
Revival: FGO Servant Summer Festival 2020 - Challenge Guide: Eighth Day, Grand Finale!

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Enemy Layout

Fatal Battle 1/1
Oda Nobunaga
Helena Blavatsky
Oda Nobunaga (Berserker)
Helena Blavatsky (Archer)
Frankenstein (Saber)
Altria Pendragon (Alter)
Altria Pendragon (Rider Alter)
Minamoto-no-Raikou (Lancer)
Nitocris (Assassin)
Nero Claudius
Ishtar (Rider)
Nero Claudius (Caster)

Requirements: The Main Quest line for the Servant Summer Festival 2020 ("Farewell", on Day 7 after completing all Raids) and Singularity: Solomon must be completed before this quest can be attempted.

Boss Statistics

Boss Break Effect Summary

[Pre-break] → [Post-break]
Servant NP Type Break Skill
AoE → ST Buff_Atkup Go Away, Heat!: Remove own debuffs. Increase own ATK by 30% (3 turns). Decrease own DEF by 30% (3 turns).
AoE → AoE Buff_CritDamageUp Fine. I'll School You!: Increase own Critical Strength by 30% (3 turns).
AoE → ST Buff_Npgaugeup Nobunaga THE Rock N' Roll!: Increase own NP Gauge to MAX.
AoE → AoE Buff_Evade Disrespectful!: Apply Evade to self (1 turn).
* Also has a Taunt skill.
AoE → ST Buff_CritRateUp This Prefect Will Not Let It Pass!: Increase own Critical Rate by 50% (3 turns).
AoE → ST Debuff_StarRatedown This Is What Summer Help Is All About!: Decrease Critical Star Drop Rate for all enemies by 50% (3 turns).
AoE → AoE Buff_Npgaugeup This Summer's All About Me!: Increase own NP Gauge by 1.
AoE → AoE Debuff_Atkdown Let's Start Making Summer Memories!: Decrease ATK for all enemies by 30% (3 turns).
Full Boss Skill Info
Frankenstein1 HP
Class Berserker
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 2 per turn
Humanoid, Female, Servant, Heaven or Earth, Weak to Enuma Elish, Chaotic Balanced
Skill 1 Galvanism B: Chance to increase own NP Gauge.
Skill 2 Wail of the Living Dead D: 60% Chance to inflict Stun on a single enemy (1 turn). Decrease DEF for a single enemy (1 turn).
Skill 3 Overload C: Increase own NP Strength (1 turn). Inflict Burn on self (5 turns, 300 damage per turn). [Demerit]
NP Blasted Tree: Deal AoE Damage. Inflict Stun to yourself (2 turns) [Demerit]. Decrease Critical Star Drop Rate of all enemies (3 turns).
Frankenstein (Saber)
Frankenstein HP
Class Saber
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 3 per turn
Humanoid, Female, Servant, Heaven or Earth, Riding, Weak to Enuma Elish, Neutral Summer
Break Go Away, Heat!: Remove own debuffs. Increase own ATK by 30% (3 turns). Decrease own DEF by 30% (3 turns).
Skill 1 Summer Galvanism B+: Chance to increase own NP Gauge by 1.
Skill 2 Lamenting the Summer Heat A: Decrease ATK for a single enemy (3 turns). Remove Buffs from a single enemy. Deal 500 damage to self. [Demerit]
Skill 3 Barely Loads C: Increase own ATK (3 turns). Increase own NP Strength (3 turns). Inflict Burn to self (5 turns, 200 damage per turn). [Demerit]
NP Skewered Plasma Blade: Deals damage to a single enemy. Inflicts Electrify status to a single enemy. (Electrify: After 1 turn, 20% chance to Stun all enemies for 1 turn.) Chance to Stun a single enemy (1 turn).
Helena Blavatsky
Helena HP
Class Caster
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 3 per turn
Humanoid, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish, Female, Chaotic Good
Skill 1 Mana Tuning C: Increase NP Gauge for all allies by 1.
Skill 2 Mahatma A: Increase own Critical Rate (5 turns). Chance to increase own NP Strength by 50% (1 turn).
Skill 3 Search for the Unknown B: Increase Arts Card effectiveness for all allies (3 turns). Increase Quick Card effectiveness for all allies (3 turns). Increase Buster Card effectiveness for all allies (3 turns).
NP Sanat Kumara: Deal AoE Damage. Decrease DEF for all enemies (3 turns). Decrease Critical Star Drop Rate for all enemies (3 turns). Decrease Debuff Resist for all enemies (3 turns).
Helena Blavatsky (Archer)
Helena HP
Class Archer
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 3 per turn
Humanoid, Female, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish, Chaotic Good
Break Fine. I'll School You!: Increase own Critical Strength by 30% (3 turns).
Skill 1 Summer Vacation! A+: Increase NP Gauge for all allies by 1. Increase own Critical Rate (5 turns).
Skill 2 NYARF! B: Apply Damage Plus to self (5 times, 5 turns). Decrease NP Gauge for a single enemy.
