
Tsukumo Mirror

"Skill Up & Ascension Material"
A mirror that has been passed down for many years, eventually coming to house mysterious entities such as divine and evil spirits.

Best Drop Location(s)

Servant Ascension/Skill Requirements

1st Ascension

Servant Amount
Li Shuwen (Assassin) x5

3rd Ascension

Servant Amount
Kama x2

5th Skill Enhancement

Servant Amount
Marie Antoinette (Alter) x12

7th Skill Enhancement

5th Append Skill Enhancement

Servant Amount
Mysterious Idol X (Alter) x10

6th Append Skill Enhancement

Servant Amount
Tezcatlipoca x2

Total (Ascension)

Servant Amount

Total (Skill)

Servant Amount

Total (Asc. + Skill)

Servant Amount

Total (Append)

Servant Amount

Total (All)

Servant Amount