
Revival: Christmas 2021 - Walkthrough

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  • Revival: Christmas 2021 is here, along with an Event Shop and Lottery! Note that because this is a rerun, there are only 10 Lottery Boxes available.
  • Lottery boxes are a good source of EXP, QP, Mana Prisms, Friend Points, as well as select Ascension Materials (Ghost LanternOctuplet CrystalsForbidden PageDragon FangClaw of ChaosPhoenix FeatherGiant's Ring).
  • Clearing every quest at least once (except the Christmas Rescue quest) will take about 660 AP, for first timers purchasing + equipping the Event Shop CE ASAP.
  • Masters can unlock the free Servant, Nightingale (Santa) Nightingale (Santa) by completing the Main Quest (fully unlocks ~Day 6) and exchanging the 5th Lottery Box's Grand Prize in the Event Shop. Ascension materials and additional copies are also obtained from the lottery.
  • There are three Event Shop currencies (Sincerity PillowService ThermometerCharity Bandage) to farm for this event, whose drop rates can be boosted by Event Bonus CEs.
  • All Free Quests (except Christmas Rescue) also drop the event Lottery currency (Holy Night Bandage), whose drops can be boosted with the Event Shop CE Christmas Locus.
  • This event is time-gated on a daily basis, with a new Main Quest being released each day until the final quest. The full release schedule is below.
Date Quests Available
10/6/2022 01:00 - 10/17/2022 20:59 PDT Prologue - Verse 1
10/6/2022 21:00 - 10/17/2022 20:59 PDT Verse 2
10/7/2022 21:00 - 10/17/2022 20:59 PDT Verse 3
10/8/2022 21:00 - 10/17/2022 20:59 PDT Verse 4
10/9/2022 21:00 - 10/17/2022 20:59 PDT Verse 5
10/10/2022 21:00 - 10/17/2022 20:59 PDT Verse 6
Nightingale (Santa) officially joins
10/13/2022 21:00 - 10/17/2022 20:59 PDT Epilogue

General Tips

  • Initially, focus on equipping / selecting friend supports with Gacha CEs to purchase the Event Shop CE Christmas Locus ASAP, equipping it in spare slots for all Free Quest nodes to help increase Lottery currency drops.
  • The best farming node, Platinum Tag, unlocks on ~Day 6, and drops all currencies at better rates than the other nodes, so it can be farmed exclusively when it unlocks. It's also best to save Apples til after this quest unlocks.
    • If only going for Welfare Nightingale (Santa), then aside from purchasing the Event Shop CE, it is fine to ignore the rest of the Event Shop and only stack Christmas Locus copies to maximize Holy Night Bandage Lottery currency drops, since the Lottery contains all of Nightingale (Santa)'s Ascension and NP5 items.
  • Avoid MLBing (Max Limit Breaking) Christmas Locus too early--it is valuable to be able to stack higher Lottery currency drop bonuses. After reaching 8 copies of Christmas Locus, it is completely safe to limit break (1x MLB = +2; 3x nonMLB = +3, total +5).
  • Event Bonus Servants will have a Damage Bonus during the event, as well as some bonus Bond EXP! Bringing them as damage dealers can help speed up the farming/quest clear process.

Walkthrough TL;DR Version

Walkthrough TL;DR

The below is a summary of the general flow of the event. The more detailed walkthrough provides information about drops and CE suggestions for each quest.

The overall flow of the event is relatively straightforward, involving a new Main Quest unlocking each day, followed by Free Quest farming. Note that the Lottery is limited to 10 boxes for this Event rerun.

General Daily Event Flow:

1) Complete Main Quests available.

2) Clear each Free Quest at least once.

3) Farm the latest Free Quest for best drop rates. Buy Shop CEs ASAP for more lottery currency drop bonus.

- The best farming area is Platinum Tag (unlocks after clearing Gold Tag on ~Day 6).

