
Nero Bride or Tamamo?

I am fairly new to the game and I am slowly building up an arts-centric team (my 5*s are Archuria and Da Vinci) and I have so far been doing well with Archuria, Da Vinci, Mash, and Tamamos from my friends list.

I don’t have any good arts sabers and I was thinking of rolling for Nero Bride next week since I have lots of Tamamos on my friends but few Neros. Should I hold out and save for my own Tamamo?

Asked by CatTribal6 years 5 months ago


by Neil 6 years 5 months ago

Tamamo is THE art support and the standard comp is to put her with a waver and just let the good memes-i mean times roll. UMU bride on the other hand is a solid ST buffer and healer with low CDs on her skills and a solid NP herself that deals good single target damage and is cast often in arts teams. She performs the roll of hybrid support but can never bring as much as Tamamo can support wise.
If you really want an arts saber, umu is a good choice (change my mind). If you want an arts dps saber though (pure dps) Lancelot Saber is your guy.


Fair enough. I do want a saber but if Waver/Tamamo is ideal then maybe I should try for my own Tamamo and use my friend’s Waver.


Waver, Tamamo and squirtoria is the current most broken comp in na (for about 3 more months). It will ultimately be replaced by buster crit memes with memelin but still is viable to use in JP even today due to the sheer amount of stall it has.


I wish you luck fellow master. I know I'll be trying to be getting another copy of Bride or hopefully 2 copies more. I wish you the gacha god's blessings. 508,645,464 if you're looking for that Bride Nero friend


The beloved Tamamo is the core for art team.
Even though you have friend, yours Tamamo could be more flexible with CE. Meanwhile, generally a art team's Waver or Hans is weakest so it is a better choice to borrow an 2nd Waver from support for fast charging and better safety purpose.

But Nero Bride is not like OG Nero. She also deserve rolled. There are actually not too much offensive SSR art-oriented servant, only Vlad, Archuria, ArcherJeanne could be "slightly" above Nero Bride and Orion, Da Vinci in specific case. And due to excellent versatility Nero also worked great as mixed support-offensive.


If anything the two are great at what they do, But if you want to have the extra damage then you'll need Nero Bride. For NA she is one of the most supportive Single Target SSR Sabers we got. Other than Okita (But Okita is a crit demon). The only thing that would save me from pulling either of the two before was because the lack of quartz from the events prior doubled with Jalter being dangerously close.

Both are extraordinary in their own right, Nero Bride helps one of your team with NP gain and is a fairly great Healer. Tamamo can heal and improve arts, on an all arts team these two will be getting NP after NP. The only reason I am rolling for Nero Bride is because my lack of ST Sabers that brings what she offers, Usually all you need is Saberlot but he plays best if you rack in a lot of stars. The only reason I can't get Tamamo is the critical reason that Merlin is drawing closer as we speak. That man is worth Every Quartz you got.

Bride Nero is my target now since Diarmuid taught me a harsh lesson of prolonging his raid in Prisma Codes with only AOE Sabers.


I like Nero Bride a lot. My friends have a few of her when I need her, but she's definitely great. Having your own Tama is just awesome. You can then borrow DPS instead of support, which makes the game more interesting.