Skill 3 Colonel's Summer Break B: Increase own Arts Card effectiveness (1 turn). Apply Debuff Immune to self (1 time, 5 turns).
NP Sanat Kumara Wheel B+: Deals damage to all enemies. Decrease Debuff Resist for all enemies (3 turns). Decrease DEF for all enemies (3 turns).
Oda Nobunaga
Oda HP
Class Archer
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 3 per turn
Humanoid, Servant, Female, King, Weak to Enuma Elish, Lawful Balanced
Skill 1 Strategy B: Chance to increase NP Gauge for all allies (3 turns).
Skill 2 Unifying the Nation by Force A: Apply Special ATK [Divine] to self (1 turn).
Skill 3 The Demonic King A: Increase own Critical Strength (3 turns). Increase own Critical Rate (3 turns).
NP Three Line Formation: Deal heavy damage to all enemies. Deal extra Special Attack damage to all enemies with [Riding Skill].
Oda Nobunaga (Berserker)
Oda HP
Class Berserker
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 2 per turn
Humanoid, Servant, Female, King, Weak to Enuma Elish, Chaotic Summer
Break Nobunaga THE Rock N' Roll!: Increase own NP Gauge to MAX.
Skill 1 Fool's Tactic A: Apply Evade to self (1 turn). Increase own Buster Card effectiveness (3 turns).
Skill 2 Atsumori Beat B: Increase own Critical Rate (5 turns). Recover HP for all allies every turn (5 turns). Chance to increase NP Gauge for all allies by 1.
Skill 3 Demon King on the Beach A-: Increase own Critical Rate (1 turn). Apply Sure Hit to self (1 turn).
NP Nobunaga THE Rock n' Roll: Deals damage to a single enemy. Deal extra Special Attack damage to [Divine] enemies.
Nitocris1 HP
Class Caster
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 2 per turn
Humanoid, Servant, Female, Divine, Heaven or Earth, King, Weak to Enuma Elish, Lawful Good
Skill 1 Egyptian Magecraft A: Increase own Instant-Death Success Rate (3 turns). Recover own HP.
Skill 2 Rapid Words of Divine B: Increase own NP Gauge by 2.
Skill 3 Affection of the Sky God B: Apply Guts for yourself (1 time, 3 turns). Removes Debuffs for yourself.
NP Anpu Neb Ta Djeser: Deal heavy damage to all enemies. Chance to inflict Death on all enemies. [Activates first]
Nitocris (Assassin)
Nitocris HP
Class Assassin
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 3 per turn
Humanoid, Servant, Female, Divine, King, Heaven or Earth, Weak to Enuma Elish, Lawful Good
Break Disrespectful!: Apply Evade to self (1 turn).
Skill 1 White Imperial Garments A: Increase own DEF (3 turns). Further increase own DEF by 30% (1 turn). Increase own Debuff Resist by 30% (3 turns).
Skill 2 Beach Panic EX: Apply Target Focus to self (1 turn). Apply Damage Cut to self (3 times, 5 turns).
Skill 3 High Road of the Hot Sands A: Increase own ATK (3 turns). Increase own NP Strength (3 turns). Chance to increase own NP Gauge by 1.
NP Sneferu Iteru Nile: Deals damage to all enemies. Decrease DEF for all enemies by 20% (3 turns). Chance to inflict Death for all enemies. [Activates first]
Minamoto-no-Raikou1 HP
Class Berserker
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 2 per turn
Servant, Humanoid, Female, Divine, Heaven or Earth, Riding, Weak to Enuma Elish, Chaotic Good
Skill 1 Eternal Arms Mastery A+: Increase own Critical Rate (3 turns).
Skill 2 Mana Burst (Lightning) A: Increase own Buster Card effectiveness (1 turn). Apply Evade to self (1 turn).
Skill 3 Mystic Slayer A: Apply Special Attack [Demonic] to self (3 turns). Apply Special Attack [Servants with Heaven or Earth attributes (except Pseudo-Servants and Demi-Servants)] to self (3 turns).
NP Vengeful Lightning of the Ox-King: Deal heavy damage to all enemies. Increase own Critical Rate (1 turn). [Activates first]
Minamoto-no-Raikou (Lancer)
Minamoto-no-Raikou HP
Class Lancer
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 3 per turn
Humanoid, Servant, Female, Divine, Heaven or Earth, Riding, Weak to Enuma Elish, Lawful Good
Break This Prefect Will Not Let It Pass!: Increase own Critical Rate by 50% (3 turns).
Skill 1 The Shadow Prefect A: Increase own Critical Rate (1 turn). Increase own Critical Strength (1 turn).
Skill 2 Cast Iron Yo-yo C: Increase Buster Card effectiveness for an ally (3 turns). Remove Debuffs from an ally.
Skill 3 Summer Catastrophe EX: Increase ATK for all allies (3 turns). Increase Critical Rate for all allies (3 turns).
NP Vajra of Indra: Deal damage to a single enemy that ignores DEF Up. Increase own Critical Rate (1 turn)..
