
Camelot difficulty spike: Advice for a newbie

Disclaimer: This is a long post, made even longer by this disclaimer. You have been warned.

Hello there, I've been playing this game for about a month now, and I've just arrived at Camelot, only to have my ass kicked at the first node. It was at this point I wondered if should get some advice. So here I am. Currently, I've managed to power through the previous story arcs and the Onigashima event on the power of my support servants, but I got the feeling that won't cut it any more. So here's my current roster, arranged per class, in the following format, level skill A/skill B/Skill C NP level.

Siegfried Lv 55, 4/4/4 NP1 (My tutorial roll, I did not know reroll marathons were a thing)
Gilles Lv 17 5 NP2

Ozymandias Lv 56 2/2 NP1 (I got lucky, only 2 x10 pulls during the rate up event)
Kintoki Lv 42 4/5 NP5
Alexander Lv 1 1 NP1
Ushiwakamaru Lv 1 1 NP2
Boudica Lv 1 1 NP3
Edward Teach Lv 1 1 NP5
Georgios Lv 1 1 NP5

Robin Hood Lv 40 4/2 NP1
David Lv 26 2 NP4
Billy the Kid Lv 1 1 NP1
Gilgamesh (child) Lv 1 1 NP1
Arash Lv 1 1 NP1

Hans Lv 49 5/5/4 NP2
Geronimo Lv 1 1 NP1
Babbage Lv 1 1 NP5
Paracelsus Lv 1 1 NP3
Cú Chulainn (Caster) Lv 1 1 NP1
Mephistolpheles Lv 1 1 NP1
Medea Lv 1 1 NP3
Shakespeare Lv 1 1 NP5
Mozart Lv 1 1 NP5

Cú Chulainn Lv 45 4/4 NP1
Cú Chulainn (Prototype) Lv 26 3 NP3
Leonidas I Lv 1 1 NP5
Benkei Lv 1 1 NP5

Hassan of the Cursed Arm Lv 45 2/2 NP5
Fuuma Lv 33 2/2 NP1
Hassan of the Hundred Personas Lv 1 1 NP2
Jekyll Lv 1 1 NP2
Jing Ke Lv 1 1 NP1
Phantom of the Opera Lv 1 1 NP4
Sanson Lv 1 1 NP5
Mata Hari Lv 1 1 NP5
Sasaki Kojirou Lv 1 1 NP5

Lancelot Lv 56 4/4 NP1
Kiyohime Lv 27 5 NP3
Darius III Lv 1 1 NP3
Lu bu LV 1 1 NP1
Bloodaxe Lv 1 1 NP4
Caligula Lv 1 1 NP5
Asterios LV 1 1 NP5
Spartacus Lv 1 1 NP5

Special Class
Mash Lv 57 6/3/3 NP1

My method for leveling is all exp for the main (at the top of each class) servants. When they're held back by me not being able to ascend them, bronzes get funneled into the secondaries (the second char on each list, if their level is higher than 1). All fou's go to the primaries.

My battle strategy mostly centers around using the strongest of each class in each situation based on class advantages. I haven't payed any attention to bustercrit builds and the like.

So my question to you guys is: Am I leveling the right guys. Are there specific builds I should be using? Keep in mind that I am purely F2P, so high end CE's and the like are beyond my reach.

Thanks for any advice you guys can give me. In the meantime I will be polishing of the unfinished free quests, interludes that I can do and grinding dailies, not necessarily in that order.

Asked by Demos Mirak6 years 7 months ago


For starters, if you are having trouble on the first node you should use the current event to max some servants, sieg and robin will help you on some bosses so having them maxed will make it easier, with max lancelot+mash+waver supp you should be able to push trough most stages with ease, i used herc with mash and waver to push trough most of the non boss nodes by keeping herc alive to do the damage, also using the guide will help you decide how to better prepare for each stage.


There is a huge spike.

Your best bet now is to focus on leveling up your units via the daily quest. Your Ozzy needs to be 80 minimum (really should be 90).

Cu Chulainn needs to be up at 70 minimum.

Hans, 65? He just needs as much HP as possible.

Lancelot Beserker as well.

You just need to focus on leveling and ascending and taking MAX advantage while the 1/2 AP is in play. Where your units are at they will wipe everytime. You think its hard now at the first few nodes, you are in for some real BS in this Singularity.

These units under level 70 will not be helpful unless they are support. Your damage dealers won't hit anywhere near what they need to at those levels.

Focus on Ascending and leveling up. Your best chance.

Trust me, this singularity has some BS lined up...


