
4 star Altria alter alter vs 5 Altria

So in the 4 star alter it says that she can compete with 5 star sevants with her noble phantasm so should I trade her for her 5 star counterpart? I’m thinking overall performance here

Edit:Funny thing, the same day I posted this I got Atera using summonig ticket so that solve my problem and I’m set with that

Asked by AestheticMirror5 years 11 months ago


She have one of the highest NP percentage from 450% to 650% and she can in fact replace almost any AOE 5 star Saber servant for farming and she have a high attack which makes her having a higher attack than the 5 star Altria if grailed. However, her kit is pretty bad and gets no SQ until now in JP(intuition). She is kinda strong and can replace 5 star Altria now in NA, especially if you got it high NP level which is really hard. However, after one and a half year, 5 Star Altria will receive a buff which makes her instantly fly to the peak of all AOE 5 star servant and instant outshine every single other AOE 5 star servants such as Moders, Atera, Shiki etc. You might have to consider that again.


At 90 Baber alter is better over all cuz of the extra damage her np does since they share skill sets. As a 5*, the og baber has slightly higher stats, kinda. Baber has higher hp, but baber alter has nearly the same attacc, but at max grail, baber alter's attacc is higher.

In 2020, og baber gets a np charge, so eventually she'll have a slight advantage over baber alter, but currently baber alter is the better of the 2 when at the same level.


by Cristo 5 years 12 months ago

Saber Alter's NP has a modifier 50% greater than her 5 star counterpart at base, and only 1000 attack less at max ascension. Their skill set is the same, though at max, Alter has 6% less attack buff on Charisma, and one less critical star gained. And while Alter doesn't have the Riding class skill (ironic considering the story), their miscellaneous aspects, like magic resistance, critical and np generation, star weight, and even hit counts, are either identical, or near enough to have the same value. Both of them have durability issues, particularly where Alter is involved, so this would be a important part for consideration. If these points haven't helped you decide, I'd say just look at the materials necessary for each. While there is some overlap, they use different materials, and see if you can make significant progress in their skills for either servant, because skill levels will make the largest difference in their performance. Finally, remember that as a 4 star, you have a far greater chance of getting duplicate Alters.


Salter is story locked. You aren't getting duplicates for her unless you are regularly rolling the story gacha (unlikely for most casual players) or rolling on a specific banner (which is basically the same as limited.)

Ironically, it might be that the original's spook status might make it in fact easier to get an NP upgrade over time than her 4* counterpart.


by Sizzle 5 years 12 months ago

All thing being equal, and at maxed levels without grails, the original 5* version is straight up better. She costs more to field, but that's the extent of it basically.

Her skill values are higher and her stats are higher - which means her AoE NPs do hit harder with skills active. It's basically as simple as that.

However, in terms of pragmatism, it might be easier to raise the 4* first due to her lower costs.


by Duo11 5 years 12 months ago

Overall the 5 star version is stronger, no question.

However the advantages that she has over Alter are fairly minor ( more HP and slightly damage), so while the 5 star is stronger, the advantages are small and Alter costing 3 less points for party cost is significant enough that some people consider Alter to be the better servant.

However we do know that 5 star Artoria will be getting a skill upgrade quest in the future, while Alter has no upgrades at all, so that definitely changes things.


by kire 5 years 12 months ago

If you have both, there is no reason to use 4* Altria over 5* Altria except cost effectiveness.


I have both, Salter lvl 80 and Artoria lvl 90 along with Gawain lvl 80 and Siegfried lvl 90 and OG Nero lvl 92 and Arthuria Lily lvl 80. Having tons of these AOE Saber would also mean i must use them wisely. Taking care of just a single Artoria and Salter is a piece of cake for me, what if the question maker or giver here have the same situations as me and that's why we will help him or her. You would also say mine situations are worse than the OP, just 2 Gold saber compared to maxed 6 gold saber of mine.

pretty much i have been dealing with these saber for a pretty long time. Both saber practically deal the identical normal card damage and of course Salter NP damage can hit like a freaking truck, along with her cost effectiveness plus cost less material and QP to use, Salter overall performance is much better than the OG one unless OG get her strengthening quest sooner.
Both are not very good when they're using their normal cards, Gawain on a sunny day or Altera on almost every situations vs Lancer or Zerker can do better than both of them. Both Salter and OG Artoria strongest weapon is their NP, not their normal cards and their intuition is almost useless skill.

Another situations to consider, take it as a bonus. When there are still sunny days outside, then i better choose Gawain and i can put another saber on my chaldea but when it's morning, night or evening then Artoria and Salter or another saber can do the job.
Or fighting some dragons, i will eventually use Siegfried and put back another Saber on my Arsenal.

If their Bond points ( Salter and OG ) is maxed, then gameplay wise i'm better using my friends Altera or Mordred to make the job far more easier or even using another saber to raise their Bond points.


How can Salters performance "be much better overall"? They have the same generation stats, same card setup, same hit counts and 5* Altria's NP damage is still higher even with the lacking damage modifier:


Yes, you're not wrong about that. Since you have said yourself there's no reason to use Salter if you have already the 5* one for cost effectiveness, i disagree with that. If we got them for free, why don't use or raise one of them for now and raise the one later.

There are tons of things to consider servants overall performance, for example we can even compare Yamaha and Honda latest motorcycle products. Similiar ways goes to servants qualities.

Overall would also mean the cost too, not only damage damage and damage or hit count or both of their Attack stat or etc. She's easier to raise, her damage is not the same as OG Artoria but pretty much identical and very2 similar.

I'm not even saying both of them are same in terms of damage, btw i have quite the experience myself for more than a year with tons of saber so i quite doing some experiments with them.
People make data like that with some experiments themself too, if they can make it i can make something like that too.

This game hard on farming and grinding, better cost effectiveness with similar gameplay quality is better than the expensive version.


Oh another bonus : this game can be cleared by using 1-3 stars so peoples also use Salter because she is their waifu or favorite unit.

There are more than a reason to use your most favorite servants, btw my most favorte Saber is OG Artoria.
No reason is not a good word to explain things mate, be more specific a little.


She's better than her 5* version. Cost effectiveness ( team cost, material and QP cost ) plus doing the same job and higher NP damage and identical performance, that's the reason. You can also get Salter with a 4 star ticket later or even get her through tutorial roll but you can't never get the 5* one easily.

If both have receive their strengthenings quest, then Salter always better than the OG version. However, for now Altera and Mordred still stand at the top.


by Fabris 5 years 12 months ago

Her NP has a bigger multiplier of dmg, the NP recharge from OC effect is smaller.

Her Charisma is much weaker and Instinct is a little weaker.

She has less HP, but if you grail her 2X, her attack will be above 5* Altria. So, her regular attacks are going to be above Altria, on top of a stronger NP.

Sadly, she's story locked, so, NP5-ing her can be hard.

If you just want a buster AOE NP to dust lancer mobs in farming, she's better, much better. If you NP5 her, you can even use her as pseudo-ST Saber.

Altria in 2 years is going to get a 20-30% NP charge in her instinct, combined with her superior recharge from NP-ing, she become a superior NP spammer. And she has more HP.


Funny thing, the same day I posted this I got Atera using summonig ticket so that solve my problem and I’m set with that
