
Best use of Grails

I have yet to grail any of my servants, and am just now getting to the point where I have a few at cap and fully ascended. What would be the best use of my grails? Should I focus on getting a solid 5-star up to level 100 (Jalter, Waver, or Scathach)? Or use a few to bring some great lower-star characters to a higher max level (Heracles, Robin Hood, Cursed Hassan, etc)?

Asked by OmicronZero6 years 8 months ago


by Janik 6 years 8 months ago

There are two ideas you can go with when it comes to grail ascension. The most popular is to just grail servants you personally like, because the stat boost from grail ascension is not really all that huge. The other is to grail your good 4* servants to 90, because that's probably the most optimal use from a min-max perspective. The least optimal thing you can do is grail a 5* servant to 100, because past level 90 you only get 2 levels per grail instead of 5, but if the servant you like is a 5* then go for it.


So, basically, 4* gives the most "bang for your buck", followed by 3* and below? And only grail 5* servants if you really want to boost a favorite?

That was my intitial thought, looking at the numbers, but seeing some grailed level 100s made me wonder if I was wrong. I'd guess that Berserkers and Extra classes would be the best to 100-grail, since they're outside the normal class triangles?


If you really wanted to min-max grailing a 5* you'd probably go with someone who has a reverse-s growth curve, but 5 grails is still a pretty steep resource investment even for that. Going with a berserker or extra class is mostly bet-hedging. Ultimately there's nothing in the game hard enough to require grailing a servant so I'd still recommend just going with who you like, but the aforementioned are the guidelines I'd go with for min-maxing.


The growth curve has no impact on the stats gained through grailing. At that point, everyone's growth curve is linear. Just wanted to get that out there.


We get a lot of grails so you can safely grail 2 x 5 stars and still be able to grail many 4* to 90. Just grail your most OP and or favorite servants.


by Valois 6 years 8 months ago

And specifically, if you’re going to grail a 5*, don’t grail waver (unless you really, really like him). His utility comes from his skills, not his stats, so there’s little value to boosting him to level 100.


i have read some thread in reddit about which servant should be grailed. and it said that the best servant to grail is 1* - 3* servant not 5* servant. grail 4* servant is okay but grail 5* servant is foolish. 5* servants stat wont raise much like 1*-3* servant. Grail jalter from lvl 90 to 100 will raise her hp and attack around 1000 and you need 5 Grail. But if you grail arterios from 60 -90 you will raise his hp and attack around 2500 and you need 4 grail. i believe grail 1*-3* servant is the best choice but grail 5* for waifu purpose is also not bad choice
sory for bad english


Grailing 4 stars from 80-90 will be the most optimal decision. However to say it's the best use of your grails is wrong. If you got a top tier 5 star, especially if NP + then grailing them to 100 would be a good decision. I for one would highly recommend you to grail J alter to 100.

And I'm not really big on the 3* from 70-90. I personally think it's a waste of your grails unless you really like the character. First of all you are using 4 grails, and on top of that 3* are weak even when 90.


Depends on the 3*. Some 3* just have amazing utility and skillsets and with the use of that extra bit of attack and health boost from grailing can go a long way.

Cu is amazing already at 70, but he can gain a bit more offense and just an extra amount of survivability at 80. Medea is pretty good as well, since it can allow her attack chains to hit harder on top of her NP spam.


But even then I don't find it worth it to grail them to 90 and definitely not 100 over 4* or 5*. Grailing a 3* from 70-100 and they still have lower attack than 5* at 90 and even a lot of 4* at 80. The ones that are great likes the ones you mentioned and also Euyale/David already get the job done at 70.

Now if you're lacking in good 4*/5* then yeah it's definitely not a bad idea to grail them.


A bit late, but if you're looking for gameplay reasons then go with classes such as Lancer, Berserker, Avenger, and Ruler because they gain more from stat increases. However, grailing 4*'s are shown to be a lot more efficient due to getting 5 more max levels than the 2 you get from grailing 5*'s. At the same time, some 5*'s are worth to grail such as Cu Alter, Jalter, etc.

Main rule though: Grail who you like


If I had a Jalter I would grail her just to put her at the top of the list of support servants for friend points.


I like Arash... And now he is at:
Skill Lv 10/6/10
Max Fou Atk&Hp
Bond Lv.10 (got CE Bond of course)
NP Lv.5

And now still waiting for his Interlude '-'

All i want to say is... Grail whoever servant you like


are you use arash for farmimg pourpose or main team? so how many damage his np can deal ?


I use him for farming and sometimes add him into main team... For NP damage, about 300.000-500.000 if the party is correct and saber/zerk class enemy... If not, well.. Only 90.000-200.000 -_-
