Quests in this Chapter Type 1st League Island Rank: Golden! Mekakure! Drum Rolls! Event 1st League Continental Rank: VR Warrior TOMOE Event 1st League Planet Rank: Knight of Treachery and Friends Event 1st League Galaxy Rank: Cosmo Chaldea Academy Teacher Event 1st League Space Rank: Galaxy Church Chivalric Order Event 2nd League Island Rank: Secret Company, Assassin Event 2nd League Continental Rank: Chaldea Three Lances Event 2nd League Planet Rank: Galaxy Embers Event 2nd League Galaxy Rank: Cosmo ★ Argonauts Event 2nd League Space Rank: Galaxy Laboratory Event 3rd League Island Rank: Space Witches Event 3rd League Continental Rank: Chaldea Rescue Party +α Event 3rd League Planet Rank: Villain Alliance Survivors Event 3rd League Galaxy Rank: Chaldea Swordsmanship Advisor Event 3rd League Space Rank: Space Pirates Event [High Difficulty] Lightning in Gil-Gilgamesh Event