
Most Popular Servant in FGO

Been wondering about this for awhile, but who do you guys think is the most popular individual servant in the entire FGO? I don't mean it on a sales perspective, but a single servant that is generally well liked/adored by the community (eg not just like Artoria but Saber Artoria, Archer Artoria separately).

I did a few researches and the closest answer I could get is Jalter, what do you guys think?

Asked by Moral Rights6 years 1 month ago


Probably Jalter or Memerlin.
Waver is also a good guess.
Practically any Servant that is really useful I think.


I am not too sure about memelin or waver... I mean it more like on a character perspective, but I do acknowledge that their strength will always be a factor, whether it is lore or gameplay. Like how I like Merlin more purely because of his OPness in story and in game, but probably not as much as others with more well written story or characteristics.


I think Mash only by popularity


Can't believe that I forgot about our best kouhai! Thanks she is really a strong candidate haha. I can already imagine the hype if she get something like Alter.


When it comes to Utility? Waver or Memelin.

When it comes to likability? Harder to pin point, but I honestly have to go with Jack/lolisassin. Though a new contender on the NA side is definitely Jeanne D'Arc Santa Alter Lily (make her say her name faster!) just because she's so adorable and she tries so hard!!

Jack because she's so pure and honest and wants to help and be loved and useful... and stab things. A friend posted this pic in our discord last night as "this is the only safe way to handle Jack" ( I attached the pic, but dunno if it is showing... basically the best girl head pat) and it made me agree whole heartedly (also, put her cloak back on. Poor child is probably freezing in that outfit!)


Possible. She might be the one that most people secretly loves (not sexually, barring some...) but can't be too open about it because of fear of pedophilia backlashes. In that sense she could be actually super popular, and the hate is only on people sexualizing her and not directed towards her.
The irony is that I celebrated Christmas near the crime areas... and the reality of Jack's murder makes me feel complicated about this fictional character now.


She's very complex, though. I mean... She's Jack the Ripper, but she wasn't being malicious, she just missed having a mother... Missed the opportunity to be born... All the lost souls begging for a mother to birth them, crawling back inside their victims... It's tragic, but in a very heart warming way when you *really* think about it. She's just a sweet little girl with too many unfulfilled dreams that manifested as a desire to be loved. And stab what isn't nice... So I mean, in *that* respect, nothing to be complicated about. Her interpretation, I feel, was *remarkably* well thought out and surprisingly creative given the source material and all the options they could have used for it (a slutty noble woman who was jealous of the street walkers that got the attention of the prince she felt she deserved so she murdered them all and now you have the height of clingy bitch as a Servant)...

But if you look at many of the women (the violent offenders, the serial killers, etc)... Nasuverse softens them and makes them something sweet and innocent that you can appreciate. Elizabeth Bathory, the blood countess suspected of over 100 murders, said to have bathed in the blood of her servants (the speculation there is that she was an abusive mistress and when she got some blood on her hand after hitting one of her maids, she notices that it made her skin softer and appear less worn)... She's a sweet little girl that never took that wrong turn down to that violent end.

So really, Jack is par for the course, but she's my favourite par for the course... I'm not much on the loli side (though I enjoy the smaller frames, I'm kinda a stickler for legal limits), Jack just appeals to me as a sweet little girl I want to take care of. And help her decide who to stab. :)


by Zekapa 6 years 1 month ago

Most likely Jeanne Alter.


Everyone loves a Tsundere that wants to drag you to the fires of hell with her. (no sarcasm)



From her bond CE we know that she view herself as living/trapped in the burning hell forever (at least she thinks her soul is), so it is her way of saying: "I can't escape this, but now I know that you will be with me when I am suffering."

I started FGO because of Jalter.




He is one of the reasons I asked this to begin with. I mean, he is very well-known, and despite this being a community with way higher male proportion, I can still feel that a lot of people adore him very much. I wonder if people truly love him more than other heavy-weights such as Jalter/Saber Artoria?


by Zeta 6 years 1 month ago

I think Cu FSN and Robin are quite liked for their low rarity and high utility but unless there is a popularity poll, I dont think one can say for certain who the most liked servant is.


what about elisabeth bathory?


she is pushed a lot by the game but I don't actually see many people going crazy about her.


