ID | 1014 |
Cost | 9 |
Rarity | 4 |
Base HP | 100 |
Max HP | 100 |
Base ATK | 100 |
Max ATK | 100 |
Comes max limit broken
[Available for a limited time during the Even More Learning with Manga! Release Quest from 1/13/2021 20:00 - 1/20/2021 19:59 PST]
[Obtained in JP by clearing "Learn with Manga! Fate/Grand Order Volume 2 Release Quest"]
Limit Break
Increase Master EXP gained by 50.
[Available for a limited time during the Even More Learning with Manga! Release Quest from 1/13/2021 20:00 - 1/20/2021 19:59 PST]
[Obtained in JP by clearing "Learn with Manga! Fate/Grand Order Volume 2 Release Quest"]
Craft Essence Detail
Illustrator: Riyo
A picture immortalizing the moment a perverted crab attacked Mash while she was frolicking at a private beach.
It's a precious picture of your kouhai, so keep it safe in your wallet.