A wave of three Rulers (55-64k HP). Each of them grant buffs to each other while they are on the field: DEF Up, NP Damage Up, and Crit Damage Up. If unable to defeat all at once, defeating the one that buffs DEF first will help make the encounter easier.

Drops 3 stacks gold currency.
Story: Pre-battle ~10min read
Post-battle ~1min read

Bonus CEs:
Heart of Cooking
God Arrow

Free: Fall In Love
(40 AP)
Run at least once.
This drops only God Love Point Points, so stack as much bonus as possible for this quest.
Bonus CEs:
White Garden
God Love Point
Time Gate This is the final time gate; the next section unlocks on ~Day 7.
For now, it's better to still focus on the shop currency drop nodes (unless rushing for a specific Event Point reward / if not interested in Event Shop items); in most cases the Event Point ladder will clear before the event shop if going for both.

Walkthrough - Day 7 (2/18/2023 20:00 PST)

Quick Navigation
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
# Quest Notes Enemies

Act 8-1
(5 AP)
Party Restriction: Mandatory NPC Support.
A break bar Ruler (159k, 193k HP). They start by inflicting a trait for 5 turns on the entire party, and have passive 30% DEF against this targets with this trait, along with mental debuff immunity. Having the trait active will cause your party members to lose 15% NP Gauge each turn.
On break: Gains 50% damage boost against trait-affected targets, and re-applies the trait to the entire party.

Drops 1 stack gold currency.
Story: ~2min read
Bonus CEs:
Heart of Cooking
God Arrow

Act 8-2
(5 AP)
A break bar Ruler with 3 bars (41k, 62k, 100k HP).
They have a permanent 20% Damage resist, along with mental debuff immunity as before.
Similarly to the prior encounter, they will inflict a trait on the entire party, dealing bonus damage to those with the trait and causing 15% NP Gauge loss every turn while the trait is active. They will reapply this trait every 3 turns. If a total of 4 stacks of this trait are shared among party members, the boss has a chance of consuming a stack to inflict a 1-turn stun on a single target.
Both 1st and 2nd break have no special effects.

Drops 1 stack gold currency.
Story: ~5min read
Bonus CEs:
Heart of Cooking
God Arrow

Act 8-3
(5 AP)
A break bar Ruler with 3 HP bars (43k, 66k, 106k HP). As before, they have mental debuff immunity, and start by inflicting a trait on all party members. This time, they can also add a trait stack with their normal attacks, in addition to granting the trait to the entire party every 3 turns.
On 1st break: Debuffs Star Drop Rate and DEF for all enemies and reapplies the trait.
On 2nd break: Increase own NP bar to MAX, removes all attack buffs from party. Be ready for their AoE NP on 2nd break.

Drops 1 stack gold currency.
Story: Pre-battle ~3min read
Post-battle ~3min read

Bonus CEs:
Heart of Cooking
God Arrow

(0 AP)
Story only.
Story: ~4min read

Free: Universal Love
(40 AP)
Run at least once.
This drops all currencies, and is the most AP-effective farming node unless a high bonus can be reached for a single currency type, in which the single-currency nodes can be better.
Bonus CEs:
Heart of CookingBitter JewelDear FriendWhite Garden
God ArrowGod HarpGod FeatherGod Love Point

(5 AP)
Note the Challenge Quest will unlock when the Main Quest is completed, and also requires Singularity: Solomon to be cleared.
A single wave with a break bar Archer (203k, 206k, 236k HP) and nine Berserkers (79-117k HP).
The Archer starts with 80% Damage Resist vs Females and Charm immunity.
After break, they lose this damage resist, and will begin frequently using special skills that include Evade against Males (5 times, 3 turns), and Charm on Females.
1st break: Clear debuffs from all allies, and increase all allies' NP bar by +3 (except self).
2nd break: Gain Invincibility vs Divine trait (5 times, 5 turns), and gain an ATK buff when normal attacking.
On Death: Buffs remaining Berserkers with Max HP +100,000, Ignore Invincible, and Damage Plus 3,000.

