
Best female servant to look forward on 2019.

Need help.
I need your opinion, especially from people that already play the jp version. I try to look forward on jp banner last year and found some servant like :
-Mysterious Heroine X (Alter),
-Sakura Alter Egos + Suzuka from CCC
-Caster & Assasin from Agartha
-Abigail & Midrash Caster.

I didn't include the summer servant because i will definitely roll on that banner.
I dont have SQ right now so i know that i will skip musashi banner, plus i already have nero bride as ST servant.
Right now i only think to roll on Abigail banner because its include 4* midrash caster (3 months playing i get Nero.Atalanta.Gorgon.Helena, yeah i little confident about getting 4*).

I need some sugesstion about they gameplay & role on team.
Thanks guys.

Asked by Radyan Sakti P6 years 1 month ago


my personal favorite is maid/swimsuit baber alter rider. then tomoe then eresh.


I've only tested Abigail and I like her.
The animations are fun and her skills are odd. Her np gain is pretty low and her class also restricts her a bit. Another downside is her long cooldowns.
Her np is almost like a ST version of Amakusa and always handy.

I haven't got a proper jp team so my teams are kind of iffy so I can't use servants to their full potential but it is clear that her skills are meant as support.

I guess you could use her as main dps in an arts team since her attack is pretty high.


I aggree with you, her animation was good, except when she's on 3rd ascencion (why she's changed to something like gilles?)
I try to look her skill, 1st and 3rd skill looks good as support, but the 2nd looks like gilles caster rng skill (or maybe she has relation with gilles caster?)


She does have relations with Gilles caster. Though their relations are only from their noble phantasms. You could read Fate/Strange Fake if novel or start with the manga then the novel to know more. Basically a Gilles' best friend found an ancient book from China (of course its always china I'm referencing Lostbelt 3) and translated it to his language then through it he managed to summon abominations from the end of the world. Said person got bored and gave it to Gilles as a present and that's why Gilles is able to manifest as a caster. Though by giving it to Gilles said person looses the book as his noble phantasm. Chutu' lu, Yog, Nyarlahotep, The Types (read tsukihime and Fate/Strange Fake to get an idea basically they're the strongest beings in the type moon universe even in the fate universe unless they get powered creep by the new Lostbelt Alien God for some reason. Ever wondered why they called it type-moon? I will be genuinely shook if even 1 of the types/ultimate ones get killed ) and the Alien God from Lostbelt are basically the end game antogonists / beings in the typemoon universe .
If you want to get an idea here are some links: (Hokusai, Abigail and BB are the current host to these beings) (Unbeatable existances to my knowledge. Even Zeltretch *The guy from the Kaleidoscope CE, Rin's master, Appears in Tsukihime, And thanks to him basically all fate series are considered canon since he can access parallel world* can only subdue them but not kill them ) (As of now we have no information about the Alien God so we just have to wait and see for now) (Strange Fake manga IDK why but translators are slacking since more chapters are released in JP) (Strange Fake Novel it's so good even without pictures but it has pictures too)

Fate/Strange Fake is the best Fate series to date none can come close to it since this is Narita *guy who made Bleach though Bleach ended badly since he got burnt out and ran out of ideas* and Nasu's brain combined this means perfection and it's the #1 novel that Japan want's animated no joke you can find a post somewhere in twitter or in reddit. I won't spoil you this is basically an alternate universe but the Fate/Hollow Ataraxia we know is still happening but in this universe Fate/Zero happened, Fate/stay night happened, El Melloi Case files happened. Only difference is that an "Ayaka" who is not Ayaka is here? And Fate/Prototype and it's sequel happened. You can consider this the continuation of the Fate Route but no spoilers lol. Totally recommend you reading this if you have time.


by zer0z 6 years 1 month ago

There's also the SE.RA.PH banners which have Meltlilith, Passionlip and Kiara.


Melilith&Passionlip looks good for me, since they share banner Suzuka.
But sadly kiara share banner with emiya alter (i don't want to get male servant, tbh), It would be great if i can get her.


Penth Musashi and Abigail


Servants to role for in terms of gameplay and waifuness :
Note: This is not a tierlist but Skadi is a must roll. Some 4 stars are even stronger than five stars thanks to support.
1. Skadi (obviously)
2. Katsushika Hokusai (The strongest foreigner and AOE arts servant in the game her skills and NP alone tell you why)
3. MHX Alter (Trash until Skadi gets release and when Skadi does oh boy does she do some big girl damage)
4. Brynhild (A meh servant before her buff. After buff she is a amazing semi-support which can turn anyone even berserkers into critting machines)
5. Caster Nero (Strong servant overall but her guts might make you force you into high IQ plays though)
6. Parvati (Skadi just turn her into Dark Sakura in HF route which fcks everything in her way)
7. Valkyrie (Just like Parvati but 3 in 1 and more consistent in NP spamming but Parvati does more dmg though in my testing)
8. Ereshkigal (I don't recommend rolling for her unless you like her as a waifu but her mats are unholy as hell oh right thats fitting as the goddess of the underworld)
9. Bradamante (Is situationally better than Eresh and has higher stats than her and works with Skadi but her NP spam consistency might pose a problem sometimes. She can debuff cleanse and give NP gain to others. She has guts paired with a strong def-up which means she's tankier than most servants couple that with her high HP. Her 1st skill makes it so she can deal as much dmg as buster cards with her arts and quick cards. Some people who waifu Eresh might think she's trash compared to Eresh and she has low attack. But... doesn't Eresh have lower attack than Bradamante? *thinking* Also her NP has a good chance of stunning all enemies)
10. Abigail (She wouldn't have made it in this list if she wasn't best-friends with Hokusai and a good daughter to the master and Penth and having a good NP and a decent first skill. Her problem is her berserker NP gain and HIGH COOLDOWNS because aside from her first skill her third and second skills aren't worth the effect and it's cooldown is just bad investment and return but she has the best ST Buster NP in the game though)
11. Qin Shi Huang (Neither a woman nor a man. But is the most busted Ruler to date along with Amakusa and Sherlock. You can waifu him/her since no gender. Easily one of the best servants in 2018 JP release to date along with Skadi, Hokusai and Valkyrie. His skills, NP and stats are just way to strong for a servant but so is Merlin with his skillset I guess)
12. Musashi (The meta in JP as of now is AOE quick and some ST quick servants can hold their own agaisnt breakbars. Buster is below quick as of now but they are neck in neck in the meta. But all that said Musashi is still decent and can hold her own but the state of the game does hurt her quite a bit in harder content still a good servant to pull for)
13. Okita (Though the meta is quick and she is a good servant. Her skills are outdated but that doesn't obsolete her. She just relies on her raw stats aka dmg, Np gain and star generating and her strat is NP Back to Back for the next couple of turns essetially taking out 3-4 breakbars without making the gimmick of harder fights take their toll on your servants gimmicks in JP suck balls. Okita, Musashi, Sigurd, Nero Bride and Prince of Lan Ling are the best sabers in the game as of now in JP imo. Though Sigurd's kit feels even more outdated than Okita's *Omegalul* but Sigurd can outdamage them both when critting just when critting)


So the new new years servant is fcking busted. Hands down the best 5 star saber. Talk about powercreep holy sht...

Like holy fcking mother nugget this is who you should save for wtf were DW thinking holy sht combined her with Tamamo, Waver, Prince of Lan Ling and Cas Gil and you have a team that will refuse to die and outsustain any kind of enemy while NP spamming that deals huge dmg.
Tamamo caster got buff basically giving her a NP dmg up on her 1st skill so ARTS might replace quick in the meta. Holy hell this saber is op
