Summer Ibaraki doesn't exist. You sure you didn't just get the normal Ibaraki there?
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Is summer ibaraki good? Just got her from the gatcha
Summer Ibaraki doesn't exist. You sure you didn't just get the normal Ibaraki there?
I got her too.....seems that my F2P acct in Japan has better gacha single 10 roll net Ibraki and summer Ushi...and thats the only 30 SQ i hv.
Hopefully can get the welfare summer jalter with my limited number and under leveled servants.
same here. Got a lot of gold servants in JP but in NA i only have 5 sr servants and a bunch of silver servants. Wonder why lol. Anyway, good luck to you man hope you get jalter welfare^ ^
check her out hir
She's really good imo. standard lancer deck with good hit counts and an attack buff with an NP strength/gain boost. Means she can pretty much fire off her NP frequently while also boosting that NP damage.
2nd skill is a Max HP+ and a debuff cleanse(debuff cleanse is really important once you see how her NP works)
3rd skill is a star gather buff and a crit damage+ for 1 turn
200% - 500%
30% - 50%
Single target Buster NP with def ignore effect, damage scales from 600% to 1000% and has a Gain stars effect at OC. 30 fcking stars at OC1. Tho she has a demerit of having a low star gather rate by 50% for 3 turns after firing it off, said debuff is easily remedied by her 2nd skill and her 3rd skill can also work to mitigate it a bit.
I say she's a freagin good dps lancer that can potentially unleash hell in 2 consecutive turns. Git gud with card counting and fire off that NP at a good time, then gather her stars the next turn with your 3rd skill. Solid lancer.
edit: Her only real flaw is survivability. With other supports can easily help her out with. *cough* Memelin *cough*
edit2: now that I think about it, she kinda works like Lancelot(Berserker)