A detailed guide for this battle can be found here.
Event Completed Congratulations! The main story of the event is complete! Masters can now farm at their leisure and continue to receive Valentine's gifts from their Servants. The Quick Farming Guide provides a summarized breakdown of best farming locations and material drop comparisons.

Bitter Shadow Challenges

Bitter Shadow Challenge Quest Links
Quest Period Available
Bitter Shadow 1 - Saber 2/13/2023 00:00 - 2/13/2023 19:59 PST
Bitter Shadow 2 - Moon Cancer 2/13/2023 20:00 - 2/14/2023 19:59 PST
Bitter Shadow 3 - Archer 2/14/2023 20:00 - 2/15/2023 19:59 PST
Bitter Shadow 4 - Avenger 2/15/2023 20:00 - 2/16/2023 19:59 PST
Bitter Shadow 5 - Lancer 2/16/2023 20:00 - 2/17/2023 19:59 PST
Bitter Shadow 6 - Berserker 2/17/2023 20:00 - 2/18/2023 19:59 PST
Bitter Shadow 7 - Rider 2/18/2023 20:00 - 2/19/2023 19:59 PST
Bitter Shadow 8 - Alter Ego 2/19/2023 20:00 - 2/20/2023 19:59 PST
Bitter Shadow 9 - Caster 2/20/2023 20:00 - 2/21/2023 19:59 PST
Bitter Shadow 10 - Foreigner 2/21/2023 20:00 - 2/22/2023 19:59 PST
Bitter Shadow 11 - Assassin 2/22/2023 20:00 - 2/23/2023 19:59 PST
Bitter Shadow 12 - Ruler 2/23/2023 20:00 - 2/24/2023 19:59 PST
Bitter Shadow 13 - Moon Cancer 2/24/2023 20:00 - 2/25/2023 19:59 PST
Bitter Shadow 14 - Berserker 2/25/2023 20:00 - 2/26/2023 19:59 PST
  • Bitter Shadow Challenge Quests are a special type of "Daily" quest, which award a high amount of QP and Event Points.
  • One will appear each day, and will only be available for a limited time (for about ~24 hours), so make sure not to miss these opportunities for extra quick Event Points!
  • All of these have 3 turn limits with 27 enemies, with enemies immediately coming in from the backline as they are killed on the same turn.
    • 3 AoE NPs from all 3 Servants every turn (9 NPs total) is required to clear all 27 enemies.
    • This is impossible for most Masters, especially for those missing key AoE Servants, copies of Kaleidoscope, or Servants of the correct Class for the day.
    • Don't feel bad if you can't kill all 27 enemies. Certain Classes are pretty much 27-kill reserved only for those who happen to have the right Servants in their roster. It's better to clear as many as you can than to let the daily expire, just to grab as many Event Points as you can.
  • These quests are a good time to burn God Cartridge items, to help reach damage thresholds, if having trouble killing certain Servants.
  • Command Seal NP Gauge +100% is also an option to keep in mind, if needing extra charge to decimate another wave.
  • See a full list of enemy lineups expected for each quest in the Bitter Shadow Challenge quest page here.
  • Bring copies of White Garden if you can to further boost drop rates for points!
  • Enemies are guaranteed to drop event points and QP as follows:
    • Non-Servant Enemy:
      • God's Love Point Love Points x2,300
      • QP QP x100,000
    • Servant Enemy:
      • God's Love Point Love Points x7,500
      • QP QP x500,000
    • Max Possible per Challenge:
      • God's Love Point Love Points x88,100
      • QP QP x4,700,000

