
Third Drink: Straight to Your Heart

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 815
QP 8,400
Quest EXP 29,690
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

  • NPC Iyo: Lv80 NP3 8/8/8; CE Lv20 Nothing To Do.
  • Master can only choose NPC Iyo as the Support Servant and she must be deployed on the front row. 
  • At the start of the battle, the following effect will triggers:
    • Strength From The Future: Increase NPC Iyo's NP Gauge by 50% and Attack by 25% [Permanent, Unremovable].

Enemy Details

Part 1
Guest Servant: Iyo
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl
  • Battle Start:
    • Eternal Darkness: Each turn, drain 20% NP Gauge from a random enemy. Increase own NP Bar by 1 every turn. [Permanent, Unremovable]
    • Resentment of the Deceased: Decrease all enemies' DEF by 30% (3 turns) and NP Strength by 30% (3 turns)
209,109 48
  • Break Skill:
    • Omen of Destruction: Inflict a delayed debuffs on all enemies (3 turns):
      • Each turn, 70% chance to inflict Instant Death. 
271,842 48

Quest Drops

Quest Reward

Saint Quartz x1
Iyo the Second Queen! Iyo the Second Queen! x1
Iyo x1

TEMP - Joins temporarily