
How lucky is everyone?

I'm legitimately curious how lucky people are in FGO. As I look through reddit posts and posts on here I see people complaining all the time about how they haven't gotten a single 4 or 5* servant. I know that it's uncommon to have a lot of 5* stars unless you whale a lot, but how unlucky do you have to be to not have gotten a single 4*? I'm also curious about what qualifies as E and EX rank luck.

Asked by hammy9536 years 10 months ago


Also how's everyone's JAlter rolls going?


by Janik 6 years 10 months ago

I can't speak for anyone else, but I think I've had pretty staggeringly good luck rolling SR servants. I've rolled 14 not including the 5 welfares, a couple of which are NP level 2-3. As for SSR's I've rolled 3 including Jalter, and got Artoria from the guaranteed 5* banner during new years. I consider myself fortunate.


My only gold servant on NA is Marie and she is from the tutorial.


I’m proud of my gold servants, gotten from a combination of absurd luck and >$1k total spent on pulls. Pulled Drake first, another one plus Orion in the Thanksgiving GSSR banner, Karna from one multi, MHX on a single while hunting for Salter, Brynhild on my 4th ticket summon, another Orion on some singles, Cu Alter within 3 multis, and Tamamo the multi after that. Sadly, I’m ~100 pulls into Jalter with four 4* servants, a Kaleidoscope, and Limited/Zero Over to show for it


Wow, I've only spent about $400 altogether since the game launched. But in doing so I've managed to get a couple of the 5*s I wanted. Didn't get all of them since I still haven't gotten Scathach or Okita. I'll probably roll for Scathach again during the NA equivalent of the 6 Million dowload campaign. Other than her I'll probably roll for Merlin, King Hassan, and a few of the Summer Servants I want.


Stheno and Tamamo Cat at the beginning pull~
Kept the SQ to pull Modred out and somehow Orion also get pulled~
Learn some gatcha trick from Youtube and try a 10 pull came out Martha and two 5* CE


Though I don't have Jalter,I have been very lucky really I start with D'eon and Herc,after that pulled Jeanne from story banner,Artoria from her rate up and after that Salter in Kintoki first campaign summon,also a np3 Liz and atalanta.In Dantes summon I pulled Tamamo Cat and Anne Bonny & Mary Read,and finally got Cu alter from a 10pull ij his gacha


by assix 6 years 10 months ago

I'd consider myself really lucky. I started playing in January, and I have two SSR servants, both of which I got off YOLO 10 rolls: Brynhild and Vlad (off Medb banner). On both of the banners that I rolled on, the 10 roll was the only roll I did. I also have 3 SR servants, Marie, Shiki (didn't roll her, but still), and Beowulf. I also had a Fionn, but I burned him.


I've had some alright luck. I started playing during the Kara event and started with Tamamo cat and carmilla. Then on my first non tutorial roll I got shiki saber. Then I saved up until the most recent chapter release and got nightingale, mordred, Marie and beowulf. And an extra Tamamo cat. So three SSR and five SR in only two months, seems decent.


F2P. That is the easiest question that I can answer. My luck is none existence ~ ^_^


by Hansa 6 years 10 months ago

Playing for about a month and a half (f2p), level 106 and I have 3 SSRs and 4 non-welfare SRs. Above average luck I would say, mainly because of rolling Amakusa Shirou Tokisada and Cuserker. So my luck would be about B+ I guess?


If everyone above got multiple SSRs just from a couple months of playing, then I'm at D luck.


by Kasoba 6 years 10 months ago

Most of my team is made up of 3 star servants and 1 Nightingale. Also, I spent all of my saved orbs (120-ish) for Jalter and about 90% are CEs and the rest are 3 star servants. Since I got FGO a month ago, I'd say I'm doing a shitty job so far.


I got Siegfried and EMIYA from the tutorial summon, at the time I was happy because I assumed ''gold = good'' which is usually true but even though I have max levelled Sieg, he's proving to be less effective than he used to be against anything other than dragons or lancers.

I have lvl 80 Shiki, which I got for free during the Garden of Sinners event. The only gold servants I have from rolls are Fran and Jeanne, I believe I got those in a 3x single roll some time ago. Other than that, my luck is really mediocre.


by Buki 6 years 10 months ago

I have 15 golden servants, which 5 are free servants and 3 SSRs. Most of the time I didn't get the servants I wanted the most (Okita, Mordred and Arturia Alter) but I got some nice ones I didn't expected (Jack, MHX). The only servant I managed to get that I want badly was JAlter, so I think I'm a bit lucky 'cuz I'm a F2P player.


Dropped $240 and didn't get a single 5* anything. Its lowkey bullshit, this game caters only to whales who spend $1000+ because apparently everybody else in the world can pull ANY 5* SERVANT BUT ME


Well that's horrible luck. I trust more on tickets than quartz... (my SSRs came with a tickets). That's why I decided to no spend a single buck in this game.


