if you are referring to Hercules the Unsinkable Hero mission yes
(didnt bother to grab the finishing shot but he died after the 2Np)
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if you are referring to Hercules the Unsinkable Hero mission yes
(didnt bother to grab the finishing shot but he died after the 2Np)
yeah, sorry. I accidentally pressed the “create” question button before I finished.
Yes. It took me 28 turns. What the hell. No wonder they only gave him 3 guts on his bond ce. I used the usual arts team comp with Orion, Waver, Tamamo, Mash, Rider Martha and Tamamo Lancer (to fill the space) and the Chaldea Combat Uniform. After using 2 command spells and losing all but Mash and Orion, I beat him. This is why I love arts teams. Why give me buster Servants, DW? 😭
I used David instead of Martha but the comp was the same for the most part. I wasn't keeping track of turn count, but I cleared it without using command seals. I only hope the next round goes as well.
Beat him second try after narrowly missing the final KO first try, double Cu was the way to go.
He not that hard as i thought. I just bring Mash, Kuro and a friend's medea loli with georgios and deon as fodder and herc at the back. Kuro accidentally died but my herc manage to solo all the way
It was quite easy finished it at 16 turns used Jalter, Jeanne, Waver, no deaths. Jalter can take 3 guts a turn if set up right.
Stalled him out with Mash, Euryale and St. George for the first six lives, then Cu Chu train finished the rest. Even though Cu and Euryale are grailed, I'm pretty proud to have finished this with only 3-star servants.
My set up against Sekai no Ichiban Demigod.
Using OG Chu, Nero, 2x Heracles, Chu Proto and Marie rider.
Here's the result, i even record it to watch later.
Using full set up of best Last Man Standing in the game.
Finished with 38 turns courtesy of an awesome Friend Support's level 100 10/10/10 Cu Lancer. He solo'd the whole thing like a champ. Best doggo~
It's really enjoyable to beat Hercules in a battle of endurance. Will be doing another bout with OG Chu, Marie rider, and Marie Caster.
Kira-kira anti-Hercules LOL.
Yes! Took me 25 turns with an arts crit team built around a lvl 70 Chloe! Borrowed a friend's lvl 100 Waver with a 2030 CE and brought my own team with lvl 55 Georgios, lvl 65 Hans, lvl 60 Mash and lvl 68 Cu Lancer!
After a few close touches I managed to finish Herc on my first attempt. Most of my problems were that I only remembered the Arts debuff and had Martha in the frontline. The original plan was for her to clear before being replaced with Mash, but I was fortunate enough that she survived long enough (one more hit from the golems would have been fatal).
Herc was actually not as intimidating as I had expected, Chloe made short work of him.
On average I believe I took two lives per turn so I think it only took 18 turns for all three stages.
I used Martha, Chloe,Mash, Hans and Herc paired with a support Waver.
Oddly enough only Waver was unlucky enough to get killed.
Honestly I expected Herc to do a valiant Last Man Stand instead of sitting impatiently on the bench.
Okay, I’m honestly stuck. I made it with Sieg, Summer Martha, Cu Alter as my lineup. My backup consists of Altria Archer, Ozymandias, and Mash.
I made it to Heracles and honestly he literally triggers guts every time I kill him. I used Cu’s NO THREE TIMES and EVERY time Heracles rebounded with guts.
Someone help!