
Summer 2024: Arctic Summer World - Tier List Change Log

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  • The latest event, the FGO Summer 2024 Arctic Summer World Event, introduces several new Servants:
    • Lady Avalon
    • Gareth (Saber)
    • Ibuki-Douji (Berserker)
    • Utsumi Erice (Avenger)
    • Scathach-Skadi (Ruler)
    • Assassin of the Nightless City (Caster)
    • Thrud (Assassin)
    • Hildr (Assassin)
    • Ortlinde (Assassin)
  • All Servants that were discussed for tier placement or movement are detailed below.
Scoring Method Details

5 Star Servants

Tier EX-

Lady Avalon is a Pretender-Class Arts Support Servant who arrives during the FGO Summer 2024 event. She has many similarities to Merlin, except with a 50% Arts Card boost instead, otherwise similarly increasing Max HP and Crit Damage for an ally. On her Charisma, in addition to ATK and NP Gauge for the party, she additionally provides a boost to Overcharge for the party. Her full party invincibility skill comes with a self NP Gauge charge that gives her 20% gauge per enemy on the field in exchange for draining the enemy's NP gauge by 1 after a 1 turn delay. As a result, she has quicker access to her NP than Merlin, allowing her to get her Arts engine started more quickly. Her NP has similar NP regen and Crit Star regen effects as Merlin, except she instead gives an immediate Max HP buff to all allies and no healing over time. Due to her skill set, she makes for an extremely strong survival-focused Arts support who is particularly effective in challenge quests. However, she is not quite as great for farming as other Servants such as Altria Caster. Even so, she makes for a powerful addition to any Arts team and hugely improves the long term stall potential for a party.

Lady Avalon: x -> EX- (Avg Score: 9.67) - [NorseFTX - EX-][WhiteRabbit - EX-][Meliran - EX-][Rathilal - EX-]

Tier EX-

Ibuki-Douji's summer version arrives as a powerful AoE Arts Berserker. She comes with a coveted 50% NP charge skill and loops very comfortably, also being a powerful choice for nearly all nodes due to her Class. Her NP also has the useful ability to remove defensive buffs before dealing damage, and has bonus damage against the relatively common Earth attribute enemy. Her skill set contains a multitude of offensive buffs, many of which also apply to allies. These include ATK, Arts, Buster, Crit Damage, and NP Gain buffs for any ally Summer Servants (which includes herself). She also has the ability to generate Stars each turn and greatly improve her own Star Gather Rate, making her own Critical performance quite respectable. Finally, she also has the relatively unique ability to decrease the skill cooldown for a chosen ally by 1 turn, which only further bolsters her utility and unique supportive capacity. She works quite well either as the sole damage dealer, or in teams with multiple damage dealers due to the supportive nature of her skill set. Beyond her skills and NP, her damage is among the highest in the AoE Berserker niche, all but solidifying her position as one of the best one-size-fits-all farmers available in the roster.

Ibuki-Douji: x -> EX- (Avg Score: 9.67) - [NorseFTX - EX-][WhiteRabbit - EX-][Meliran - EX-][Rathilal - EX-]

Tier EX

Scathach-Skadi gets a swimsuit version during Summer 2024, and is a powerful AoE Quick Ruler with most of Skadi Caster's Quick Supportive skillset, except with more emphasis on Buster Crits and the ability to deal AoE damage herself. She has a targetable 50% Quick buff that also provides a massive Buster Card Crit Damage buff to an ally, a targetable 50% NP charge that generates Stars and boosts Buster Star Gather Rate, and an AoE ATK/Quick/Buster buff for the party which also generates Stars each turn. Her NP, in addition to dealing damage, will drain the NP Gauge of enemies by 1 and deals bonus damage against Lawful alignment enemies, plus an additional NP Damage buff if the field is near water. Due to having a damaging NP herself, she can function as an off-damage dealer or even as the primary damage dealer when paired with her Caster self. She also flexibly slots into Buster teams due to her excellent ability to support the damage of Buster Crit type Servants. In many ways she is almost a strict upgrade to her Caster version, but her Ruler version notably lacks any source of hard defense, so Masters will want to keep this in mind when bringing her as a support in teams.

