
Section 1: Forget the Books and Set a Course for Adventure! (2/2) (Option 1)

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 165
QP 1,900
Quest EXP 550
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

  • Master will fight this if they pick the first dialogue option before the battle. 
  • The 3 NPC Servants will be part of the starting lineup. 
  • NPC Supports:

Enemy Details

Part 1
Guest Servant: Mandricardo
Battle 1/3
Enemies Class HP Lvl
3,767 4
6,273 4
5,268 6
Battle 2/3
Enemies Class HP Lvl
8,677 9
6,944 7
9,432 5
Battle 3/3
Enemies Class HP Lvl
12,214 6
9,426 12
7,916 10

Quest Drops