I have been playing since Saber Wars, and have spent about $250. I think my luck has been decent. During Saber Event I got MHX, 2 Salter, 2 Nero and an Orion (I think I got her here, I don't actually remember). During Valentines I got Tamomo and Nero Bride. During London rate up I did one 10 roll trying to get Salter Lancer and got her. During Jalter I got 2 Jalters on my last 10 rolls.

So total I have gotten:
15 SR (Not including Welfare).


I'd rate myself at about an A rank luck. I'm f2p, although I will use whatever Google Play credit I get to buy quartz, which I have been saving up for the 5* guaranteed summons.
I currently have 6 5* servants and a good amount of 4* servants. I got Jeanne and Altera my first day playing in the single greatest stroke of luck I've ever had. I got Okita when I spent about 120 SQ I had saved. I got Mysterious Heroin X with about 150 SQ. I got Tamamo with a ticket during the latest downloads campaign, and I recently got Jalter with about 250 of the 480 SQ I had saved up to summon her.
So you know, it's not like I get an SSR every roll, but since the average should be a 5* every 300 SQ, I would rate my luck as above average.


Being f2p unfortunately i had to skip some banners, i started playing since day 1 in US and rolled a total of 10 SSRs, 17 SRs not counting the welfares.

I spent money only on the guaranteed banner and honestly, i was ready to whale on Jalter but i managed to get her to NP2 with only my free quartz.

All in all i can say i'm satisfied with my luck, only regret is not having Jack and Okita.


I like to think I've been pretty lucky, pulled 5 SSRs off single pulls, and 4 of them work into an arts team, and I've pulled 10 SRs, with extra copies including 2 Nero's, 2 Martha's, 3 Herc's and 2 Sieg's all F2P

Also EX luck is G&A Reviews when he was rolling for Umu Bride, E rank luck is Ziss trying to get Jack.


by Sharky 6 years 10 months ago

Dropped a bunch of quartz on Jalter banner. Didn't get her or any other five star for that matter. Not feeling super lucky at the moment. Trying to look on the bright side though, hopefully this just means that I can get an NP2+ of Ozymandias if I start saving now.


610ish quartz and 10 tickets and not a single fking 5 star servant... Really pissed off.

I swear this game as the worst rates in any gacha game! I have played alot!


by Sylvas 6 years 10 months ago

People answering this question should be careful not to give too much info away... this seems like a good way to fish for accounts to steal with recovery fraud...

that said! an "anonymized" version of my history with Fate gacha...
- I started playing during the Thanksgiving free 5* servant thing. Got the SSR I wanted most from that, so even though I was guaranteed one that still counts as luck.
- During a holiday rate up for a SR servant I wanted, was able to pull them + a desirable (off-rate) SSR in my first 10 pull.
- Spent quartz looking for a DIFFERENT SR during the holidays and didn't get them, but pulled two other SSRs in the process (which weren't as desirable).
- While trying to pull for a rate-up SSR, got a different (better) off-rate SSR, decided the game was probably telling me something and stopped.
- Bought quartz for a different SSR rate up. Didn't get them, or anything good at all.
- Bought a lot of quartz looking for a rate-up SR. Got them on the first 10 roll. Decided to save that quartz for Jeanne Alter. Turned out that was a good idea.
- Got Jeanne Alter, but she was by far the most costly SSR I've pulled. She ate 35 summon tickets and 270 saint quartz.

I don't have a huge collection of SRs/SSRs - but given how little I try to summon, I feel like I've done pretty well.


by lala22 6 years 10 months ago

142 SQ and 6 ticket Getting Altria, Nursery, Carmilla, and the last ticket of hope Get me jalter ...

Thanks RnG God

Ps:F2P Btw


Sigh, everyone really lucky. My only hope is getting Irabuki Douji during the summer, since all of my Berserkers are 3 star and lower. At least I won't be saltly if I couldn't get the other Op Berserker. F2p with no luck at all. Also, the trick with FP Gacha is fake, u need to get 3 star CE or servant before rolling in the banner. I'm just a cynical person.


by ZnFv 6 years 10 months ago

I automatically use my SQ as I get them, because I have no self control. I've gotten a few good servants this way:

Cu Chulainn (Alter)
Jeanne d'Arc
Marie Antoinette
Nero Claudius

Orion and Siegfried were from Summon Tickets, but everyone else was from SQ. I got Heracles and Tamamo after only 1 reroll at the beginning of the game for me. I haven't spent any money in this game, and likely never will. I'm not sure if this is considered lucky, but I'm just happy I got Carmilla and her thighs.


Well, the only new servants I will be getting this year are just welfare servants. Lucky for everyone getting something from the garbage, since my luck is non-existence.



I highly doubt I will get anything cause the Gacha is pure literal garbage 100 percent. There no point for me saving up all those tickets and quartz went my luck is none existence. All I going get are all 3 star servants again in my 3 multi roll with some tickets mixed in. Yay, I saved up for nothing like usual.


I think I'm doing well for a f2p player. I started playing when mhx banner came up and I got her. I also got Brynhild and Nero bride. That's all my SSR. My SR's are Carmilla, Astolfo, Chevalier, Beowulf, Frankenstein, Fionn, Liz, and of course Saber Lily and Shiki. So I'd say I have a B++ Luck.


