
How to use Enkidu

Just got Enkidu from GSSR. Was really hoping for Karna but gay clay will have to do. So now my question is, how do you make use of Enkidu, with his extremely mismatched card deck?
I am well aware of his amazing solo potential against bosses, especially those of the divine nature, but what about in normal team comps? It seems rather difficult to think of any servants that have good synergy with Enkidu and his card deck.

Asked by Karenfag6 years 1 month ago


well he has 3 quicks with high hit counts and decent star generation, so he is a good crit stat generator (at the least a secondary one) his best teammates would probably Skadi (JP) or like Hans, and then a Crit unit.
You could also pair him with a Merlin, as a Merlin with his NP and a Enkidu throwing in like a quick would generate a large amount of crit stars, and allows Enkidu to use Merlin’s buster up and his own to do fairly insane amounts of damage with his NP, you should probably still have an actually buster crit unit (Jalter/Musashi, etc)
And lastly you could pair him with Mash and Merlin for a good stall team that isn’t “arts” (basically is)
The 1st team comp is the most orthodox and probably the cheapest to build
Just know that he isn’t a damage dealer, he has low attack and a defensive kit, so supplement him with a damage dealer (preferably one that shines with crit)


You bring up some valid and interesting suggestions. I was thinking Merlin would not be a good partner with Enkidu due to triple quick deck screwing with triple arts, but the positives are there. I suppose I could go with such a comp as I possess a NP3 Musashi.
It is rather unfortunate to hear that he doesn't really contribute to damage, since if that is true, I would rather use Jack the Ripper as a star generator as she seems to be better than Enkidu in many aspects.


Jack is for quick, Enkidu if for buster, he also has more defensive utility, whereas jack is a team support, they have their fair share of differences.


"Enkidu is for buster"

Enkidu has one B in his deck, if count NP that's two. Triple Q decks sync with each other really well for the passive flow of stars.

Albeit his NP is Buster, he's still a primarily a Quick servant. The Buster NP is more optimal for leading Ex chain.


There aren’t many good quick supports, there isn’t a Merlin, or Tamamo for quick ATM, so he is best as buster servant until Osaka or Skadi get realesed. Besides, why would you need such an over abundance of crit stars with 9 or 8 quick cards? 30 is what you need (you can accomplish this with Merlin NP fragment 2030 and 1 enkidh quick at the end of a chain)


Enkidu's main source of damage is from his NP. Having the 3rd highest damaging NP among all lancers as well as a very good hit counts and NP gen allows him to be able to be a main source of damage. His best teammates I'd say is Osakabehime (JP). After strengthening, Osakabehime's NP also grants a buster buff alongside quick buff which is perfect for units like Carmilla and Enkidu. For now, you could pair Enkidu with either a quick support or a buster support. Use quick support if you want to increase his basic attack damage, use buster support if you want to increase his NP damage. Unfortunately you can't make a very optimal team with Enkidu for now.


You are exactly right in that Enkidu doesn't mesh well with other comps. My personal preference is to pair him with Hans and Kotarou to give him a bit of support and survivability. The sad thing about Enkidu is that it doesn't really have anything it's good at doing except stunning divine enemies and having a really big self heal.


I my opinion, I prefer to wisely utilize his ability for star generation+NP damage. Then rely on critical A-QQ or critical art as 3rd position to make his NP spam as fast as possible. Any good supports with 2030 to make a critical team is decent for him.

Besides, there isnt too much good idea to make Enkidu in a team.