Lineup Recommendations

  • Bring strong AoE Servants with Class Advantage against the daily's enemies. Servants with a source of NP Gauge charge are preferred, which should be accompanied by a CE to help top off their Gauge so their NP is quickly accessible.
  • If bringing Mystic Code: Chaldea Combat Uniform, then one spot for a support (such as Altria Caster) can be afforded, where after providing supportive buffs, they can be swapped out for a damage-dealer.
  • Don't forget Append Skills! The second Append Skill, Load Magical Energy, is particularly notable for giving +20% Starting NP Gauge at maximum level, which when combined with a non-MLB Kaleidoscope, will allow any Servant to reach 100% gauge from round start.
General Suggestions
- Recommended
"Order Change" Lineup Options
High NP Gauge Charge AoE DPS


AoE DPS with Party NP Charge Skills
NP Gauge Craft Essences

(Or any 50% Starting NP Gauge CE)
AoE Damage w/ Self NP Gauge Charge ( +50%)
AoE Damage w/ Self NP Gauge Charge ( +40%)
AoE Damage w/ Self NP Gauge Charge ( +25-30%) [MLB Imaginary Element OK]
AoE Damage w/ NP Gauge Charge ( +20%) [Kaleidoscope]

Event Bonus Servants

Class Servants Event Bonus
Gold Ruler Buff_DamageDamage +100%
Buff_BondGold Bond EXP +50%
Gold Avenger
Super Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry)Super Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry)
* Can be given to Servant of choice
Buff_DamageDamage +50%
Buff_BondGoldBond EXP +30%

Event Bonus CEs

Name How to Obtain Event Bonus

White Garden 5★
Event Shop (x4)
God Feather x200 (1)
God Harp x200 (1)
God Arrow x400 (2)

Quest Drop (Rare)
God Love Point +30% (MLB: +60%)

Heart of Cooking 5★
Event Gacha God Arrow +1 (MLB: +2)

Bitter Jewel 4★
Event Gacha God Harp +1 (MLB: +2)

Dear Friend 3★
Event Gacha
Friend Point Gacha
Quest Reward (x1)
God Feather +1 (MLB: +2)

Chaldea Spring Holiday 4★
Applicable to any Valentine's CE
Obtain by using Surprise/Lock-On Chocolates
God Love Point +10%

Should I Use Apples?

  • No, if just trying to complete the story for the Holy Grail. If trying to fully clear the event shop/point ladder, Maybe.
  • Natural Regen AP will be approximately 3980 AP throughout the event.
  • Clearing the full Main Quest line and all Bitter Shadow / Free Quests once costs 465 AP
  • For clearing the Event Shop (no monuments, EXP, or 3* Fous), this will take approximately 3545 AP. With the assumptions below (taking +120% Event Bonus as soon as possible), this should also clear the Event Point ladder.
  • For clearing the Event Shop (no monuments, but with Fous and EXP), this will take approximately 4105 AP.
  • For a full Event Shop clear including monuments, this total reaches 5225 AP to clear all pieces and monuments.
  • The amount of AP required can be reduced with more copies of Event CEs. Additional copies of 4* or 5* CEs must be obtained in the gacha, while 3* CEs can be obtained in the Friend Point Gacha (at a low rate).
  • Assumptions for the above AP costs (uses "first timer worst case scenario with no Friend Point Gacha luck", AP reduced if more bonus available):
    • Up to +1 God Arrow: Non-MLB Friend Support Heart of Cooking.
    • Up to +1 God Harp: Non-MLB Friend Support Bitter Jewel.
    • Up to +2 God Feather: From Free Quest copy x1 and Non-MLB Friend Support Dear Friend.
    • Up to +120% God Love Point: From Event Shop copy x4 White Garden.
    • Killing 12/27 enemies for each Bitter Shadow Challenge daily with at least God Love Point +60% Bonus (~50k Points)
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About the Author(s)

Twitter: @NorseFTX

Content Director at GamePress. Passionate about fighting games, virtual/augmented reality technology, neuroengineering, and video games in general. Classical Piano Performance, Sprite Art, and Under Night In-Birth enthusiast.
