
Tamamo and Jack rate-ups

So, I was prepared to drop 5 tickets for Tamamo and a 10 pull tomorrow for Jack, knowing I would most likely just end up disappointed. And then MHAX spooped me on the second ticket (technically 7th since I also rolled 5 tickets for Jeanne, but still lucky).

And now since the only servants I actually want from the rate-up has gone down to one per pool at 0.4%, and I want to save up as much as possible for Caster Nero in the summer, I want to ask you guys when the next known solo Tamamo and/or Jack rate-ups are, so I can decide wether or not to still do a 10-pull tomorrow.

Asked by Kalotan6 years ago


IF they stick to the Japanese schedule Tamamo will have a solo rate up in late April during the CCC pre-event and a second one mid June during onigashima event. She should also be part of the 2020 New Year banner

Again, if they stick to the JP schedule, Jack will have a rate up with Astolfo (who is a 4* which won’t affect jack’s rate up) in mid-November during the Apocrypha event. After that there will be another Apocrypha event with jack on solo rate up in late April 2020...but that is over a year from now.

If you roll for Tamamo in April you should have around three months to save for Nero Caster and then 2.5 months to save for Jack.

Or, save 6 months for Nero, 4 months after that for Tamamo, and 4 months after that for Jack.


Thanks for the info. I think I'll pass on my rolls tomorrow for Jack, and instead try in April for Tama a few times, though I'll still keep most of my quartz and tickets for Nero(since she'll be on rate-up with Saber Fran and Assassin Nito, which I also want. And Zerker Nobu, which is the one I'll probably get instead of the ones I want, but I'd take that over nothing anyway)
