
Is Bedevire worth leveling at NP 1?

Waiting for Musashi summon during New Years, but want to start leveling a buster saber in case I don't get her. At NP 1 is Bedevire worth leveling? How is he damage wise? My only other "buster saber" is Sieg.

Asked by SaintQuartzSummoner6 years 6 months ago


by Neil 6 years 6 months ago

Not if you have sumanai. Even without his strengthenings sumanai is quite a tanks saber with his strengthenings he gets the damage caught up.

As to Bedivere, at np4 or np5 he's worth using. If you can afford it I'd say to level him. His real unsung advantage is that he needs 0 investment in his talents so you can just play him as a 1/1/1 without too much detriment and maybe level him to np5 when there's a rateup again. His np is really good, especially with NPBBb.


My bedi is np3 and level 50 for perspective. 4/8/1. Started investing in him and then got Umu and dadcelot in successive pulls so have out him on hold while I work on other units.