I think she is a fun character but sadly not a No.1 material - the tragedy of comic relief characters. It's like the restaurants with a lot of positive reviews but hardly gets 5 star.


I'd say Mash, Jalter and Abigail


by kire 6 years 1 month ago

It is not normal how crazy everyone is about Jalter (don't tell me she is so incredibly useful gameplay-wise), so it must be her for sure.


She is actually very useful gameplay-wise, at least for now and until the end of Merlin meta. People are also crazy over her design, her plot, her art, her personality(?), and the fact that she has the highest atk stat.


She is the fgo cash cow for a reason. However, I can easily double my damage by simply bringing a servant with class advantage, and I can still use Merlin on top of that. You'll have to buff Jalter a lot to make up for the 100% loss in damage due to class advantage.


The most popular FGO servants, pretty simple it's Merlin and Jalter.
Don't forget Heracles, he's almost used by everyones.

My Ranking :

1. Merlin.
2. Jalter.
3. Heracles.

For the low rarity unit, number one would be Chu Chulain ( FSN ).


Although I used the word 'popularity' loosely I don't just mean it like the most desired servant. In other words, think of it this way - the Servant that would win in "Favourite Servant poll" instead of "Servant that I wanted in my Chaldea poll".
Sorry if I made it too confusing, because I already know that Merlin is probably the Servant everyone wish to have, but I don't think that most people view him as their favourite.
Completely agree with Cu btw.


by zer0z 6 years 1 month ago

In descending order, Jalter, Merlin and Herc probably. Jalter because she's the biggest waifubait in the game and makes the most money (probably), Merlin because of all the memes, and Herc because he gets brought up so much as being the carry for early content and the one so many people reroll to get. Also that dead horse "BASERKA" reference that still gets beaten whenever people refer to him.


Jalter obviously, which is ridiculous because she isn't even that good.


by Morg 6 years 1 month ago

Asking who the most "popular" servant is very subjective. Everybody likes different servants. If by popular, you mean most used, then I'd say Waver/Merlin (atleast in JP, NA probably from now).

Jalter is probably liked a lot because, quite frankly, the community hyped her up a lot before she was going to be released. When she did get released, everybody and their mothers got Jalter. I guess a lot of people jumped on the Jalter train because of her hype, so its mostly just a bandwagon effect. However, there are some people who genuinely really like Jeanne (all versions) in general.

At the end of the day, the answer to your question is subjective because people have different tastes. There is a difference between "most used" servants and "popularity". I mean Ilya for example is a super popular servant, but tbh she isin't the best servant out there. Just my take


Yeah I am looking for subjective views. As for the meaning of popularity I mean it as the servant that YOU think is "what most people would choose as their favourite servant" instead of most useful/needed ones. Because I can't find a reliable popularity poll hence I asked it here to see what you guys think about it.
Illya is indeed another possibility, because I have seen wayyyy too many maxed Illya, as much as Waver or Jalter even.


by aljohn 6 years 1 month ago

From my perspective(and seeing multiple fan work at comic cons), I would say the original FSN servants would still reign supreme over other servants in terms of popularity. From a waifu standpoint, I see that Ereshkigal has received a bunch of love especially in the JP fandom. Jalter is also pretty famous and it is apparently the most desired servant in NA. I have seen servants like Nero(for Padoru reasons), Kiyohime, Banana Oni and Mama Raikou being fairly popular too. For husbandos, Prototype Saber/King Arthur will appear almost anywhere because he is your typical prince in shining armor. Gilgamesh and Ozy are equally popular because, well, they are freaking handsome. As for traps, you always have Astolfo there to make males around the world question their sexuality


So many candidates. One universal fact remains: no one feels salty when Jack spooks them. However, the same is true for Drake and Heracles. As much as I would value Drake, who is the undisputed farming queen that is not yet on my team, getting Jack was far more exciting.

Still, no one gets upset at pulling the ultimate anti-women machine of destruction. I pulled her NP2 earlier this month and a Heracles NP2 last week. Again, increased power for Heracles is fine, but NP2 Jack is devastation personified. For experienced players, I am going with Jack.

As for my waifu, that's Caster Marie. I love her Crystal Dress and her fun skills. Although, having NP3 Tama Lancer would seem to suggest she loves me more. ;)


I would have to say for me it would be Scathatch,Summer BB,Parvati,and Ereshkigal
