
Quetzalcoatl vs Ozymandias

I am happy to get Quetz as she is story-locked even though I don't particularly like her VA. While I did miss out on Ozy, it seems that Quetz is almost as good as him. I believe they are the strongest ST 5* Riders in the game? From what I understand, Quetz gains NP faster than Ozy, thanks to her higher NP gain rate and hit counts. Both have very similar NP damage with their self buffs up. Of course Ozy has better utility thanks to his 3rd skill and defense down on his NP, but I think Quetz is able to do slightly higher damage with her cards, esp if she has her crit damage buff up. And she has 50% debuff resist to Ozy's 17.5%. Ozy has slightly better stargen with his 5-hit Quick compared to Quetz's 3-hit Quick. Anyone with experience using the two care to chime in if I missed anything?

Asked by moneyorwaifu6 years 1 month ago


by Fabris 6 years 1 month ago

Quets hits harder (buster crit skill and Charisma A+), Ozy has more utility (3rd skill and NP side effects).

They are the best ST Riders, with Drake being the best AOE.


Personally, i don't have Quetz but I do have Ozy. I believe they have similar NP gain (Ozy having more hit counts while Quetz just having a better NP gain per hit). I would say Quetz is a burst dps servant capable of one-shotting bosses but suffers in the longer run due to the longer cooldowns on her skills while Ozy is better in the longer battles (consistent damage plus better sustain).


Quetz NP Gain: 0.9% (3 hit Quick, 2 hit Arts, 3 hit Buster, 5 hit extra)
Ozy NP Gain: 0.59% (5 hit Quick, 3 hit Arts, 1 hit Buster, 5 hit extra)

Ozy only gains more NP from his Quick card but is not that much behind Quetz. Correct me if I'm wrong, but will Quetz gain more NP with her Buster cards if there is an Arts card leading the chain?

If you want to guarantee Ozy's Imperial Privilege, you have to use it together with Protection of the Sun God, which means its effectively on a 6 turn cooldown. Quetz's longest skill cooldown is Wisdom of the Great God (7 at max), which you should use once per battle anyway for the 3 turn Buster buff.
But really, the only real advantage Ozy has over Quetz is the 3rd skill, with the teamwide 20% NP charge and niche buff rate success up. The VA for Ozy is better too I guess...


Bottom line is, Ozy is more rounded with better support utility and sustain, Quetz is offensive-focused with very strong burst potential and some neat quirks on the side. Ozy is just placed higher on tier lists for his third skill.