4) When enough Lottery Boxes are opened by all Masters, Battle Royale Quests will unlock (*Box counts may vary for rerun):

- Battle Royale 1: 330,000 Boxes Opened

- Battle Royale 2: 1,000,000 Boxes Opened

- Battle Royale 3: 1,500,000 Boxes Opened

- Battle Royale 4: 1,750,000 Boxes Opened

- Battle Royale 5: 2,000,000 Boxes Opened

- Battle Royale 6: 2,250,000 Boxes Opened

- Battle Royale 7: 2,500,000 Boxes Opened

5) After clearing Verse 6 (~Day 6), Welfare Nightingale (Santa) can be purchased from the Event Shop using the ticket from the 5th Lottery Box Grand Prize. All other copies of Nightingale can also be purchased.

6) The Challenge Quest will also unlock after Verse 6.

Walkthrough - Day 1

# Quest Notes Event Drops

(0 AP)
Story only.
Nightingale (Santa) Nightingale (Santa) will join temporarily! Complete the Main Quest line and obtain the 5th Lottery Box Grand Prize for her to join permanently!

Section 1
(5 AP)
A single wave with three Servants: an Avenger (30k HP), Rider (36k), and Berserker (34k).
Obtain a copy of With My Family!
Equip this CE in nodes that drop Gauze of Benevolence!

Free - Novice
(30 AP)
Run once for the clear reward. This node's drops are relatively inefficient otherwise.
Bonus CEs:
With My FamilyDeliverers of SentimentTraces of Christmases Past
Gauze of Benevolence
Thermometer of ServiceBandage of the Holy Night

Free - Intermediate
(35 AP)
Run once for the clear reward. This node is also relatively inefficient.
Bonus CEs:
Deliverers of SentimentMaidens' LuncheonTraces of Christmases Past
Thermometer of Service
Pillow of DevotionBandage of the Holy Night

Free - Advanced
(40 AP)
Run 1+ times; continue to farm this quest with extra AP in the meantime given it has the best drops. It is best to hold off on using apples until the later quests unlock, however.
If enough currency is available, purchase Traces of Christmases Past from the Event Shop; these boost Bandage of the Holy Night drops and should be equipped so long as space for CEs allows. Note there will be a Lottery currency-only node at the end, so it is fine to instead prioritize Gacha CEs earlier on to clear out the Event Shop before farming the Lottery currency node (and simply fill out any leftover CE spaces with the Event Shop CE).
Bonus CEs:
Maidens' LuncheonWith My FamilyTraces of Christmases Past
Pillow of Devotion
Gauze of BenevolenceBandage of the Holy Night

Free - Rescue
First Aid Kit of Wishes)
Although this quest is available, most likely Masters won't have enough First Aid Kits to attempt this quest yet. This quest only needs to be run once for the Summon Ticket reward; otherwise on average, running this quest ends up costing more than it returns.
Note that 16x First Aid Kits will also be needed to NP5 Nightingale (Santa), so Masters may wish to wait on doing this quest until all copies of Nightingale are purchased, especially if not planning to clear all Lottery Boxes / nearing the end of the event.
Bonus CEs:
Maidens' Luncheon
Pillow of Devotion

Battle Royale 1
(40 AP)
The first battle royale will unlock when the total # of boxes opened across all Masters is at least 330,000 boxes.
All battle royale quests have a Lottery Box total requirement, and will unlock as soon as the number of required boxes is reached (and the prior battle royale quest is completed). Since it isn't certain exactly when the box requirements will be reached, the remaining battle royale quests will be listed together in the Battle Royale section of the walkthrough.
The battle royale quests are useful for providing some Ascension Materials and Mana Prisms when cleared.

This quest is a single wave with three Servants: a Saber (50k HP), and two Riders (45k, 54k).
Note The first day is complete! The next Main Quest will unlock on ~Day 2.
Note that the current Free Quests that are available aren't the most AP-efficient, so it is best to hold off on using AP Fruit until later. In the meantime, farming the Advanced difficulty is the most efficient.