Altria Pendragon (Alter)
Altria HP
Class Saber
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 3 per turn
Humanoid, Servant, Female, Dragon, King, Saberface, Arthur, Weak to Enuma Elish, Lawful Evil
Skill 1 Mana Burst A: Increase own Buster Card effectiveness (1 turn).
Skill 2 Intuition B: Increase own Critical Rate (1 turn).
Skill 3 Charisma E: Increase ATK for all allies (3 turns).
NP Excalibur Morgan: Deal very heavy damage to all enemies. Increase own NP Gauge by 1.
Altria Pendragon (Rider Alter)
Altria HP
Class Rider
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 3 per turn
Humanoid, Servant, Arthur, Dragon, Female, King, Riding, Saberface, Weak to Enuma Elish, Lawful Evil
Break This Is What Summer Help Is All About!: Decrease Critical Star Drop Rate for all enemies by 50% (3 turns).
Skill 1 Summer Sweeper! A: Increase own ATK (3 turns). Increase Quick Card effectiveness for all allies (3 turns).
Skill 2 Coaching A: Increase Critical Rate for an ally (3 turns). Deal 1000 damage to an ally. [Demerit]
Skill 3 Reloaded C: Increase own Quick Card effectiveness (1 time, 3 turns).
NP Secace Morgan: Deals damage to a single enemy. Increase own NP Gauge by 1. Decrease Critical Star Drop Rate for a single enemy (3 turns).
Nero Claudius
Nero HP
Class Saber
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 3 per turn
Humanoid, Servant, Female, Riding, Roman, Saberface, King, Weak to Enuma Elish, Chaotic Good
Skill 1 Migraine B: Increase own Mental Debuff Resist (3 turns). Restore your HP.
Skill 2 Imperial Privilege EX: 60% Chance to increase own ATK (3 turns). 60% Chance to increase own DEF (3 turns). Restore your HP.
Skill 3 Invictus Spiritus A: Apply Guts to self (3 times, 5 turns).
* Unsure if used.
NP Laus Saint Claudius: Deal heavy damage to all enemies that ignores DEF Up. Apply DEF Down for all enemies (1 turn).
Nero Claudius (Caster)
Nero HP
Class Caster
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 3 per turn
Female, Humanoid, King, Riding, Roman, Saberface, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish, Chaotic Summer
Break This Summer's All About Me!: Increase own NP Gauge by 1.
Skill 1 Rampaging Privilege EX: Increase own NP Gauge by 1.
Skill 2 Seven Crowns C: Increase own ATK (3 turns). Increase own DEF (3 turns). Apply Trait Change: Ignore Class Disadvantage when taking damage (3 turns).
Skill 3 Undying Magus A: Apply Guts to an ally (1 time, 3 turns, Revives with 1 HP). Increase ATK for an ally (3 turns).
NP Laudatum Domus Illustris: Apply Ignore Invincibility for yourself (1 turn). Deals damage to all enemies. Increase your NP Strength (1 turn). [Activates first]
Ishtar1 HP
Class Archer
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 3 per turn
Divine, Heaven or Earth, Female, Humanoid, Pseudo-Servant, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish, Lawful Good
Skill 1 Manifestation of Beauty B: Increase ATK for all allies (3 turns). Increase Critical Strength for all allies (3 turns).
Skill 2 Shining Majestic Crown A: Increase own NP Gauge. 80% Chance to apply Invincible to self (1 turn). 80% Chance to apply Ignore Invincible to self (1 turn).
Skill 3 Mana Burst (Gem) A+: Gain a delayed buff. After 1 turn, increase own ATK (1 turn).
NP An Gal Ta Ki gal Šè: Deal heavy damage to all enemies. Increase your Buster Card effectiveness (1 turn). [Activates first]
Ishtar (Rider)
Ishtar HP
Class Rider
NP Bar
NP Type
Up to 3 per turn
Divine, Heaven or Earth, Female, Humanoid, Pseudo-Servant, Riding, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish, Lawful Good
Break Let's Start Making Summer Memories!: Decrease ATK for all enemies by 30% (3 turns).
Skill 1 Shining Water Robe A: Increases party's Quick Card effectiveness (3 turns). Increases party's Buster Card effectiveness (3 turns). Chance to increase party's NP Gauge by 1.
Skill 2 Accel Turn B: Apply Evade for yourself (1 time). Increase Critical Strength for yourself (1 turn).
Skill 3 Summer Breaker! A: Apply Invincibility to self (1 time). Increase your Critical Strength (1 turn). Increase your Critical Rate (1 turn). Chance to increase NP Gauge by 1. Increase your Debuff Resist (1 turn). Increase your Healing Received (1 turn). Stun self (1 turn) after 1 turn. [Demerit]
NP An Gal Tā Seven Colors: Deals damage to all enemies. Increase your Quick Card effectiveness (1 turn). [Activates first]


