
Summer Artoria or Tamamo?

I know it's a bit early, but I just wanted some thoughts on this. I am f2p and intend to roll on only 1 of the 2 summer banners.

So I've heard that Summer Artoria is generally the best summer servant gameplay wise because of her NP spam, and just from reading the guide on their skills, Tamamo's skillset seems inferior.

But I already have Arjuna and Emiya for archers, while the only good lancer I have is Cu. I also intend to roll for Merlin and use him when he comes out, so since he complements buster decks more and since I already have 2 gold archers, would it be worth rolling for Tamamo instead or Artoria?

BTW I like both their designs and characters, at this point just gonna use their gameplay value to decide.

Asked by zer0z6 years 8 months ago


Emiya and Arjuna are more or less used for different things then Summer Artoria, who is a ST arts spamming servant who is great for taking down bosses. Both Emiya and Arjuna are pretty much only suited for farming currently, Emiya however will be receiving major buffs to his skills to make him a very good crit based servant.

TamaLancer is pretty good, but comes with some pretty bad demerits on 2 of her skills, and she is Buster based, so she will obviously be better once Merlin hits. Cu however is still regarded as one of the top Lancers, regardless of star rarity, and will always be a reliable lancer to clear with.

Naturally, Summer Artoria would appreciate support from normal Tamamo due to being an arts servant, While Summer Tamamo is at her best once Merlin drops.

Also also, Chloe should drop in a few months after the summer banner, and she is also an ST arts archer, and is a wellfare servant so will be easy to NP5, so you may want to take that into consideration.


Oh, thanks so much! Completely forgot about Chloe. As far as I can tell, she is basically an SR summer Artoria right? If that's the case, I think I will give Artoria a miss after all, just cos Chloe is wellfare.