Painfully unlucky as of late, and most of my time playing the game hasn't been very lucky at all.

I started the game a couple of weeks after launch (so mid-July or so) and pulled a couple of SRs as is the norm. I then went four months pulling nothing but a few extra SRs (Lancelot and Bonny&Read as some of the better examples), not a single SSR. Was very cheap to play, barely made any purchases until around Thanksgiving, with the guaranteed gacha. Got Jeanne from that, and then used all my quartz that I had been saving for Scathach (I forwent both Halloween and Guda to save for her) on her rate up, and for once got lucky and got her on only my second roll, the servant I wanted most. I then tried for Gilgamesh with my remaining rolls but failed to get him. Then I got Jack off a ticket when the Christmas event started a week later, so my streak of good fortune continued. After that, I paid a bit and rolled London for Fran and didn't even get her (four rolls and no rate-up SR is pretty shitty), and on the last day of the year I said fuck it, bought two rolls to try and get Saber Alter, and got both her and Arturia on my second roll (this was on the Arjuna banner, I needed an archer). That is the last salvo of good fortune I had in FGO currently.

Since then, this year was mostly all saving for this time period. I did one accidental story roll of no consequence during Valentines (which I recouped), but other than that I saved all the way until now this entire year, for Cu Alter, Jalter and soon Zero (Iskandar), three banners I wanted to roll for. I bought a couple of extra roll and used three on Cu Alter, not expecting much, maybe Edison, and got neither, so fair enough.

Then I used my 10/11 rolls for Jalter and got nothing but a few more SRs, some new. I bought a few more rolls in frustration (the most I've spent so far in one go for this game), for a total of around 16, and still nothing whatsoever. I now have almost 3 rolls left, the last vestiges of my once sizable reserves, which I will keep for Iskandar since Jalter obviously despises me. I expect nothing after this horrific streak of bad luck, 480 quartz and not a single 5* basically, more counting the Cu Alter rolls...

So yeah, all in all my 4* luck has been pretty decent, but I have gone all out over the last week or so and gotten nothing of real value out of it, so this year has been so barren and painful. I was rolling tickets continually here and there, and my CE luck has been very good at least, along with a new 4* here and there (Fran came at least, though she spooked me, as I was certain I was getting Nightingale). All in all, I have four SSRs (Scathach, Jack, Jeanne and Arturia....and a Lancelot grailed to 90), all from my one period of relative good luck (and one was guaranteed anyway), so I personally feel that probability/RNG have been rather harsh on me, except for November-December. I'm glad to have what I have, but I really have become very frustrated from this Jalter banner, I think it knocked down my "luck rank" to a C or something like that, if we're going by arbitrary grading like that. Oh well :(

I hope everyone else continues to be lucky, or find future successes. Many of us need it, that's for sure!


I don't know if you can consider me lucky or not, 48 days of fgo and here is what i got :
5 star : cu alter, francis drake, altera
4 star : emiya, helena, mary, artoria alter lancer, stheno.
I'm completely f2p by the way. Can't seem to get jalter with all my ticket and sq left... So i don't know about my luck


Been playing for 117 days, I say ur luck is fine. At least u got one of the top tier servant.


by Natlo 6 years 7 months ago

Since start, I've payed about $130 (30 for the guaranteed 5* 100 just recently for reasons...) I have... Altria, Altera, Mordred, Scathatch, Brynhild, Waver (my guaranteed pull) and Kintoki for 5* Lancelot, D'eon, Sumanai, Altria Alter, Atalante, Emiya (archer), Fionn, Liz (from the free 4* choice), Anne and Mary (NP2 pulled spooked trying to get Iskandar), Nitocris, Emiya (assassin), Carmilla, Stheno, Heracles (np2), and Frankenstein (Np2) for 4*, beyond the free event Sevants.


30 free saint quartz


Im a Saint Level rank luck.
In the first 3 weeks, I gained a 5 Star Servant each week.
The first week, I gained Jeanne d Arc (Ruler) but I wasnt happy at that time bc its attack is weak. Until I reached 5th Singularity then I know that its specialty is not the attack but its NP.
The second week,I gained Artoria (Saber) which I also wasnt happy about it until my friend says that with the support of Merlin (Caster) , its attack is freakin deadly.
The third weekend,I managed to gain Karna (Lancer) which finally satisfies me.
Finally in my 36th log in, I rolled 10x at Arjuna (Archer) and Rama (Saber) banner and gained both of them. The probability to gain them in the same 10x roll is 0.105%.
By the time I post this, its already my 39th log in. Trust me, Im a F2P player, I didnt spend a single cent on the game. Hopefully I can maintain my rank. I hope I can meet someone with the same rank as me (must also a F2P player)

Besides, I also have a bunch of 4 Star Servants as well such as Stheno (Assasin), Emiya (Archer), Gorgon (Avenger) and Martha (Rider) from the beginning summon.