  • This challenge quest is unchanged from the original run's version. For the most part this guide is unchanged, aside from updates to the Quick Servant Suggestions table for new Servants added to the roster since the original run.
  • The final battle of summer is characterized by the two HP bars possessed by each enemy Servant. After the first (and much smaller) HP bar is depleted, the Servant will fittingly turn into their summer form, gaining a Break effect in the process. The second HP bar, while still moderate in nature, will be considerably larger than the first, ranging from Nero’s 82,110 to Ishtar’s 130,053. The battlefield counts as having the [near water] property.
  • Due to the large number of enemies, each with their own Break bar, the minimum turn count for this fight is 6 turns, assuming the party fully depletes all of the enemies’ HP bars each turn. As such, while higher-budget (typically Arts) teams specializing in consistent AoE damage might find this stage to be a breeze, other teams, especially those without easy access to sustained damage or survivability, may find a war of attrition waiting for them instead.
  • Among all Break effects, Nobunaga’s is the most notable, as she fully charges her NP bars upon Break. Thankfully, her Berserker form’s NP is single-target, meaning that it can either be defended against easily (through Taunt or party-wide Invincibility/Evasion), or even made use of to force a frontline Servant to make way for another from the backlines, the latter of which can be used to facilitate buff stacking strategies.
  • The enemies’ NP bar charges do not reset upon Break, and so it is important to note Servants whose second form has less NP bars compared to their initial form (notably Helena and Nitocris, whose Archer and Assassin versions come with 3 NP bars opposed to their initial 5).
  • For Masters without much in the way of AoE Arts setups, it may be a good idea to use lower-damage, AoE Servants with Instant NP Charge, allowing the party to deplete enemies’ first HP bars without use of high damaging NPs, which can then be saved for the second bars. It is also an option to manually Break each enemy with normal cards, but this takes significantly longer and places extra burden on the party’s survivability.
  • In summary, 8 Days, Grand Finale! is a test on the party’s consistency, be it in regards to damage or survivability. If one is able to weather the incoming damage and properly manage the use of both offensive and defensive options, they will be greeted by the merriment and spirit of summer. Fail to do so, and they will eventually find themselves drowning under the oceans’ endless blue waves.