Walkthrough - Day 2 (10/6/2022 21:00 PDT)

# Quest Notes Event Drops

Section 2
(5 AP)
Two waves, each with three Servants.
Wave 1: Assassin (14k HP), Lancer (15k), and Caster (20k). Each turn, they will remove 1 Offensive buff from a party member and decrease Stars by 5.
Wave 2: an Archer (23k HP), Rider (24k), and Berserker (23k). They will start with a DEF and Crit Strength buff.

Free - Green Tag
(40 AP)
A new Free Quest node that drops all event currencies. Run 1+ times (extra AP can be used to farm this quest). This has better drop rates than the prior quests, although it is not yet the best quest for farming.
Bonus CEs:
Maidens' LuncheonDeliverers of SentimentWith My FamilyTraces of Christmases Past
Pillow of Devotion
Thermometer of ServiceGauze of BenevolenceBandage of the Holy Night
Note The second day is complete! The next Main Quest will unlock on ~Day 3.
The most recent Free Quest (Green Tag) is better than the prior one, so extra AP can be used on this quest, although better Free Quests will become available later.

Walkthrough - Day 3 (10/7/2022 21:00 PDT)

# Quest Notes Event Drops

Section 3
(5 AP)
A single wave with two Servants: a Saber (81k HP) and Archer (69k). The Archer will start by buffing their own Buster but decreasing their own DEF. Bringing your own Nightingale (Santa) and using her normal cards will grant her NP Gauge +20% and 1-turn Evade. None

Free - Yellow Tag
(40 AP)
Run 1+ times.
This is a good Gauze of Benevolence farming node. If not already done, make sure to purchase Traces of Christmases Past for additional Bandage of the Holy Night drop bonus.
Masters can wait to farm in earnest when Platinum Tag unlocks, since it's the best node for all currencies, although extra AP can be used on this quest in the meantime.
Bonus CEs:
With My FamilyDeliverers of SentimentTraces of Christmases Past
Gauze of Benevolence
Thermometer of ServiceBandage of the Holy Night
Note The third day is complete! The next Main Quest will unlock on ~Day 4.
Masters can farm for bronze currency at the Yellow Tag node.

Walkthrough - Day 4 (10/8/2022 21:00 PDT)

# Quest Notes Event Drops

Section 4
(5 AP)
Party Restriction: NPC Astolfo (Saber) must SOLO this encounter. No Mystic Codes or Command Spells.
A single large Lancer (150k HP).
Drops 3 stacks silver currency.
Bonus CEs:
Deliverers of Sentiment
Thermometer of Service

Free - Red Tag
(40 AP)
Run 1+ times.
This is a good Thermometer of Service farming location. If not already done, make sure to purchase Traces of Christmases Past for additional Bandage of the Holy Night drop bonus.
Masters can wait to farm in earnest when Platinum Tag unlocks, since it's the best node for all currencies, although extra AP can be used on this quest in the meantime.
Bonus CEs:
Deliverers of SentimentMaidens' LuncheonTraces of Christmases Past
Thermometer of Service
Pillow of DevotionBandage of the Holy Night
Note The fourth day is complete! The next Main Quest will unlock on ~Day 5.
Decent farming locations for two of the currencies are now available:
- Gauze of Benevolence: Yellow Tag
- Thermometer of Service: Red Tag

Walkthrough - Day 5 (10/9/2022 21:00 PDT)

# Quest Notes Event Drops

Section 5
(5 AP)
A single wave with three Servants: a Ruler (37k HP), Archer (47k), and another Ruler (32k). Each turn, if the frontmost enemy Ruler is still alive, they will randomly buff an enemy's Crit Rate or buff a party member's ATK. None