I feel that for Hans and Lancelot berserker, he can leave them at LVL 55 and 70 respectively, as the stat gains begin to diminish greatly those last 10 levels for those characters. It's not worth farming for the extra exp especially if he hasn't already stockpiled some cards during the event.


I would level your initial line up to max first. Your main damage dealer will definitely be Ozy. You lucked out with him he's a fantastic servant. Back him up with a crit generator and a support. So Hans for sure and either Hassan or Fuuma. Have a tank in the back to take NP hits, I recommend either Leonidas or Mash to go with Ozy. Or David for party wide Evade. It depends on the enemy servant. When in doubt, Mash is the safer choice. The last slot is your choice. Back up support or star gen or what I like to call a brawler servant. This is your last stand servant that functions best when alone and is hard to kill. Heracles and Nero are prime examples but the cheaper version is vanilla cu.

Edit: I forgot to mention you will need a substitute damage dealer for Ozy in some stages of Camelot. There are a lot of assassins. Unfortunately theres not a great selection of casters to choose from. Medea is ok, but there's a certain, rather difficult stage where an aoe caster is better. Or an aoe berserker. You do have Lancelot. Its just hard to keep a berserker alive.


Ozy is a rider, but he has no critical strength booster. If you have a CE which enhances your critical damage (e.g. Gemcraft, Antumbra), you’re good to go with a critical star generator. If not, invest on CEs which enhance basic attacks / attacks / damage plus. Since Ozy also has a high NP gain, maybe if so add a CE which improves NP with a support of a buster servant (e.g, Nightingale).

Just remember 2 things.
Critical Damage needs a CE for Ozy
Buster Booster for NP is basic (bring buster type servants)


by Kasoba 6 years 8 months ago

First off, how did you even get through the America singularity with those servants?? You really need to lvl your servants up if you want to even try Camelot. Max out their lvl and try to work on their skills a bit before you try Camelot again cuz its really gonna start kicking your ass midway even if you have maxed servants.


by Neil 6 years 8 months ago

To add to what the others have said:
I'm also generally an f2p player and have been playing since the Accel zero event (I did spend $30 on the anniversary summon because a guaranteed SSR seems like a good buy to me).
First things first, Camelot is completely a breeze even with the gimmicks with a full team of level 70-90. I believe the intended difficulty is for it to be beaten by strategic level 60 teams with level 70 being the point where it isn't reliant on crit rng so much.
Generally the best way to get a team up to speed in my opinion would be to focus on Ascension first till you have at least a max ascended servant in every class possible. The extra health and atk from being max ascended vs not is huge even for supports (though of course it is bigger impact for dps). To get max ascended, really take advantage of event shops and events like the current one to collect mats.
Consider the current event, probably the best time in the year to farm both exp tokens as well as class pieces and monuments. The next event (I think it's the swimsuit one yay!) will have an event store again I think, so focus then on collecting Ascension materials.
Basically what I'm saying is think of the main story as something that needs to be accomplished long term rather than as soon as possible. My personal prep for Camelot happened during the onigashima event where I heavily invested in max ascending a lot of servants (tip for you: Euryale is absolute bae on Gawain)


Also welfare servants are bae to f2p. Kintoki Rider is awesome and I use him over iskandbro rn. The next one is gonna be assassin shishou (in a swimsuit ^^) so try to max ascend it during the event as the ascension materials can be farmed just by doing the event


by Haagen 6 years 8 months ago

First level whatever you are working on to 3rd ascension at least. Max out cu david and kotaro. Then level medea shakespeare lubu babbage hundred persona arash kogil in that order. Feel free to skip ones you don't want. Only then should you worry about team comps.


by zer0z 6 years 8 months ago

Agreed with the consensus here, level your servants first. This is extremely important. I started about 2 months ago and have almost exactly the same battle strategy as you, just getting the strongest servants with a class advantage and going HAM. Has worked very well for me so far and Camelot was no different, other than a few gimmicky boss fights, and even those weren't really a problem after you know what you're getting into. All you really need is to get your servants as close to max level as possible and you should be fine. Instead of levelling weaker servants or servants you aren't really planning to use, I would recommend saving those embers for the ones that you will be using frequently.


by @tlas 6 years 8 months ago

Definitely leveling and ascension. Camelot makes America look like a joke in comparison. Pick your support member wisely for each battle because the enemies in this Singularity will make you dearly regret not doing so- the bosses especially.

And seriously, watch out for Gawain. No spoilers but of all of the bosses, he’s the one I found most unpleasant.


Euryale really does trivialize him. Even stheno can actually be useful there. Euryale with Euryale support though best way to go