Team Recommendations

  • Jeanne d’Arc is known to be capable of soloing the stage. However, this might require either NP2 (for the increased Defense buff) and/or the use of specific CEs (such as Maid in Halloween or Iron-Willed Training). Amakusa Shirou is also known to be capable of the feat, but the requirements are probably even more restrictive compared to Jeanne.
  • While high-end compositions based on any of three card types are able to deal with the stage quite effectively, Arts tends to do the best in regards to turn count. This is owed to the reduced looping downtime provided by Tamamo-no-Mae’s NP (notably when used early on with Kaleidoscope), as well as the enemies’ relatively low HP bars which allows for more consistency through Overgauges. Scathach=Skadi compositions will generally take two or more skill use rotations to finish the stage, while Merlin-supported Buster compositions generally take the longest (though with more stability compared to Skadi ones).
  • Using AoE damage dealers are a must for this stage, as single-target ones will be limited in effectiveness thanks to the many Break bars. Servants with affinity towards looping should be used for both Quick (Edmond Dantes, Achilles) and Arts (Katsushika Hokusai, Jeanne d’Arc (Archer)), while the choice for Buster is generally more flexible, as long as the Servant deals sufficient NP damage to deal with enemies in time. It is a good idea to have a back-up damage dealer for Servants whose class disadvantage is featured in the stage.
  • A large variety of supports can be used for this stage. Scathach=Skadi, Merlin, Tamamo-no-Mae, and Zhuge Liang are all no-brainers, but Servants such as Helena Blavatsky, Gilgamesh (Caster) and Paracelsus von Hohenheim are also very powerful choices, especially with the method explained right below.
  • GUDAGUDA Poster Girl is an extremely powerful CE for this stage, as it allows a buffer to provide buffs for the main damage dealer before tanking Nobunaga’s NP and making way to yet more buffers from the backline. Outrage and Halloween Arrangement can also be used to a similar effect, if a bit more restrictive. Naturally, normal suicide Taunting with Georgios or Leonidas can be utilized as well.
  • Low-star Wave-clearer Servants such as Arash and Avicebron are great choices to take care of the enemies’ first Break bars.
  • While high-end comps strive to attain stability through the use of supports, low-star oriented runs should instead focus more on continuously dealing damage by using multiple damage dealers, typically accompanied by a couple of Taunters or Last-Stand Servants to make the runs more stable.

Video Links

*Uses Command Codes, may need to be compensated with higher NP level

Quick Servant Suggestions

- Recommended
Solo Servants* (May require specific CEs, Grailing, or higher NP Level)
AoE Arts DPS
AoE Quick DPS
AoE Buster DPS
Low Rarity AoE DPS
Offensive Support
Defensive Support
Taunt Support
Last Man / Solo Servant
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