
Lostbelt No.2: Götterdämmerung Spoiler-free Walkthrough

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Article by NorseFTX
Lostbelt No.2: Götterdämmerung Spoiler-free Walkthrough
Table of Contents


  • The spoilers in this walkthrough are limited to what enemies you will face in a particular node. 
  • Every major boss and Servant encounter is initially hidden. Hover over unknown icons to see what mob/Servant is hidden via its hyperlink.
  • Press the New Monster Information or Boss Information headers to see specific spoilers, advice and/or tips.
  • Generally, Götterdämmerung is rather story heavy, try not to rush through it.
  • Break Bars are a standard feature once again.
  • A full Main Story clear requires 948 AP.
  • Spotted an error, have a question, or ideas to improve the guide? Feel free to drop a comment in the comments section below!
  • Have fun and enjoy the story! 


Filler Easy Moderate Hard Very Hard
Node Enemy Classes Enemies & Difficulty Notes

Story only.

St. 1-1
Story only.

St. 1-2
Silver Berserker A new Monster approaches:
A single Berserker with >400k HP. Be ready to see plenty of these guys.

St. 1-3
Silver BerserkerSilver Assassin A new Monster approaches:
Two waves with low-HP Assassins in the first wave, and an Assassin and Berserker mob in the second wave. Watch out for the chunky Berserker (286k HP).

St. 2-1
Gold Saber Reduce this boss's health to about 50% or break their ~614k HP first break bar to complete this encounter.

St. 2-2
Gold Saber The same enemy as last time, although this time, stalling is not an option. This battle will end upon depleting the boss's first HP bar (~614k HP).

St. 2-3
Story only.

St. 3-1
Story only.

St. 3-2
Story only.

St. 3-3
Silver BerserkerSilver Assassin Two waves of mixed Assassin and Berserker enemies. Be wary of the one large Berserker in each wave, with ~104k HP (first wave) and ~212k HP (second wave).

St. 3-4
Gold BerserkerSilver BerserkerSilver Assassin A new Monster approaches:
Three waves of mixed Assassins and Berserkers, with one ~100k HP Berserker in each of the first two waves. The final wave has a lone 160k HP Berserker.

St. 3-5
Story only.

St. 3-6
Gold BerserkerSilver Berserker Two waves of Berserker Giants, the first wave with a single Giant (95k HP), and the second wave with two (122k, 160k HP).

St. 3-7
Gold BerserkerSilver Berserker A single wave with six Giant Berserkers, one after another. Their HP is relatively lower compared to those seen in previous encounters (35k, 52k, 47k, 54k, 68k, and 135k HP).

St. 4-1
Story only.

St. 4-2
Story only.

St. 4-3
Gold Rider This quest has a single Rider enemy with 447k HP. Bring strong single-target/ST Assassins (or Berserkers/Alter Egos).

St. 4-4
Gold Rider A single wave with seven Riders, with the first six <100k HP, and the last having ~172k HP. AoE Assassins are helpful in this encounter.

St. 4-5
Gold Rider This quest is very similar to the previous, with a single wave of 7 Rider-class enemies. This time, all Servants will receive a Critical Strength + NP Strength buff.

St. 5-1
Gold BerserkerSilver BerserkerSilver Assassin Two waves of mixed Assassin and Berserker enemies. One Giant is present in each wave at 110k HP (first wave) and 193k HP (second wave).

St. 5-2
Gold BerserkerSilver BerserkerGold Rider Two waves of mixed Rider and Berserker enemies. One Giant is in each wave, at 107k HP (first wave) and 173k HP (second wave).

St. 6-1
Gold AssassinSilver Assassin A new Monster approaches:
Three waves of low HP (<50k) Assassins in the first two waves, with a larger Assassin (160k HP) in the final wave accompanied by smaller Assassin mobs.

St. 6-2
Gold BerserkerGold Lancer A new Monster approaches:
A straightforward damage race mini-boss encounter, with a single Lancer (372k HP) Servant and a Berserker Giant (384k HP).

St. 6-3
Gold Saber A mini-boss encounter against a Saber-class Servant with 2 HP bars. The enemy will use an extra attack when their NP gauge is full in this encounter. Both HP bars must be depleted to complete this encounter; bring strong single target Archers to assist. Being able to take advantage of anti-Male trait is also useful.

St. 6-4
Gold Saber Boss encounter.
Click the Boss Information below for specifics.

St. 7-1
Story only.

St. 7-2
Silver BerserkerBronze ArcherBronze Berserker Two waves with a mixture of low-HP Berserker and Archer mobs, with the largest being an 81k HP Berserker in the second wave. All others have <26k HP.

St. 7-3
Bronze BerserkerSilver CasterBronze SaberBronze Archer Three waves with Saber, Archer, Caster, and Berserker enemies. The final wave has a 236k HP Berserker; the rest are <35k HP.

