
Hi. I’m a new player that just started around Journey to the west. I recently tried the GSSR summon as it seems a good deal for a SSR and I (un)luckily rolled for Nightingale. I know that SSR is still an SSR. It just seems that she isn’t very good. Can anyone help me on how to use her properly? It just seems weird to get a berserker support considering they are very fragile. From what I know they are mostly damage dealers. Any help would be appreciated. I’m realy hoping she is good and it’s just me being a noob that can’t appreciate her.

My current servants are Artoria saber herc rama martha and kintoki. The rest are 3 stars and below.

BTW I’m planning to roll for Illya as well. Would she make a good combo with Nightingale?

Asked by Dreamdude6 years 7 months ago


The first thing to point out is that Nightingale, unlike every other Berserker, is first and foremost a support servant, not a damage dealer. It's a bit contradictory, but she's not meant to actually do all that much damage, instead letting other servants do the damage for her. Honestly, she'll put in work for you once you get used to her (I actually rolled her myself on GSSR), namely figuring out how to keep a berserker alive for any stretch of time.

Her heal is strong on a reasonable cooldown, her second skills means she can have some damage against servants, but more importantly will give her defense against almost every servant and many generic mobs in the game. However, it's her third skill that you'll want to hear about.

Every servant you listed off has a buster Noble Phantasm, and having a 50% buster buff for three turns is a colossal boost in damage, and with a five turn cooldown, it's very nearly gamebreaking.

For Illya, she's great for another reason. In addition to buffing her Buster Noble Phantasm damage with Angel's Outcry, Nightingale's Noble Phantasm provides a party heal and removes debuffs. Illya's Noble Phantasm gives her two debuffs whenever you use it, so if you chained Illya's into Nightingale, Illya wouldn't have to worry about the attack and defense demerits on her NP.

Overall, Nightingale is alot harder to use then your standard 'Click-buster-and-win' Berserkers, but she's really strong at higher levels with the right team set up.


Ooh. This is great to know. It looks like she is a blessing since I’ll be rolling for Illya soon and she can support her NP. I’ll just have study on making her survivability better. Any advice on what CEs I should put on her? Also, is she good as a backline servant and i should just switch her out to heal and buff before doing an NP?


Volumen Hydrargyrum is a pretty good option, since it would mean she'd survive a few hits. Fragments of 2030 are a great general support, and if you're looking to use her NP (Say, once Illya's here) then Prisma Cosmos will help her a bit with her NP Gain.

If you're using her as a switch buffer (a very valid option, as long as the front line doesn't need her heals to survive), Ox-Demon King from the Journey to the West Event is an amazing choice, since it gives all of your front line an extra buster buff when she comes in.


I pulled Nightingale as my very first 5* servant, and haven't had many regrets since starting 3-4 months ago.
She does surprisingly well in two different team compositions, the first is in a strong arts team (waver, tamamo, etc.) as when she eventually gets her interlude, the -50% attack debuff can cripple an enemy team's NP completely, and paired with Waver's stun, you can stall out enemies quite hard, even with the inherent berserker squishiness. Granted, this team setup takes team, and some very premium SSR units, but if you're willing to try it, its actually pretty fun, as she deals decent damage, and the continual healing and NP spamming makes this art team surprisingly hard to take out.

The second, and way more popular team setup is slapping her onto a berserker centric team. I paired her up with Ibaraki Douji, Hercules and Frankenstein/ Tamamo Cat. Against bosses, a +50% buster damage boost with a buster brave chain starting with a NP by Hercules (or any servant with buster NP and 2 buster cards) can easily take out half a boss' health no problem (this very simple setup carried me the Entire way through each and every single Camelot boss, even the insane ones like Ozy, Gawain and Artoria Lancer)

In general, she's fantastic as a backup strong heal (1st skill, or even NP) and when supporting a berserker, can annihilate very many encounters. In your case, when you build a team, bring out Herc as well, and watch as all enemies die immediately by Herc's hands (with some very nice help from Nightingale).


She’s starting to grow on me! Initially hated her when I pulled her.
