
Who to grail next

Just beat babylonia today and due to the generousity of our king now i have 2 grail, so i want your opinion who should i grail next, my candidate :
1.saber critalot ( he and hans carry through 90% of this singularity)
2.proto cu (already grail my og cu and he's my staple crit lancer)
3.hans (my only support beside mash also bread and butter to my crit team)
4. Jaguar (her 3rd ascension is so rad and would be my buster lancer)
5.ushiwakamaru (already grail her to 80 & she had a spotlite in this chapter)

Ps: please dont answer with "grail who you like the most" i want your opinion ^^

Asked by makoto246 years 2 months ago


Out of your choices, I'd go with Hans.
I have Hans grailed to 80, and I'm loving him with that extra HP.


Yeah i just need 1 more grail so hans can get that sweet-sweet gold border he deservedn did solomon give you grail when you finish it ?


by Fabris 6 years 2 months ago


He is a 5* in disguise. Give him crit CEs, and he can overcome class disavantage with his crits. Plus, he sadly has no survivability at all, so giving him more HP is welcome.

Hans power come from his skills and support NP, grailing will only give him more HP and (even fewer, since he has 0.9x dmg multiplier caster) attack. Just max fou him and give an Formalcraft to sorta fix his bad dmg.

Ushi is great, but if you have Kintoki Rider, there's no need to grail her.

Proto-Cu overlaps with OG Cu, if you grail one, you will probablt not need to grail the other one...


I start playing after the end of onigashima so sadly i miss rider kintoki do you think its worth waiting for re run or just went for ushi for more attack since she's my only single target dps rider right now


If you like her and uses her a lot, sure.

She does causes a fuckton of damage with Charisma C+, + some quick up CE on her...


Papalot. He is IMO a top 10 servant in the game (including 5 stars). He is so good, providing crit stars on demand + consistent crit stars per turn + a massive crit damage and star absorption up. He consistently hits for north of 80k on his arts cards with grailed to 100, and can spam his NP back to back to back. It's insane.


Grail who you like the most. :P

1.) Can't really say anything about critalot since I don't have him.

2/5.) Between Jaguar waifu and Proto cu, Jaguar is like a more offensive proto cu. If you're in a terrain which makes her skill use it's full potential, then she becomes your buster-crit lancer. She's really a pretty great lancer.

3.) Extra hp = more survivability so grailing Hans is worth it. But i'm one of the people who prefer higher attack than higher HP. So I'll keep my hans ungrailed. And yes, Hans and Mash are also my only supports as well.

4.) No number 4? :P

6.) Ushi - if you're alright with increasing her more, well I'll just say there's a vid of her becoming the MVP on the next singularity on that person's team. Yes, she soloed it lol.
By the looks of it you have her at a high bond level already since she is already head patted to 80.

Those are my thoughts. Hope it helps


by Mysty 6 years 2 months ago

I absolutely love my grailed saberlot, way better than nero bride imo. And thanks to Christmas lottery, I finally got enough void dust to finish maxing his skills. Only servant I've been tempted to go above lvl 90...


It depends a lot on your future plan. I have friends on other servers who regretted grailing saberlot and hans as they got their premium counterpart later. Saberlot will be outclassed by umu bride in high difficulties (bride will receive a major upgrade in np soon) and for regular/quest farming even lv70 is enough. As for Hans, he is pretty much outclassed by Merlin in every way. If you plan to pull Merlin, then don't grail him. For ushi, I think you will get Kintoki for free next year if you don't already have it. A popular grailing choice of low-rarity is actually our hero, Arash. His stats scale linearly with levels. Grailing him to lv70 will help a lot in the np damage.

So I would say, grail these servants if you don't plan to get the high-rarity counterpart.


Thanks man bit i didn't plan to get merlin or umu bride since they're 5and the odds of me getting them is like 0.00001% i didn't think of grailing arash since i like him having low hp and with demonic bodhisattva he's already doing ton of damage


My lv 90 Saberlot with maxed out skills works great, i would recomend grailing him.


1.Saberlot NP2 10/10/10 I dont need any other ST Saber.
2.You already grailed FSN Cu than you do not need to grail proto.
3.Do not grail Hans. You will hae a better support at some point. Put a 2030 on Hans. It will both provide stars per turn and compansate for Hans's low HP pool.
4.Jaguar ... looooong cooldowns, subpar skillset. Do not grail her.
5. Solid grail candidate unless you have Golden Rider.