St. 7-4
Gold Berserker A mini-boss encounter against a Berserker-class Male Servant. This Boss will have 5 stacks of unremovable Guts, which will revive the boss with 30,000 HP each time. They are also capable of using Evade.

St. 8-1
Story only.

St. 8-2
Story only.

St. 8-3
Gold BerserkerSilver Berserker This is a stalling battle that automatically ends on Turn 8. A single wave of 35 Berserker type enemies ranging from 40-80k HP will be present.

St. 9-1
Story only.

St. 9-2
Gold AssassinSilver Assassin Three waves of Assassin class enemies only. The final wave has a 154k HP Assassin, while all other mobs have <40k HP.

St. 9-3
Gold Berserker Two waves of Berserker Giants, one Giant in wave 1 (99k HP), and two Giants in wave 2 (177k, 106k HP).

St. 9-4
Silver CasterGold Berserker A new Monster approaches:
Two waves, with two giants in the first wave (100k, 122k HP), and a single Caster in the second wave (386k HP).

St. 10-1
Story only.

St. 10-2
Story only.

St. 10-3
Gold BerserkerSilver BerserkerSilver Assassin Two waves, the first wave having only Assassins (<37k HP), and the second having two Berserkers (119k, 204k HP).

St. 11-1
Gold BerserkerSilver Assassin Three waves, the first with Assassins (<32k HP), the second with two Berserkers (<48k HP), and the final with two Berserkers (147k, 78k HP).

St. 11-2
Gold Rider Three waves of only Rider class enemies, with the final wave having a 158k HP Rider. All other mobs have <63k HP.

St. 11-3
Gold Rider Similar to the prior quest, this will be three waves of Rider enemies with a very similar HP range. The final wave has a 178k HP Rider with two 65k HP Rider mobs.

St. 11-4
Gold Lancer A mini-boss encounter with one wave of three Lancer-class Servants, each with two HP bars. All three have access to an AoE NP that can ignore Evade.
- Breaking the frontmost one will buff all three bosses with a Critical Strength buff and apply Target Focus (permanent) to a random party member.
- Breaking the second will buff all bosses with a permanent ATK buff.
- Breaking the boss positioned farthest back will increase NP damage resist for all bosses permanently. AoE Sabers are suggested to burst them down quickly.

St. 11-5
Gold LancerGold Rider A mini-boss encounter similar to the prior, except there are only two Servants instead of three, and there are 3 Rider-type mobs with <30k HP in the wave instead. Bringing AoE Sabers should be more than enough to clear out the smaller Rider type mobs as well.

St. 12-1
Story only.

St. 12-2
Gold BerserkerSilver BerserkerSilver Assassin Three waves with mixed Assassins (<30k HP) and Berserkers (70-140k HP).

St. 12-3
Gold BerserkerSilver Assassin Three waves with mixed Assassins (<30k HP) and Berserkers (65-138k HP).

St. 12-4
Gold SaberGold Lancer A mini-boss encounter with a Lancer Servant and a Saber Servant, each with 2 HP bars. Be wary of both having NP Gauge charge skills that activate upon break. The Lancer can charge NP for all allies by 1 upon break; the Saber will charge their own NP Gauge by 1 upon break.

St. 12-5
Gold Saber Boss encounter.
Click the Boss Information below for specifics.

St. 13-1
Story only.

St. 13-2
Gold Saber This battle will end upon depleting the boss's first HP bar. Bring strong single target Archer class Servants to make quick work of this encounter.

St. 14-1
Story only.

St. 14-2
Silver CasterSilver Assassin Two waves with a mixture of Assassin (<35k HP) and Caster (101-181k HP) enemies.

St. 14-3
Gold BerserkerSilver Assassin Two waves of Assassin (<45k HP) and Berserker (118-221k HP) enemies.

St. 14-4
Gold BerserkerSilver BerserkerSilver CasterSilver Assassin Two waves of Assassin (23k HP), Caster (66k HP), and Berserker (104, 169k HP) enemies.

St. 15-1
Story only.

St. 15-2
Silver CasterGold BerserkerSilver Assassin Two waves of Assassin (17, 24k HP), Caster (64, 70, 134k HP), and a Berserker (101k HP) enemy.

St. 15-3
Story only.

St. 15-4
Story only.

St. 15-5
Story only.

St. 16-1
Gold Saber Boss encounter.
Click the Boss Information below for specifics.

St. 16-2
Story only.

St. 16-3
Story only.

St. 17-1
Gold CasterGold Lancer Boss encounter.
Click the Boss Information below for specifics.

St. 17-2
Gold Caster Boss encounter.
Click the Boss Information below for specifics.

St. 17-3
Story only.
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About the Author(s)

Twitter: @NorseFTX

Content Director at GamePress. Passionate about fighting games, virtual/augmented reality technology, neuroengineering, and video games in general. Classical Piano Performance, Sprite Art, and Under Night In-Birth enthusiast.
