Salome fits into standard Arts setups. She really wants Tamamo to help charge her NP gauge and to improve the uptime on her steroids. Merlin, Waver, and Mash are all good thirds—Merlin/Tamamo is an excellent shell for NP-focused Arts servants in general, and Waver and Mash provide defense buffs that play nicely with Salome’s own defense buff. If you really want to make Seven Veils work, though, you’ll likely want to load your team with taunters and offensive debuffs—survivability tools Salome can’t remove.
Painting Summer is a strong CE choice here for much the same reason it is on Charlotte—it patches up Salome’s NP gain while also boosting her NP damage a bit. If you’re not worried about survival, though, The Black Grail can let Salome hit very nice damage thresholds, particularly against Lawful Good targets. Golden Sumo is also a good pick if you’ve leveled it, as Salome benefits quite a bit from any extra raw attack she can get.