Free - White Tag
(40 AP)
Run 1+ times.
This is a good Pillow of Devotion farming location. If not already done, make sure to purchase Traces of Christmases Past for additional Bandage of the Holy Night drop bonus.
Masters can wait to farm in earnest when Platinum Tag unlocks, since it's the best node for all currencies, although extra AP can be used on this quest in the meantime.
Bonus CEs:
Maidens' LuncheonWith My FamilyTraces of Christmases Past
Pillow of Devotion
Gauze of BenevolenceBandage of the Holy Night
Note The fifth day is complete! The next Main Quest will unlock on ~Day 6.
Decent farming locations for three of the currencies are now available:
- Gauze of Benevolence: Yellow Tag
- Thermometer of Service: Red Tag
- Pillow of Devotion: White Tag

Walkthrough - Day 6 + Epilogue (10/10/2022 21:00 PDT)

# Quest Notes Event Drops

Section 6
(5 AP)
A break bar Saber (61k, 92k HP) with a Lancer (101k). The Saber will start by eliminating all Class disadvantage for 3 turns. On break, the Saber will buff their own NP Strength by 50% and charge their NP bar to MAX. None

Free - Gold Tag
(40 AP)
Run 1+ times.
This is a good Bandage of the Holy Night farming location. This node does not drop any of the event shop currencies, so Masters can stack as many copies of Traces of Christmases Past as they have available.
Bonus CEs:
Traces of Christmases Past
Bandage of the Holy Night

Free - Platinum Tag
(40 AP)
Run 1+ times.
This is a new rerun-exclusive node, and is the farming location for all currencies. If it can be cleared comfortably, Masters can farm this node exclusively once it unlocks.
Bonus CEs:
Maidens' LuncheonDeliverers of SentimentWith My FamilyTraces of Christmases Past
Pillow of DevotionThermometer of ServiceGauze of BenevolenceBandage of the Holy Night

Free - Rescue
First Aid Kit of Wishes)
If this quest hasn't been run yet, make sure not to forget to do it once for the Summon Ticket. Otherwise, the quest is generally not worth the 5x First Aid Kits to continue farming.
Bonus CEs:
Maidens' Luncheon
Pillow of Devotion

(5 AP)
OPTIONAL: The Challenge Quest unlocks after completing Verse 6 as well as completing Final Singularity: Solomon. It provides a challenging encounter that awards a Crystallized Lore and bragging rights upon completion.
Four break bar Servants (Two Berserkers, and Archer, and a Lancer) await the Master in this challenging quest, each with break effects, as well as bonus effects if the Archer is killed too quickly.
For full details on this quest and tips, see the challenge guide here.
Note The sixth day is complete! Note that Nightingale (Santa) Nightingale (Santa) can now be purchased in the Event Shop using the Ticket from the 5th Event Lottery Box.
The next Main Quest will unlock on ~Day 11.
The best overall farming location, Platinum Tag (which is rerun-exclusive), is now available, and is more AP-efficient than all of the original nodes.

(0 AP)
Unlocks 10/13/2022 21:00 PDT
Story only.
Event Complete Congratulations! All of the Main Quests for the event are completed! All that remains is clearing the event shop and lottery boxes as desired. Check out the Quick Farming Guide for farming tips and drop rate information!

Walkthrough - Santa Battle Royale

# Quest Notes Event Drops

Battle Royale 1
(40 AP)
The first battle royale will unlock when the total # of boxes opened across all Masters is at least 330,000 boxes.
* Note this number may be different for the rerun (this applies for all 7 Santa Battle Royale quests).
The battle royale quests are useful for providing some Ascension Materials and Mana Prisms on clear.

A single wave with three Servants: a Saber (50k HP), and two Riders (45k, 54k).

Battle Royale 2
(40 AP)
Opens after 1 million boxes are opened.
Three Assassin Servants in a single wave (62k, 65k, 73k HP).

Battle Royale 3
(40 AP)
Opens after 1.5 million boxes are opened.
Three Servants: an Archer (77k HP), Rider (95k), and Berserker (92k).

Battle Royale 4
(40 AP)
Opens after 1.75 million boxes are opened.
Three Servants: two Casters (81k, 102k HP), and an Assassin (112k).
Note the front-most Caster will use an Extra Attack if their NP bar is full.