Scathach-Skadi (Ruler): x -> EX (Avg Score: 9.92) - [NorseFTX - EX][WhiteRabbit - EX-][Meliran - EX][Rathilal - EX]

4 Star Servants

Tier D+

Gareth (Saber) from FGO's Summer 2024 event is an AoE Buster Saber. Her skill set is primarily offense focused, providing Arts/Buster buffs for herself, with her NP giving her an ATK buff before damage. Her NP can also be further strengthened by the Sunlight field effect, which she is capable of setting for 3 turns. She also generates Stars on demand as well as Stars each turn. Utility and support-wise, she can provide Guts to an ally of choice, and can inflict Burn when normal attacking. Overall, her skills have decent focus, but their values, combined with Gareth's inherently low base ATK, make her much weaker in practice. She is capable of clearing weaker waves with her NP, although since her NP charge is only 20%, she is incapable of full Buster looping. She is difficult to slot into a party as a result due to other AoE Buster Saber options being available and generally more powerful, and is probably reserved for only her most diehard fans.

Gareth: x -> D+ (Avg Score: 6.25) - [NorseFTX - C-][WhiteRabbit - D][Meliran - E][Rathilal - C+]

Tier B

Utsumi Erice joins the roster once again during Summer 2024 as an ST Arts Avenger with a specialty against Servants or Cursed enemies. Her NP damage is boosted against enemies that are inflicted with curse, and she can give herself bonus damage against Servant enemies for a brief period of time as well. She is capable of inflicting Curse on a wave herself, and also has a 30% NP charge to help gain access to her NP more quickly. Offensively, she also has Arts and Crit Damage buffs, and a somewhat gimmicky ability to stack DEF debuffs on the enemy when sustaining damage. She also has a Target Focus effect, which can help with ensuring enemies gain more DEF debuff stacks, and a 2-time 3-turn Evade for herself. Of less note, she does have an Instant Death effect on her NP, and a skill that further boosts the Instant Death rate, although against most Servant bosses, the Death effect is highly likely to miss and often is not part of the equation. Even then, she is a decent Servant boss killer, especially against enemies of either Berserker or Ruler Class, where she can also benefit from Class advantage.

Utsumi Erice: x -> B (Avg Score: 7.92) - [NorseFTX - C+][WhiteRabbit - A][Meliran - C+][Rathilal - B]

Tier C+

Assassin of the Nightless City turns into an AoE Buster Caster during the Summer 2024 event. She has the gimmick of being able to apply the Undead trait to enemies for 3 turns using her NP, as well as bonus damage to Human attribute, DEF debuffs, and NP damage buffs on her NP. She has a helpful array of party buffs, including a coveted party 20% NP charge, ATK, Buster, NP Gain, and Special ATK vs Undead on the offensive side. On the support side she also provides healing and a party debuff clear, which can come in handy during gimmicky encounters. Additionally, she can inflict Stun on Undead enemies (which she can guarantee with her NP), as well as drain the NP gauge of enemies by 1. As a note, she is also entirely immune to Mental Debuffs due to her passive. Due to her status as an AoE damage dealer with a party wide 20% NP charge skill, she slots in comfortably well in multi-damage dealer parties, particularly with Buster allies due to her offensive buffs. She also can provide a damage boost to any allies that inherently deal bonus damage to Undead targets. The Assassin-turned-Caster of the Nightless City makes for an interesting addition to the roster, and although her damage isn't particularly high outside of her niches, she still provides unique effects that can make her a standout team member in select party compositions.

Assassin of the Nightless City (Caster): x -> C+ (Avg Score: 7.5) - [NorseFTX - B+][WhiteRabbit - C+][Meliran - D][Rathilal - B+]

Tier A+

The welfare of the FGO Summer 2024 event, the Valkyries are a powerful AoE Arts Assassin Servant with extremely high NP hit counts that make them excellent NP loop farmers. Their NP also deals bonus damage against Earth attribute enemies, and has a minro Instant Death effect vs Demonic enemies. Their skill set contains a good mix of offensive and supportive effects. Offensively, the Valkyries can buff their own Quick/Arts and Critical Damage, and the NP Gain for any Valkyrie allies. They can also buff ATK for all allies. On the support side, they can provide a targetable 20% NP charge that also restores health for the target, and generates a healthy sum of Stars on demand. Finally, they provide the party with a 1-time, 3-turn Evade as a hard defensive measure. The Valkyries' greatest claim to fame is how sparse AoE Arts Assassins are, and they are the first option that has the easiest access to NP looping of the ones available. They also deal respectable damage due to the ease of NP5, particularly against Earth attribute enemies. Masters will not want to miss out on bringing the Valkyries' SMG-toting summer versions to their Chaldea!

Ortlinde/Hildr/Thrud: x -> A+ (Avg Score: 9.17) - [NorseFTX - A][WhiteRabbit - A][Meliran - A+][Rathilal - A+]
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Twitter: @NorseFTX

Content Director at GamePress. Passionate about fighting games, virtual/augmented reality technology, neuroengineering, and video games in general. Classical Piano Performance, Sprite Art, and Under Night In-Birth enthusiast.
