
Post Story Priorities

Hey, first time poster. Finished America about a week ago and have been grinding steadily since, but was looking for advice on where to go next.

In general, what would you guys advise on working on next? Grinding through the rest of the free quest nodes for quartz? Grinding up master levels and bond points in Chicago? Grinding materials? Grinding experience cards?

Asked by Autumneverlast6 years 10 months ago


1. If you need quartz, I would finish all the free quests. Personally, I only do Free Quests if I'm in dire need of quartz.

2. Level all your primary or new servants by doing Embers. Heck, I do Ember Gatherings until my whole 2nd Archive is stocked up with cards for any future servant.

3. Farm QP, QP is needed for everything and if you have materials from past events, upgrading skills to 10 will take a HUGE amount of QP.


Alrighty, that sounds pretty good. I'm currently at 45 quartz with 12 free quests to go, so for the sake of Jalter rolls, I'll probably want to focus on that before the DaVinci event.

At the same time, I do have a Lalter in desperate need of some Meteoric Horseshoes, a Heracles who's cursing the rarity of Hearts, and a Zhuge Liang and Hans both chilling at minimum level for third ascensions. Any advice on who to prioritize leveling among those servants as far as material farming is concerned?


I advise you to level up Zhuge Liang to his 3rd ascension at least to unlock his real potential.

There is no hearts till next friday for Heracles and I will advise to wait for events to get them.

If Lalter needs one or two Meteoric Horseshoes, you can try to farm them. If you need a lot more, wait fo DaVinci's event as the drop rates are low (13%).

In conclusion, level up your main servants till you are "materials-blocked" and if you need a few mats to ascend them, try to farm them. If not, wait for events and go farming EXP cards/QP.


Zhuge is chilling at his third ascension, as is Hans, Lalter needs 3 horseshoes, so I'm currently planning on prioritizing single daily runs for 40AP EXP and QP and otherwise doing story quests. Once story quests are done, farm Caldera Island until I get the Horseshoes, then focus entirely on EXP until my servants are maxed and I have a good stock of cards for the Jalter roll, then focus on QP (currently sitting on 20 mil, so feeling reasonably secure) until the event hits, at which point I grind the heck out of it.

Sound good?


Farm QP
Properly raise Euryale, David and Robin
Raise Sieg or Mordred if you have them
Raise some other sabers up as well, mainly Caesar

The next singularity is very nasty, those servants might come in handy


I have Euryale, David, and Robin, with David being 34 and the only one I've leveled (abused him as a support up through early America, when Hans started taking over). I've heard excellent things about Euryale and Robin was a pretty solid support throughout America, so I'll definitely be leveling them when I have the EXP cards.

I don't actually have Mordred. Or Sumanai. Or Caesar, even (I know he's 3 star and available in the FP Gacha, I just have terrible luck with it, also missing Ushi). Up until America, I straight up had no Saber servants at all. Currently, I'm working on leveling Rama to serve as a general all-around Saber instead, as the only other ones I have are Gilles and Fergus.

Seeing as I know some of the bosses I'll be facing in the next singularity, raising some Archers and Sabers sounds like an excellent idea, thank you very much for the suggestion. Is there any particular reason you recommend farming QP over anything else or is that just a general recommendation that I make sure to have plenty of QP for future skill upgrades?


No problem! I just hope this helps you!
QP is priority because you will always need them for skills, exactly.
Farming for materials right now is honestly a waste of AP, unless you desperately want to ascend a servant. You can just wait for events to gather the materials you need. Later on when we actually have maps with better rates for farming (and when they change the daily quests' enemies), that's the time when material farming worths your AP

Euryale is a potent male killer, on par with Orion, even outside her niche, she can stand up reasonably well, especially since she can spam her np with her kit.
Robin is, Robin,, his np is the strongest, hands down, his damage output is sick, and since sabers infested Camelot, I don't really need to spell it right?
David should be lowest priority, I think. On JP I beat Camelot with him at first ascension. He only needs his second skill to be exceptionally good

Too bad you don't have Sieg or Mo, but Rama can work too! He is very strong, on NA right now. Sieg and Mo can make your life easier against the final boss of Camelot, but they aren't necessity. Also, Fergus is actually not a bad saber, you can raise him


This is all wonderful advice, I knew about Euryale being amazing, but wasn't sure if she was worth investing in until her third skill came out. If she's worth upgrading now, then she's worth upgrading now, especially with the powerful male enemies coming up. Robin I haven't been working with much solely because my ability to form an Arts team is pretty weak, while my ability to form something of a crits buster or buster team is much better. However, since I was lucky enough to pull The S+ Support and have a Kaleidoscope and two Prisma Cosmos (my luck with Sabers and Riders may be D rank, but my luck with Casters, Lancers, and CEs is A), I can make him work, no problem. I know why why Rama is less effective against the final boss of Singularity 6, but I just don't really have anyone better at the moment, though I hope to pull something good when I roll for Jalter (even if I don't get Best Girl).

Thank you very much for the advice, I'll work on boosting Euryale and Robin when I get the chance.


by Duo11 6 years 11 months ago

Usually I put farming materials as a low priority unless you really need to ascend someone. The drop rates for materials is quite poor and events give out a lot of them.


This is actually the first I'm hearing about this, though people lamenting the awful drop rates of items like pages and Hearts are pretty common. However, with the Jalter event only a few weeks out, I'm realizing that with the exception of the Horseshoes and maybe some skill gems, I really don't have a reason to grind materials, so my best course is to just work through the remaining Star Quartz I can get then farm the heck out of EXP cards and QP.
