
What Makes Raikou Such a Great Berserker?

Raikou seems to be highly rated as a berserker in the community in Japan, right up there with Cu Alter and Hercules, and is praised for her damage potential and use as an AoE farmer in particular.

What exactly makes Raikou so special and top-tier outside of the AoE farming NP besides the usual hard-hitting busters strong Berserkers pack in their arsenal?

I am asking because I personally have a Lancelot grailed to 90, and Raikou seems like a more unique, probably better version of him for all intents and purposes, so I am wondering how worthwhile she is from a gameplay perspective beyond her farming abilities.

Her skills do have the potential for much more damage (with that third one in particular), but it's certainly not all-encompassing, nor does she have skills that raise her crit damage ridiculously like other high-damaging servants (including Lancelot himself down the line after strengthening, in fact). So how would she deal with downing a boss and staying alive, does she do what Lancelot does and create stars for herself with her NP and then blowing the enemy to hell on the next turn? How good is her NP gain and just how much damage can she pull off, and which team compositions and servants are best for her to be utilized optimally?


Asked by ArondightBolg286 years 3 months ago


Simple reason, she is a zerk and synergizes perfectly with Merlin. With the right tuning she and Merlin can deal 1M+ damage with NPBB crits easily. Merlin make the stars, she absorbs everything with her 1st skill, then pour all the buffs to her, then, wham, 1M+ damage dealt. With Merlin and her, really almost nothing can go wrong. Stars? Merlin makes them. NP? Merlin regenerates them, and Raikou has good NP gain by herself too, especially with two arts cards. Survivability? Merlin. Damage? Merlin. Lancelot can also do the same feat with Merlin, but Raikou would overshadow him.

Not saying Raikou can't do anything by herself, but, similar to Jalter, her amazing feats and high rates are mostly because of Merlin.


Thank you for the response!

So it looks like Raikou will be good when she first comes out, but only truly becomes top, top-tier when paired with Merlin as a buster crit monster like Jalter huh?

How about without Merlin, then? How does she fair in a team comp before Merlin comes (so for the half year we have to wait before everyone has Merlin on their caster supports basically :P)? Is she still very effective at dealing damage anyway, or is she just more useful for farming and otherwise not much better than Lancelot (at 90)?


She is still effective as DPS, yeah. If we were to compare her to Lancelot, well, Omrus gave the gist of how she fares, actually. Raikou doesn't do more damage than Lancelot when critting mostly because she doesn't have her own crit damage up, whereas Lancelot does. Raikou is more stable of a DPS than Lancelot though, since she can generates NP better, resulting you'll see her critting more often than Lancelot (having 2 arts card really helps, lol).

My personal opinion is that she would do better due to her having more stability, but Lancelot comes pretty close, due having better burst


by omrus 6 years 3 months ago

A Lv. 90 Raikou and Lv. 90 Lancelot has almost same attack stat, although Raikou has better passive skill than Lancelot. If independent or using only self buffs, Raikou can deal 38K NP damage while Lancelot can only deal 28K. Using ABQ card, Raikou has better NP gain for she gains at least 17% gauge while Lancelot can generate 10% gauge but 21% if third skill is used. Raikou shines if she can NPBB with crits having a damage of 153K. Since she has evade, she will survive for the next turn and can crit again if her card shows up. Lancelot needs to survive after his NP so he can use the stars he gained from NP with a total damage of 165K in a BBB crit card.

Since Raikou is a buster crit servant, Merlin is a top tier support alongside with Waver and Hans. Due to Lancelot's quick NP, only few can support him like Atalante and Scathach. Considering Merlin+Waver+Hans support to Raikou and Lancelot, Raikou NPBB crit damage is 630K and BAB crit damage is 576K while Lancelot's BBB crit damage is 503K and BAB crit damage is 484K.

PS. I did not consider Raikou's third skill in numbers above due to what you have said that it is situational. Say her enemy is Shuten, having Earth and Demonic attribute, she can deal 932K damage in a NPBB crit card and 794K in a BAB crit card.


I somehow enjoyed the calculation. Once Rashomon rerun hits, a team of Raikou + double Merlin can potentially oneshot 3BP Ibaraki with a damage of 5.1-6.2 million damage, if your party has five MLB Golden Carp and MLB Ushi on Raikou.


Wow thank you very much for the response and the detailed calculations and numbers, I appreciate it!

I guess in a way Lancelot doesn't fit the oncoming future meta as well as Raikou does, which makes a big difference. Raikou certainly seems like she has a lot of potential beyond just farming going by what you're displaying here. I have heard that Lancelot with his third skill fits amazingly well with buster-crit team comps (aka Merlin) too, so do your calculations take into account all of the critical damage increases that can be given to him, both his own and Waver's/Merlin's? Also, are these calculations for a Lancelot grailed to 90?

I am personally saving for Camelot (would love Ramesses II and especially Saber Lancelot who I hear is one of the best Sabers in the game even as an SR), but I kept seeing how highly rated Raikou was, so I wanted to know if her damage can really be that amazing. I guess it definitely can, especially under certain circumstances, she probably can even surpass Cu Alter with her third skill active and in play?


I have considered your Lv. 90 Lancelot as well as support buffs from Merlin/Waver. First part of my explanation is self buff and the second is with support. (Edit: Lancelot BBB crit damage with buff from Waver+Merlin+Hans is 697K while BAB is 562K. Forget to add 50% crit damage of Lancelot)

The difference between Cu Alter and Raikou is Cu Alter has consistent damage and good survivability while Raikou on the other hand has burst damage that will surpass Cu Alter. In buster crit teams, you have to make some calculations of when to full buff your servants to reach their full potential, do card counting, etc. In buster team you can just slap your servants on the enemy until it dies.

Ozymandias and Saber Lancelot is not story-locked, so you can always have a chance to roll for them while Raikou is limited.