Battle Royale 5
(40 AP)
Opens after 2 million boxes are opened.
Two Berserker Servants (219k, 165k HP).

Battle Royale 6
(40 AP)
Opens after 2.25 million boxes are opened.
Three Lancer Servants (107k, 141k, 124k HP).

Battle Royale 7
(40 AP)
Opens after 2.5 million boxes are opened.
Two Break Bar Rulers (79k, 118k HP) & (81k, 121k HP). The front-most one will gain a Buster buff on break; the other will gain an Arts buff on break.

Event Bonus CEs

Name How to Obtain Event Bonus

Maidens' Luncheon 5★
Event Gacha Pillow of Devotion +1 (MLB: +2)

Deliverers of Sentiment 4★
Event Gacha Thermometer of Service +1 (MLB: +2)

With My Family 3★
Quest Reward (x1)
Event Gacha
Friend Point Gacha
Gauze of Benevolence +1 (MLB: +2)

Traces of Christmases Past 5★
Event Shop (x4)
x200 (2)
x100 (1)
x100 (1)

Quest Drop (Rare)
Bandage of the Holy Night +1 (MLB: +2)

Event Bonus Servants

Class Servants Event Bonus
Gold Saber Buff_DamageDamage +100%
Buff_BondGold Bond EXP +50%
Gold Archer
Gold Berserker
Gold Shielder Buff_DamageDamage +50%
Buff_BondGoldBond EXP +5% Party
Gold Archer Buff_DamageDamage +50%
Buff_BondGoldBond EXP +20%
Gold Lancer
Gold Rider
Gold Caster
Gold Ruler
Gold Saber Buff_DamageDamage +30%
Buff_BondGold Bond EXP +20%
Gold Archer
Gold Lancer
Gold Rider
Gold Caster
Gold Assassin
Gold Berserker
Gold Ruler
Gold Avenger

Should I use Apples?

  • No, if just going for NP5 Max Ascension Nightingale (Santa). If trying to clear the Event Shop, Maybe, depending on drop bonuses available.
  • Natural Regen AP will be approximately 3390 AP throughout the event.
  • Clearing each quest at least once (except Christmas Rescue) costs 660 AP. To NP5 / Max Ascend Nightingale and complete Christmas Rescue,
  • To NP5 / Max Ascend Nightingale and complete Christmas Rescue once, on average 1700 AP is required.
  • For clearing the Event Shop (no monuments, EXP, or 3* Fous), this will take approximately 4020 AP. By the time the shop is cleared, the first 10 Lottery Boxes will also be cleared fully.
  • For clearing the Event Shop (no monuments, but with Fous and EXP), due to Platinum Tag having such high rates for all currencies, this essentially is the same as the previous at approximately 4020 AP.
  • For a full Event Shop clear including monuments, this total reaches 5380 AP to clear all pieces and monuments.
  • The amount of AP required can be reduced with more copies of Event CEs. Additional copies of 4* or 5* CEs must be obtained in the gacha, while 3* CEs can be obtained in the Friend Point Gacha (at a low rate).
  • Assumptions for the above AP costs (uses "first timer worst case scenario with no Friend Point Gacha luck", AP reduced if more bonus available):
    • Up to +1 Sincerity Pillow: From Non-MLB Friend Support Maiden's Luncheon.
    • Up to +1 Service Thermometer: From Non-MLB Friend Support Wish Deliverymen.
    • Up to +2 Charity Bandage: From quest reward copy of With My Family and a Non-MLB Friend Support With My Family.
    • Up to +1~6 Holy Night Bandage: From buying & equipping ASAP 4x shop Christmas Locus (Avoid MLB unless 8+ copies from drops) and a Non-MLB or MLB Friend Support Christmas Locus
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About the Author(s)

Twitter: @NorseFTX

Content Director at GamePress. Passionate about fighting games, virtual/augmented reality technology, neuroengineering, and video games in general. Classical Piano Performance, Sprite Art, and Under Night In-Birth enthusiast.
